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Krombopulos Michael

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Everything posted by Krombopulos Michael

  1. I was able to get the Buzz Light year head to load, but the spacesuit isn't loading into texture replacer
  2. I don't know if this is just me or not, but the bun core doesn't seem to have throttle control. I am using 1.2.2, with version .4. I also don't see the bacon anywhere, so it might be me seeing as though I have exactly 40 mods currently installed
  3. No matter how I set the star m\s, it seems to start turning immediately. Any way to fix this? Nevermind. My game crashed and upon reloading it seems to be working
  4. Well dang. I just started playing again after a long hiatus and I could have sworn I used to use 2. Thanks anyway
  5. Is there an easy way to attach an srb to 2 decouplers? With 1 its too wobly, but when I try to attach an srb to 2, usually the decoupler on top isn't attached. Like this: https://imgur.com/a/NERlA
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