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Everything posted by Delay

  1. Today's my birthday! And I got some things. One of the presents I got was "a scientific toy" using the conservation of angular momentum to retain its orientation in space.
  2. This guy was just a hero. I wish I had had the chance to see him personally.
  3. The Minecraft developers are competent! Very competent even!
  4. @Triop "Thrust me". Was that intentional?
  5. About my reptile idea: Certainly not going to happen. Forgot to factor in my parents' usual reactions whenever I ask of something beyond their own comfort zone, mine is completely irrelevant. I haven't asked them yet of course, but I've learned to expect this answer. I'm essentially not allowed to make my own decisions on anything beyond zeroes and ones. Absolutely fine there, but not much further. The world is harsh. Welcome to reality.
  6. It's an idea in the earliest stage, really. I have no idea what reptile I'd even want. I don't have much space - or, at least, I wouldn't say so. I could probably make more room if I rearranged some things.
  7. I have a rabbit. And I'm quite happy with that, I've had rabbits for around 6 years in total now, since I was 10. But since then - especially in the last few weeks - I began wanting to go into a different direction, away from rabbits, away from mammals as a whole, actually. Something completely different. So..: Assuming that I don't discover any huge disadvantages that convince me to quickly dismiss the idea, and assuming that I have the ability to fulfill this particular wish of mine, how and when should I best pitch the idea of a reptile to my parents? We never had one before; the closest to that is a turtle (she's still alive, 11 years later!), and I am aware of the fact that it would be a sort of huge investment, not even counting the animal itself.
  8. Currency in career is sort of useless anyways. I never have to worry about that in any of my saves. And if you build a rocket with enough thrust and enough fuel you can get the RTG anywhere you want - there are literally no constraints. If we're talking about... say, 2 years, there wouldn't be a significant drop in output anyways. For a timespan that small there'd be almost no difference. The idea is that RTGs should gradually produce less electricity over a very long period of time.
  9. If the energy output is so low that one single rover wheel is able to exhaust it for a century? In other words: Would you want to even wait a century just to move your rover by a few meters?
  10. By the point you get the RTGs ingame I sincerely hope you're not a "noob" anymore. "Difficulty option" is a cop-out in my opinion, and a terrible one at that. Every other source of electricity has some downside - except for the RTGs which are able to produce electricity indefinitely. Without any sort of condition, mind you. No light needed, no fuel needed, you just get electricity for absolutely nothing.
  11. This is what I mean by "mediocre wildlife":
  12. I'd like to be able to compete with that, but German wildlife is mediocre at best... So instead, here's a picture of the Moon I took. On a tripod, even! This is as far as I can zoom in with the crapcam I have. But it's good enough to make out some shadows. Also, is there anything specific I need to keep in mind when trying to photograph (lots of) stars at night? I can get up to 8 minutes of exposure if I bother holding down a button for that long. There are some places near me where there's little to no light, so I doubt light pollution is a concern.
  13. Is it always the same part that fails or have you actually replaced everything at some point with your monthly repairs?
  14. I believe you're referring to multiple maneuver node editing here? The problem of "What controls the timewise placement of a maneuver?". Why not determine the time of a maneuver based on previous nodes? As in "Maneuver 2 is 4 hours after maneuver 1"? I realize the problem is probably more difficult than that, but that's my suggestion. Probably has already been looked at anyways.
  15. Took this two days ago. There's a reason I'm not a photographer.
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