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Everything posted by Delay

  1. Can we name this "Minmus-Effect"? The definition would be "An unstable orbit due to gravity assists". And Minmus since it's the first body to show this.
  2. I fixed it. By increasing "spring" and "damper" to 2. Works really well on both the runway and on terrain (made a visit to Baikerbanur/KSC 2). I land at about 60-75 m/s, which is just above take-off speeds. So the main gear touches down first.
  3. 1.2.2. And it is completely unmodded. I don't know how to attach files here, but I can do it if it is necessary. It happened with every craft I built.
  4. I'm currently experiencing problems when landing any airplane. As the nose gear touches down, no matter how smooth I do it, it jumps up and pulls the nose to 45° or more. And in the case of my newest airplane, it destroys both engines as they hit the runway. I have tried changing the" damper" and "spring" settings, but they don't seem to get rid of the jumping, nor ease it. I have no clue what causes it, since the main gear never ran into this issue. How do I fix it? It makes ingame aviation unnecessarely difficult.
  5. If you have spare fuel left, I'd add fuel cells in addition to solar panels (if you already have fuel cells). Otherwise, use bigger or more batteries. I don't know what your satellites look like, but two flat solar panels and two small batteries always did it for me.
  6. Delay


    Sent another satellite into keostationary orbit... couldn't resist. I really like this one. The focus is less on the craft, more on the enviroment.
  7. By the way: How was the shuttle provided with electricity? I don't see any solar panels, nor anything else that could work as a generator when looking at pictures of one.
  8. My bad. Still, the shuttle was unnecessarily complicated. It ended up missing all of its purposes, it was neither cheap, nor a regular connection to space.
  9. Space shuttles are very diffucult to build, not because of the game, but because it is complicated. The center of mass always moves, making it difficult to align the engines. For SSMEs, take the KS-25 "Vector". These have very good thrust vectoring. I would angle the engines according to the average between the craft with SRBs and without. Kickbacks as SRBs should be good.
  10. But how would Jeb survive re-entry? He doesn't have RCS as mentioned in the OP's post. I don't think a kerbal survives re-entry just with a grabbing unit. Of course, I never tried so if I'm wrong, please correct me.
  11. "Proving Murphy's Law" "Calling Orbital Mechanic" "Specifying Impulse" "Transferring Hohmann" These are my favorites so far. In that order.
  12. Yes, that is what I see. However, I remember that it has been smoother in previous versions. In 1.1 (from what I can see in videos) was not this strong. Edit: This is what I'm talking about, in case it's still needed.
  13. This doesn't really bother me, but it's a small annoyance and I'd like to get rid of it. Kerbin's atmosphere cuts off as I ascent through it. It should continue to gain transparency, but it doesn't do that.. It isn't smooth at all, however physics are not affected by it. At the bottom, the sky still looks normal, but around halfway through, it cuts to black space. It might happen in every atmosphere, but I don't know. I have version 1.2 with no mods. Am I alone with it and if not, is there a way to fix it?
  14. Delay


    I have the lander tipping under control now. It hasn't been falling over ever since I posted about it. Still, thank you.
  15. Delay


    Should I invest in the nuclear engine? I guess so? Edit: How strong is the Communotron DTS-M1 when it comes to distance? Is it strong enough to go to Duna?
  16. What I'd like to see in the game is the EVA suits using the MonoPropellant of the capsule.
  17. I'm not quite at these points yet. But I have cought myself saying "Kerbonaut" instead of "Kosmonaut" just today.
  18. Delay


    I catched an asteroid! Ok, it wasn't the class E (it was a class C)that flew by at the same time. But that asteroid was pretty much in a stable orbit already. It's really weird to have an addtional 81 tons to move around . I also got my first science from interplanetary space. I sent a sounding rocket to the end of Kerbin's SOI, in the hopes of new science. Of course not, so I gave it that extra push to escape Kerbin. I managed to (intentionally) destroy the probe in the atmosphere afterwards. And I have landed a 2.5m rocket on Minmus and lift off again... with fuel left. Duna (or Eve) is not that far away anymore. Side note: I've just noticed there is an extra area dedicated to missions done in the game. I hope it's okay if I continue to use this thread to update on my progress.
  19. You know you're playing a lot of KSP when you tried all 1,4931x1037 possible orders to unlock the tech tree.
  20. I'm sure Dres is very... distressed now.
  21. Delay


    I'm starting to feel comfortable with 2.5m rockets after all. I guess the problem delay in the way I designed rockets: "It'll have enough fuel, now worries", rather than actually building with dV in mind. ARM will wait until I have the Mainsail. Admittingly, I looked up the biomes of Minmus, but I'll go to the poles to get enough science for new experiments. While revisiting Minmus and Mun these device, I should also get enough for the mainsail.
  22. Can you show pictures of your ariplanes? It would be easier to work with.
  23. Not sure what you mean here The craft is in a stable orbit around a celestial body, and therefore not affected by anything other than gravity, which is comparable to 0g. And I'm pretty sure that the dV you get for an orbit is no the same as under, say, 100m/s2 of gravity.
  24. Another question I have: As of now, I can only calculate dV when: A: The craft is in orbit, so at 0gs, B: There's only one engine running How do I calculate dV when "fighting" against gravity (my guess is to devide by TWR) and with more than one engine with more than one specific impulses (my guess is to take the average of all engines)?
  25. Probably because one is more familiar with airplanes; you see them pretty much every day. What is the problem and when do you encounter it? Is it on the ground or in mid flight? I made a Learjet 45-like aircraft that works well. I'd take some inspiration of real airplanes. There is a reason why they are all the same shape.
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