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Mr. Peabody

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Status Replies posted by Mr. Peabody

  1. It has been a strange week...

    I was told that again, this year, there's no money in the budget for me to be placed in a tenured position. So, I continue onto year 11 on an annual contract. 

    I'm teaching five classes with three at a community college and two through a local 4-year university. Three World Civilization to 1500 courses, one Introduction to U.S. Foreign Policy, and one U.S. History since 1945. It gives me a total of 137 students for this semester. But still no tenure.

    During my office hours yesterday, I had a student demand a list of movies. He doesn't like reading. Also wants oral exams on the content of the movies ONLY without any other coursework. Then when I refused his demands, he calls me a fascist and tells me he hopes I burn in whatever place if eternal torment my faith teaches waits for evil people. 

    I consider myself a pretty laid back person. But Hollywood history isn't necessarily real history. And then to demand I hand-craft a class according to one student's demands? Yeah, sure. Let me get right on it. NOT!


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      It really feels like a "last man standing" situation when the civilized world no longer cares for what really matters and those who stand for absolutes and showing preference to others are in the minority. It's a selfish world. More so now than ever before.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. I can't wait for KSP2! It looks amazing, I just hope they dont change the base gameplay too much! I hope the system requirements won't be to heavy as well...

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      I suppose it's going to be like tanki online vs tanki x. There's no way that will run on my laptop though.

  3. HI all, first off thanks to all those who've inquired after my welfare, as to the reasons I'm no longer active on the forum or releasing mods, they are many and numerous, primarily it's health issues, I've been fighting a mystery virus for several years,  and as I've become older the effects of that have become more difficult to live with, tbh it's really difficult to be creative ( or sociable) when you feel like crap. Along with that, the frequent KSP updates combined with the size of my mod catalog meant that just keeping them all updated or even working became a chore, much more like unpaid slavery than fun, and guys it needs to be fun.  There are of course other reasons, some to do with the forum in general and some  to do with mods that have been a cornerstone of SM mods since the very beginning but we'll leave that there.  
    Regarding the closed threads and broken links, when i decided that enough was enough I was not in the best frame of mind, and certainly was not in the mood for explanations,  so perhaps a final message was in order, but honestly forum interaction had dropped to a point that it hardly seemed worth the effort.  Shortly after closing the threads i became aware that certain parties had without my permission, or even asking for it, taken  parts of various mods, the simple solution at the time, and to prevent further unauthorised use of assets,  was to simply pull the mods from the various locations, and while it was perhaps a bit heavy handed, I do have a serious amount of time invested  in that lot, as any of the guys on the team would tell you, and somehow i don't feel like just giving it all away.

    Which brings me nicely to the current SpaceDock situation I'm aware that SM Armory and SMAFV's are back up on SpaceDock, this is completely unauthorised, they are not supported . I've not been contacted by the user RecoverMod regarding them, and such publication is in breach of the license. I and others are taking steps to have them removed, something I shouldn't have to do.

    As to the future,  difficult to say, but after playing KSP since 2012 and making KSP mods since 2014, I think a break is in order, but the sad thing is we, the team and i, know pretty much where KSP outer limits are, we know what can be done and where, and while the game remains unity based they are very unlikely to change in any great way, so where's the new challenge? the idea of doing the same thing over and over just in different ways is not something that appeals

    Thanks again to all those who supported the SM mods in any way, particularly those who got my gears spinning.
    Happy travels guys

  4. To tell you that I'm leaving KSP Forum

    I'm glad to have known you :)



  5. I've seen several comments today asking for some sort of "defined" objectives for KSP. Do you folks think it could deserve a thread or should I just throw some mission ideas in a profile status post? I'm curious and would like to know.

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Nah. KSP doesn't need to be engineered for kids like minecraft storymode.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Bruh, what's with the profile picture?

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      The black death is extinct. You can come out now.

  7. The level of conspiracy theories and nuts never seem to know no end at all.

    On an exam for an on-line class I teach about the U.S. in World War II, a short essay question simply asked what were some of the factors for U.S. involvement in World War II... and unfortunately I am not teasing you.

    I had a student actually submit this response:


    Roosevelt and the Republicans in Congress saw the war for a way for the United States to steal more land and resources from both Europe and Asia. So Roosevelt ordered an attack on Pearl Harbor, very similar to the Japanese Mukden incident in 1931 to gain support for his and the Republican war effort. This class may teach the fake facts that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, but the intelligent should be able to see through the lies. It was Republican propaganda put in place by a republican congress, and at the order of a republican president.

    Yeah, um, ok... :mad:

  8. Lingua Latina mortua est
    Mortuus est esse.
    Primo Romanos interfecit
    Num occidere me, et nunc est.

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Yeah, I remember last time I was talking in substitution code for fun...

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. Lingua Latina mortua est
    Mortuus est esse.
    Primo Romanos interfecit
    Num occidere me, et nunc est.

  10. How do you like this?


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Awesome! Maybe a bit more spacing between "voyager" and Neptune?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. An helpful suggestion from your friendly forum professor:

    Just because you live in the same apartment complex as your professor, do not think that when you see them outside it is an invitation to come and see what they are doing.

    Also, do not think it is okay to go over to your professor's dwelling with a family member to discuss your grade. Within the United States, we have a law (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) which prevents your professors from disclosing information to any third party - and in the case of my university - without written consent. It never ends well for the student.

    So, can a student go to their professor's house? Yes, but only when an invitation by the professor has been extended. Since 2004, I have held five student events at my abode. Why, you ask? Three were because I had students who had earned service learning awards AND I was their advisor. The other two were to celebrate certain milestones (when I was awarded my Ph.D., I invited the students from my three courses who were in Phi Alpha Theta) and when I was asked to chair a senior history conference on the Cold War.


    In today's adventure, the student verbally told me, in front of his father, he did not want me to discuss his grade. According to FERPA, even IF the parents are paying for the student's university education, I cannot legally disclose any information about their course performance - to include attendance. So, when this kid told me not to discuss it, I legally cannot.

    Dad wasn't too happy, either.


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Go figure. Too much government involvement I think.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. I spend more time on this forum than I do the other social media places I belong. Sure, I have a Facebook account and I'm also on another forum called Simtropolis, but by far, my on-line home is here. I've not been as active on here for the last month for a couple of reasons - and just so everyone knows, I'm not going anywhere. I had to take a step back to keep my violations on the forum low.

    With the new DLC and the new version of KSP, there has been a subtle shift in the forum. The division between the PC players and the console players have always been there. But it seems, from my perspective, the DLC and ongoing issues with the console version have made the division worse. Then there's the influx of new forum members striving to make their mark on the forum. But this is where we all need to remember the "golden rule of Internet decorum": on the forum, treat others the way you'd want others to treat your grandmother. This unofficial rule has seemingly either been forgotten or simply ignored.

    This forum has been my escape from the real world. And I have made a lot of good friends here. But because of the shift in the forum's general attitude (in many threads, there is almost non-stop insults and personal attacks from folk), I took a step back. I teach at the university level and endure this attitude in real life on the campus. I have never been about silencing people, but about having open dialogue. But on the campus, there are those, as I am beginning to see here, who attempt to silence folks they disagree with through profanity and personal attacks. They also expect others to do their will, and if not, belittle and again, use personal attacks.

    Recently, there was a situation arise where I felt I had no alternative to report a post. Believe it or not, being the free speech and individual rights person I am, I don't like reporting posts. But this forum has been, since the very beginning, designed to where your grandmother can read over your shoulder and not be embarrassed over what she is reading. And for this, I commend @SQUAD and the entire moderator team. 



    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      You are absolutely right. It's a shame that a person who is only trying to express their opinion is often labeled as being "racist" or "intolerant" when in fact they are neither. In fact, it is the person committing the attack that is intolerant of the person he is attacking. To the attacker, the only opinion he can tolerate is the opinion that agrees with him. Personal attacks have no place in this forum. Maybe it's time for another positive forum movement. :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. OK, I need to say something. Until today I have had absolutely no problem helping anyone with a question about the game, including what little I can concerning issues with 1.4.2 and the DLC. 

    But from here on I am NOT, repeat NOT going to chime in or help on any threads, not if they're just going to turn into a squad-bashing nightmare!

    I've had it, and I will put up with no more. If someone wants my help, then pm me... I'm done trying to help on here, only to have my comments twisted around into some thinly veiled insults about @SQUAD.

    Don't try me, you'll be preachin' to the wrong person, and I'll just hit the "Ignore" button, and forget you exist.


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      A weekly addressing everyone's concerns would be nice, as would another weekly challenge. Are staff normally this quiet about the community's concerns? We haven't heard a single word. That even rhymes. See, I'm being funny.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. OK, I need to say something. Until today I have had absolutely no problem helping anyone with a question about the game, including what little I can concerning issues with 1.4.2 and the DLC. 

    But from here on I am NOT, repeat NOT going to chime in or help on any threads, not if they're just going to turn into a squad-bashing nightmare!

    I've had it, and I will put up with no more. If someone wants my help, then pm me... I'm done trying to help on here, only to have my comments twisted around into some thinly veiled insults about @SQUAD.

    Don't try me, you'll be preachin' to the wrong person, and I'll just hit the "Ignore" button, and forget you exist.


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      True. Thing have turned nasty since the release of making history which, to tell the truth, I was dreading. I will say that the devs might have spent a little more time ironing out bugs in the actual game rather than focusing 100% on the expansion pack. Things should work out though if we just stay cool and don't go hating haters.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. OK, I need to say something. Until today I have had absolutely no problem helping anyone with a question about the game, including what little I can concerning issues with 1.4.2 and the DLC. 

    But from here on I am NOT, repeat NOT going to chime in or help on any threads, not if they're just going to turn into a squad-bashing nightmare!

    I've had it, and I will put up with no more. If someone wants my help, then pm me... I'm done trying to help on here, only to have my comments twisted around into some thinly veiled insults about @SQUAD.

    Don't try me, you'll be preachin' to the wrong person, and I'll just hit the "Ignore" button, and forget you exist.


  16. Hey friends and users of  SMI's many mods . A little PSA,

    Of late there've been a lot of straws dumped on this camel, and I'm tired and just a little fed up with the whole thing  . So I'm not doing any updates for 1.4.1 or 1.4.2 as 1.4.3 is definitely going to be a thing,  although if it's not I'll have to reconsider the whole position/future as the way it is today is not something I'm enjoying

    Once squad gives us a stable game that's not just bandaids , and not a graphical mess  I'll think about updates but until that happens not a chance.  ( and please don't come over all fanboy, i bought my first copy in 2012 and bought another steam copy for the beta access, so have seen it all)

    (rant removed as it'd only bring more straw)

    Please pass this along to any you see inquiring, as  filling the threads with " update for XXX now"  will not result in an update but will given my present mood result in locked threads

    Cheers gang



    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      I don't blame you. I think I would do exactly the same thing in your situation. All these updates in quick succession are a royal pain.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. *sketches mountains while doing tasks during the ultra-difficult math test*


    *Actually taking time and sitting down to draw mountains*


    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Different situations trigger different levels of panic.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. Image result for georgia bulldogs

    GO DAWGS!!

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      No elephant ever beats us. Here's to true heroes. Also, who's looking forward to the olympics?

      Image result for bulldogs mascot

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. To tell you that I'm leaving KSP Forum

    I'm glad to have known you :)



  20. I hate what the committee did to our olimpic sportsmen.

    This is out right ridiculous.

    1. Mr. Peabody

      Mr. Peabody

      Russia not in the winter olympics? That's harsh. Better pick another country to route for.

      I have lived in France, Australia, and now in the United States so I have my loyalties divided.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  21. The first guy who will solve the meaning of my color-changing profile pic will get an internet high-five.

  22. The first guy who will solve the meaning of my color-changing profile pic will get an internet high-five.

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