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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 34 minutes ago, Cpt Kerbalkrunch said:

    I'm guessing you were looking for a balance between mass and power. With 2x not having enough power and 4x being too heavy. That about right?

    Wikipedia: "The triangle is the figure with the smallest number of sides, since three are the minimum number of segments needed to delimit a closed surface"
    Sounds cool no? I just think that triangle shaped are aesthetically cooler than 2 or 4 radials. This way the ship looks less like a rocket and more like an airplane/spaceship.

    I've looked at the possibility to edit the vessel to allow a kerbal, but I give up, too many changes I dont wanna do.
    I'm doing the last changes, I'll soon do the launch.

  2. Thx for your comments.
    There are 2 landers only, the eve one and the interplanetary nuclear ship.
    The plan is to reach eve low orbit with big engines, then eve land/takeoff, docking, gilly refuel, moho refuel, minmus refuel, mun refuel, kerbin.
    I only have to do some tests on about how much fuel I need to carry in the interplanetary ship to land gilly from eve orbit.
    Sending a kerbal is a good idea but I should have to reconfigure several things, adding stairs......I don't know, maybe.

  3. In order to try to build the most light ship, I did dozen of eve land/takeoff, the result do not change so much, this is the version I'll use in the mission:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/xjb23rulei8iaj1/um6e T.craft?dl=0

    it can put the load(core+shield+parachute+decoupler+clamp+adapter+panels) in a low orbit, but with no fuel.
    These days I unsuccessfully did almost every combination adding tanks everywhere, in the center and on the radial engines, adding radial stages, etc..
    can someone please tell me how do I optimize this ship in order to reach the orbit with that load and some fuel?
    Do I have to add radial stages? reduce tanks size? less engines? what?
    I think I'm not able to optimize it anymore and at every change I have to spend a lot of time landin and isru refuel.

    or anyway can someone tell me where is the tallest mountain on eve?
    I've seen mountains near to 4000m but maybe there's a taller mount somewhere.

  4. Hi,

    "..reentry blackouts are caused by an envelope of ionized air around the craft, created by the heat from the compression of the atmosphere by the craft."

    This is clear but I'd like to know: this "ion shield" has the same "interference value" in every place around the ship?
    If I move the antennas back rather than in the front of the ship, do I gain signal power?

  5. I want to do this contract with 1 launch only.

    I've started projecting the ship for the return from eve:

    this ship can put an RC-001S and some fuel into a low orbit.

    The engine behind the shield is used only to deorbit while testing, it isn't included in the project.
    RCS isnt necessary cause orbiting mothership will have it, but I'll try to add it to this prototype, I'll also add Sepatrons.

    The prototype needs also some edit such as less radiators: they kill batteries, and some stages priorities.

    The next step, I think I'm going to add another ISRU ship behind this one, with atomic engines, capable of interplanetary travels and land on moho.
    after this it remains to project the main massive launcher.

    suggests to improve eve launcher efficiency and structural solidity, are very appreciated!
    I'd like to also know how do I locate some tall mountain on eve.


    edit: this an updated thermal optimized version, a bit more heavy but with RCS, sepatrons and science instruments, just add an hi-gain antenna to send data faster.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/c0n16h4n4z6p8kb/um6e v2.craft?dl=0


  6. hi there,

    as you can see in this short video:

    ..I'm testing a ship on eve.

    I'm just wondering how to avoid the misalign of the central fuel tanks axis when I time warp in atmosphere.
    I've tried autostruts only, as+rigid attachment, several combinations of them.

    So I thought it is better if I can turn the ship upsidedown and decouple the 10m shield before open parachutes, but I can't, don't know how.

  7. very well explained and very funny, expecially this part that I'm agree with:

    41 minutes ago, Snark said:

    The other reason is that KSP has a game design that strongly encourages me to use alt+F4.  I love this game, and I love most of its design... but I gotta say that I've always found it to be incredibly tedious and frustrating to exit. I have to navigate through umpteen menus and mouse clicks, many of which have forced pauses of multiple seconds while the game locks up as it loads stuff.  I'm a generally very patient person, but I've got very little patience for roadblocks to exiting a program.  That needs to be quick, safe, and simple.  I'm happy granting a game (or any software program) all the time it needs to load, but for me there's just no excuse for making it hard to get out. It should be, at most, a single mouse click and a couple of keystrokes away, at all times, with zero waiting. KSP fails miserably in this regard, despite its nice design otherwise.

    btw, I now know what loadmeta file is, thx!
    but I meant .sfs files, not loadmeta, sry...my error, I mean sfs cause WanderingKid was asking for "fullsave file/game folder"... nevermind.

    I've already rebuilt the ship.
    thx all!

  8. ok, just to clarify: I never use alt+f4 for anything if isn't necessary, I was just asking that cause it can happens, if you do not have an UPS, blackout can occour when lightning storms, or you just reach 3kw.
    I do not remember what and when I did it in this case, I was probably fall asleep in front of the computer and when I waked up I had no force to do the correct turn off procedure, I've just pressed the pc case power button and then landed on the bed.

    anyway, do I have to provide the loadmeta file?

  9. if I've understood well, must be an ISRU ship with Apollo design.


    4 hours ago, Foxster said:

    What makes you so sure of that?

    cause I've already tried it with another 6 planets landing contract: Instead of using a big ship to land every planet,
    I built the main ship with 5 little landers attached but I've realized that it doesn't work this way.


    3 hours ago, bewing said:

    I think youre going to need a couple of spacetugs, and a drill on gilly at least. Maybe on Minmus, too. Don't send any kerbals. Do Eve last. Then push the final probe core + upper stage back to Kerbin with one of the spacetugs.

    is a spacetug a command module+fuel+engine+docking port+rcs?
    if yes, excuse me, do you mean I have to launch 2 spacetugs in eve orbit before I launch the contract ship, in order to help the last stage to return?

  10. hi,

    I'd like to complete this mission:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pyd0g3ztd8b07x/Screenshot 2017-06-28 07.41.42.png?dl=0

    I did a similar one some time ago, but I've landed on eve at the end, while this mission specify that I have to finish landing on kerbin.
    I'm quite sure that decouple a lander for eve will not work: I have to land with the main vessel core.

    I need a ship that can land/takeoff eve, and reach moho, this is very hard, at least for me, how many of you guys have already complete this? how?

  11. ok thx.
    I don't burn while in eve SOI, so maybe it's cause of different node position, when i start engines...i don't know...
    in one attempt, this morning, I did a manouver that, when out of eve SOI, the ship went aligned with moho and a periapsis about 7 or 8 Mkm, but now I can no longer reproduce it.
    I think it depends on which direction I enter the eve SOI.  I continue to try. thx

  12. i've installed some mods days ago, but I removed them, are you sure this contract comes from a mod?
    btw, I've already tried to enter SOI with a suborbital trajectory but it didnt work, im gonna try again.

    tried again, noway: https://www.dropbox.com/s/v72trmblneqh23j/Screenshot 2017-06-14 10.16.17.png?dl=0

    ok sorry, it worked, I didn't understand I had to be in a kerbin orbit, while suborbit trajectory.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/05guivug1xunoqf/Screenshot 2017-06-14 10.19.59.png?dl=0

  13. excuse me, maybe I'm too much stoned, but can't understand.

    This zip file, you provided as new and different from that one downloaded from CKAN:

    Contains a folder called "SVT_Textures", inside this folder there are textures images.
    Which one of these files should be the one that I see on the mun?
    There's no many choices: only "NewMunSurfaceMapDiffuse.dds".

    I open this file and no matter greyscaled, photoshop, black and white, whatever... I see green.

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