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Everything posted by Delay

  1. NEVER MIND. All it took to destroy the illusion of understanding what the heck electricity even is was a capacitor discharge. I understand that the capacitor stores less and less during discharge, but I'd expect that to be done at one voltage and one current (therefore same power), but that is clearly not the case: it's exponential. What? That being said I'm also glad that I was proven wrong so quickly, I prefer that over using a long-term false understanding any day.
  2. By "debug" I meant that the build is mainly used for testing the game/specific mechanics. Obviously developers don't compile and run their code for fun (just yet, at least). They play the game to test whether the mechanic they just worked on works as expected and is not throwing exceptions or other errors. So I guess a more accurate word for what I mean would be "test build". It's a build specifically for testing. That would be right if they'd leave performance as-is and never touch it again. And I can guarantee you they won't. And yes: Performance is cared about throughout development and slight improvements are done all the time. But large performance improvements are very late in development - again - after everything that was to be implemented is implemented, there are no longer any features added, the game is in an otherwise completely finished state and there are no surprising bugs left.
  3. Just happened to click the notification icon (wanted to jump to a different thread) and saw this. The lag you see in this build of KSP is harmless compared to other WIP games before they hit the market. This really is a regular occurrence in games. I'm not saying that optimization will not be done, I'm just saying that it is the last step when everything else is set in stone! Then, and only then, can you truly work on performance improvements because then you have everything you need to evaluate the game's performance in any situation - all in one go, as one step - rather than spread through development whenever a new mechanic is implemented. And who cares about the performance of a early-in-development debug build that is never going to go public and has huge holes in gameplay and content? Evaluating a finished, released product's performance based on an early pre-alpha build with lots of features missing is frankly ridiculous. Yes. I absolutely agree. Cutting content late-development sucks. But it happens, whether it was for performance or it failed some test or was not ready for release, etc. For whatever reason it is, late-cut content appears time and again. There essentially is no game without it.
  4. @Boyster The options are all grayed out, so I can't click them.
  5. If you do optimization first you have no idea what requirements you are optimizing for. And if there is too much going on, even after optimization, then you can still cut that content. Like some games do, just before release.
  6. I have actually experienced this without mods as well, but my current install does have a few mods and as far as I can tell they make it appear more often. Every now and then, when a scene change happens and the loading screen is shown, the screen resolution is reset back to my monitor standard of 1680x1050. I selected 1280x800 because it gives me better framerates (though 27 fps is fine in LKO it still plays nicer) when coupled with scatterer, EVE etc. without which I can't play the game anymore. Is there a way to fix/circumvent this? Perhaps windowed mode?
  7. Exactly. Debug code can significantly impact the framerate as well!
  8. Optimization is one of the last steps. First you want to make sure that everything's running at all, then you can worry about framerates. Otherwise... KSP 2 is highly optimized! Great, but it only includes Kerbin, the rest is broken beyond any form of playability.
  9. I wish! No, instead I have a bunch of Wikipedia articles in my browser history. Added bonus: I now understand energy and work as well.
  10. Is it possible to somehow disable engine gimbal react times? SAS is not able to keep my rockets stable during burns, which is especially annoying with Principia, where high precision is very important.
  11. Today I learned more about electricity than in 5 years of nearly continuous coverage in school... ...in two hours. I went into this entire thing, embarrassingly not even knowing what the volt represents!
  12. @eggrobin @pleroy It is possible that the "switch vessel" option for targets is broken in ferrari. It just crashed my game twice in a row (or so I assume).
  13. I guess, but it doesn't really belong here, does it?
  14. How exactly did we manage to go from the thread topic to save files and XML?
  15. The most important passage in that text has got to be the performance section. They're trying their best to make the game run well on all systems and they admit that the pre-alpha gameplay shown at Gamescom is not a good example of that. But they also say they still have lots of room for optimization.
  16. This is a build specifically for Gamescom. We have no idea how far the development has reached so far. It could be that rockets are more stable now, but the demo build was already done. We don't know, but given the developers themselves are experienced in how KSP 1 feels I'm sure they're doing their best to make sure rockets feel a lot better in KSP 2. They probably lost a lot of kerbals payloads because of joint flexing as well.
  17. Is it not possible to approximate the bahavior of two bodies by essentially adding two inverse squares? I'm thinking of something like this: There is one "jump" where the the function would change sign, but SOI changes are also jumps and at the distances we're dealing with it should be perfectly fine. 5 and 1 would represent distances, 1 and 10 would represent the celestial's masses. I don't know how to get the barycenter in case m1 != m2 (I assume the barycenter would be the root of this function), but it's just an idea anyway.
  18. While testing things related to performance... Ignore that cut in the ocean...
  19. KSP1 is essentially a lone developer's overgrown, space-themed playground without optimization in mind, only added after the fact because of a broad range of computers (and their performances). KSP2 is developed by people who already have lots of experience in programming games from the get-go. I'm positive the game has been designed with the goal of high optimization before the first line of code was even thought of, especially because the quality of the graphics has seen a dramatic improvement.
  20. I personally am for using a slightly modified version of the trailer as an intro to the game on every start, similar to how KSP1 uses cycling images during the first loading screen. It sets the scene for the game just perfectly.
  21. Yep. From the same company who made KillCIH in the late 90s... But I usually don't download anything that even looks remotely dodgy in any imaginable way, so it's doing an okay job when I actually need it. And I use Firefox, and it never showed this. Now that being said, nearly no file actually triggers a false positive, so I don't know how old they think these zips are.
  22. Mine has the same hash and literally opens the same VT page. False positive it is, then. About that "less than one week old": I use.... Norton... as my totally reliable antivirus product. I don't know where they're getting their numbers from, could be a mistake on their end.
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