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Posts posted by Biggen

  1. Any reason why Mechjeb is not creating the proper interplanatary node for the DV required?  For example, I'll do a porkchop plot to Duna from Kerbin with lowest DV selected, and it shows something like 1058 DV.  However, when I hit create node, it will create a node with 2 or 3 thousands delta V instead.  Sometimes it create the node properly with the correct DV but then others its not right at all.

    The planner seems buggy in general.  A lot of times I'll get a failed messaged with something like "Ejection optimization failed...".  


  2. 7 hours ago, magnemoe said:

    Do it like you do an Duna mission, note that you will need to do more adjustment burns as you get close as you are after an part and not an planet. 

    And it was Ike, had it kick out an capsule I rescued an kerbal from around Duna once, luckily I was on Duna and rescued him but saw an ship in solar orbit and wondered that it was, well it was an single capsule who name matched the kerbal now at Ike. 

    Yup, I was able to get it done.  Had to tweak the maneuvers quite a bit but was able to finally get the part and bring it back home. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Kryxal said:

    I don't think this was mentioned ... if you're leaving from Kerbin at the Moho AN/DN, you want to arrive at Moho periapsis ... a more expensive initial burn, and you'll be going faster Kerbol-relative, but Moho is going faster still, so it saves delta-v as long as you matched inclinations on departure.

    This. It takes about 1500m/s dV to brake and enter Moho orbit doing it from this method. Ive gone to Moho plenty of times and its the only way I do it. I dont mess with Ions.  Not enough TWR and Im not patient enough for long burns.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Tex_NL said:

    If you look at what is ticked off when you'll notice that as soon as you move again the 'maintain 10 seconds' tick is removed. Every time you stop 'moving' (changing orientation, changing speed, etc.) the timer restarts. It does EXACTLY what it's supposed to do.
    If it would be ticked off and not re-checked it would for example be possible to simply burn prograde and raise your AP straight past the required altitude and still being rewarded reaching the desired orbit. The way it is now you must raise your AP, stop and hold position. Only then will the contract complete.

    My point is it shouldnt ever be ticked off until the proper orbit is achieved.  Its confusing for new people to see partially completed contracts when you are no where near where you need to be. Then when you move it goes back to unchecked. What is the point of this flip flopping from checked and not checked everytime you burn/coast??

    Maintaining 10 second stability should only matter once the proper orbit is achieved. Until then it should never be checked. Your right, it is working EXACTLY as it is intended in its current state... As sloppy code writing as that may be...

  5. 2 hours ago, Kryxal said:

    Also, the good thing about the Maintain requirement being its own line is that means nothing else is coupled to it, so you can see when your orbit is considered a match and cut thrust.

    No, actually you cant. If you coast ANYWHERE you will get the "Maintain for 10 seconds" checked off. It is not tied to the orbit you are trying to achieve. Look at his screen shots above. He is getting "Maintain for 10 seconds" checked off for two contracts above the one he is working on. One if them is for a friggin Minmus base. :/

    That is what Im talking about. That is why it needs a "Maintain for 10 seconds WHILE in [insert orbit]"...

  6. Like Bewing says, you are burning after you passed the An/Dn node in that video. You need to burn on or before that node to match inclination with that targeted orbit. No idea why Mechjeb cant do it properly as Ive never used Mechjeb.

    Id forget about mechjeb and focus on learning some basic orbital maneuvers first so you understand what it is mechjeb is trying to do.

  7. Some of the contracts are poorly worded and the requirements to fulfill them should have been more carefully thought out.

    The "Maintain stability for 10 seconds" should not be on its own line for contracts like these. It should read something like "Maintain stability for 10 seconds WHILE [insert orbit here]".

    The way its written now, you are partially completing all contracts that require a "Maintan stability..." by coasting no where near any intended orbit.  Anyway, Tex gave some good recommendations above.

  8. I use relays for all my sat contract antennas so I dont think that is the problem.

    Is the orbit going the right way? I know its checked but Ive also noticed that the contracts are a bit buggy. Like, you also have "maintain stability for 10 seconds" checked in both contracts above this one even though you arent even working on those contracts.

    Can you post a picture of the intended orbit and the orbit your sat is currently in?

  9. I picked up a long tourist contract and I need to go to the Joolian, Eve, and Duna system.  I thought I'd do Jool 1st since it is the farthest out so that is completed.  I'm currently in a large elliptical orbit of Jool trying to figure out where I need to go next.  Should I eject straight from Jool into Duna and attempt an aerocapture?  Fuel really isn't an issue right now. I think I have around 4000m/s of dV left in the tank.

    Just trying to figure out the most efficient thing to do. I suppose I could use Eve as a gravity assist to slow me down into a Duna orbit but I don't want to be orbiting the sun for decades waiting for transfer windows as I'm under time limits for the contract.

  10. I'm confused on what it is you are asking.  

    If you are just posting suggestions about improving gameplay, than yes, putting them into a different forum would be more appropriate than the gameplay question forum.  If you have a specific question that you can narrow down, I'm sure there are plenty of us that can help.  But we really need a specific question asked that we can answer.  I really can't tell from the posts above if your asking questions or just wanting to speak your thoughts out loud...

    As to your question on the draw mode, your path that is drawn depends on the draw mod you have set.  Your path for an encounter will be drawn by either your position relative to your SOI entry/exit, the body you are currently orbiting, or even they body's current position.  You can choose what draw mode you want by using a mod like Precise Node.  I usually use Mode 3.  Here is an older post summing up how the paths can be visually effected depending on your draw mode:


  11. 1 hour ago, Wader8 said:

    Now I'm reading more about what this conic patch draw mode is, I'm still on default settings. Maybe this is the "fidelity" level I mentioned, maybe this will enable more of the stuff I kept saying was missing? But it will have a performance cost right ?

    I'm in the middle of playing, finish this session, I'll start testing it later.


    See my post above.  Bullet number 5.

  12. I kinda skimmed your posts a bit but here are a few things:

    1. Closest approach land wherever they land. Just depends on your orbit (or your new maneuver orbit) and the targets orbit. They are not tied to any escape SOI.

    2. You only get closest approach if you set a target. If you unset it, you lose the closest approach.

    3. Your predicted escape path didnt shift, you just werent zoomed in far enough to see it clearly.

    4. You are correct, you dont get An/Dn nodes if your are in an objects SOI. You have to use KER to get inclination info if you want it.

    5. You need a mod like precise node to change the trajectory paths (conics mode) you see on the screen. Some are more intuitive than others.

    What I do to to make a rendezvous is to create a maneuver and push out my orbit to the targets orbit until they overlap. Unless inclination is severely off, you will get closest approach markers. Once you have the markers just adjust your maneuver orbit to bring those markers nose to nose until you get the encounter. It shouldnt take more than a couple minutes once you get the markers to show onscreen.

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