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Posts posted by Biggen

  1. We can’t even get simple stuff fixed like falling through the ground, missing orbital lines, docking ports, overheating in fairings, etc… You guys think these devs can come up with a City builder like design embedded within KSP2 with trade routes and economies? lol. Sure

  2. No way a space agency would pay millions of dollars to acquire the IP rights to KSP2. Then they would have to dump in several extra millions to finish development. They are not a software dev company.

    If we are throwing silly ideas around maybe I should email my local garbage pickup company see if there are interested in acquiring ksp2. What about my corner gas station too? Local supermarket?

  3. 9 hours ago, rajatsharma said:

    Thanks for the update, Nate! Excited to hear about the upcoming v0.2.2.0 update addressing user experience issues. Looking forward to the improvements and eagerly anticipating further developments on the Colonies update. Keep up the great work!


    1 post?  Nice burner account you have there whoever you are.  

    @Nate Simpson hasn't even logged in since April 26.  He is gone.

  4. I somehow missed that entire eclipse thread.

    People are antsy because there still doesn't seem to be much happening on the dev side.  We get an April fools post and then a post about the silly eclipse?!  Basically two fluff posts.

    Where the heck is the actual GAME content?

  5. 22 minutes ago, Deddly said:

    Reminds me of back in the day when they would show off a new part and half the comments would be filled with complaints that it was a waste of dev time that should have been spent on bugs instead. 

    Dev time isn't some kind of generalised resource pool that can be apportioned at will for any project. Artists do art, programmers do code, QA do testing, community managers take care of the community. 

    C'mon people. Do you really think the game got delayed because of a joke, or are these responses themselves an April Fools thing? 


    It’s a waste of time no matter who is doing the. The artist could be designing new parts. Programmers could be fixing programming logic, etc… Instead we have some half assed attempt at a joke instead of real work being done.

    Someone spent the better part of a day typing all that up and doing the graphic work in the OPs post. Is this really how you want devs to spend their time?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

    There was a series of exchanges, where my feedback was received poorly & viewed as personal attacks for reason.

    After the mod author reported one of my comments they removed all their comments that may have been viewed poorly by others.


    The author is no longer active on this platform but maintained the spacedock updates.

    They were so upset by my feedback they decided to stop updating detailed change logs so that I could not follow the progress.

    My feedback is apparently borderline hate speech.

    The mod has received a decent amount of downloads but due to the Authors method of engaging with the community has since withdrawn from Reddit as well due to a series of feedback exchanged that were viewed as personal attacks.

    I sent an email via support on spacedock regarding 1.9 but haven't received a reply.


    As much as I want this mod to succeed the author has a difficult time engaging with the community in a meaningful way.


    "Google KSP2 stans Steam Discussion"

    Due to the feedback. The author is now on a personal mission to personally attack any and all who have negative feedback regarding KSP2 in general.


    It completely blows my mind

    Yeah, I ignored and blocked him based off his attitude comments in another thread.  I had just forgotten about him already.  I'm sure i'll forget about him just as easily again...

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