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Posts posted by Biggen

  1. #20 "Works as intended"??  If that means it works poorly then you guys nailed it. Seriously.  It's a big problem not to be able to create nodes outside of another bodies SOI.  This should be at the top of the list not the bottom.

    At any rate, I am glad to see other items getting some love.  I've had to shelve KSP2 currently and go back to KSP1 because the bugs were just getting on my nerves. A lot of what I have issues with are on that list so I think that is good news.

  2. Is this mod functioning as it should?  I seem to be getting the same contracts over and over like "Launch a Mun station" or "Launch a Minmus Station" even though I've already done both of them.  I literally just completed the "Launch a Kerbin station" and when I went back to mission control the same contract was there again for me to do!

    Then I was looking through the contracts that I'm not being offered and it says I have "unmet" requrements.  However, the unmet requirements are wrong as far as I can tell.  For example, the "Add a mobile processing lab to a station" says I have two unmet requirements: Must have a station without a mobile processing lab (I don't have any stations with MPLs) and May only have three offered/active Bases and Stations contract at one time (I don't have any active and have three offered).

    So I guess I'm confused why it's telling me I don' thave certain requirements which as far as I can tell I do and why I'm getting the same exact "Launch a station" contracts over and over again.


  3. A studio break after Thanksgiving , Christmas, New Year, and Mlk Jr day, and Presidents’ Day… Give me a break. Damn bankers hours right there.  Spring Break is here so I guess they will take a week off for that . What about Easter?

    Any more holidays or self imposed “studio breaks” and they are going to actually need an excuse to go work.

  4. 1 hour ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    I love how people continue to make the argument for planes in a game called Kerbal SPACE Program.  I am not interested in building planes.  Heck, I can't build planes.  So should I just not have access to or use the part because I can't stay in the atmosphere for a ridiculous 2 minutes during launch?  Or because I can't use it on the ground...while I'm in the atmosphere?

    2 minutes is far too long for this experiment.  In space, 2 minutes is nothing.  In the atmosphere, it may as well be a year and change.

    What about a parachute?

  5. 5 hours ago, munix said:

    Are you sure it's a problem with Community Fixes, and not Kerbal Life Hacks? I'm asking since CF doesn't do anything with kerbal portraits, but KLH has a way to disable them when the vessel is a probe (which has been kinda unreliable and can also happen for crewed vessels, so I might just get rid of it).

    Actually I think you are correct.  Looking through my CKAN history it was Life Hacks and not Community Fixes.  I've never even installed Community Fixes.  Not sure how I landed in this thread!  Sorry about that.

  6. 2 hours ago, magnemoe said:

    Mission say an lander can but not who model, but as said I assumed you had to bring the can to the location, would anyway made an rover but it would make it easier, next trip is worse because its an mountain area. These two missions gave much needed science after Minmus. 

    Just did the Stargazer Point mission if that is the one you are talking about.  Yeah, it was tougher landing here unpowered.  Had to reload about 6 - 8 times to try and get the landing spot down better.  Ended up still about 5km from the spot and had to use the rover to roll/tumble/drive down the hills.



  7. 4 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

    Weird, I used the small one, but I assumed you had to get it to the site and did using an larger rover with it. on.

    That is strange.  I read on the KSP sub on Reddit that someone said you can't use the small can either.  That was after I was trying to figure out what went wrong for me.  

  8. Finally decided to tackle Kappy Rock.  I had to do this mission twice because it's bugged.  You can't use the small landing can much to my amazement. You have to use the medium size landing can.  I was pretty aggravated to find this out after I was touching the rock and the mission wasn't being accomplished for me.  So I had to launch a second mission with the "correct" landing can on the rocket.  Seems like a pretty dumb and easy to fix bug.  Hopefully this helps someone in the future and saves them over an hour worth of time!  You also don't need to actually bring the lander can to the rock.  So long as you lift off with it, you can jettison it at any time.

    I opted for a launch into polar orbit and then just deorbited near the landing zone.  Took me a couple tries but got under 4km and then rode the rest of the way there in a rover.  Had a bit of a snafu on the landing with bouncy legs but luckily the reaction wheel in the rover let me roll out of the upside down lander.









  9. 1 hour ago, Robin Patenall said:

    Today I reached my first non-Kerbin celestial body ...



    Don't judge me, I'd just unlocked nuclear engines and I was coming up on the annual reliable Moho transfer window with an age to go before any window for anywhere else (i.e. Duna). All I have on board is environmental science so I'm only going to get 540 science points, and I'm going to have to get it back for even that, but I'm pretty tapped out for Kerbin.

    I did include a relay satellite to support future missions. (Objects in image are closer than they appear)


    Well this is impressive if this is your first interplanetary transfer.  Getting to (and from) Moho can be a chore. Looks like you got the first 50% complete.  Well done!

  10. 23 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

    And more science to unlock stuff :) 

    Another tips, you don't need heat shields for planes going down into the atmosphere, tested it on Kerbin, just have an high pitch angle, think space shuttle so 30-45 degree. this increase drag and lift in the upper atmosphere, I just got an bit of heating on the wings you can use an small docking port or probe inside the cargo bay to set say 30 degree up as forward by tilting it and control from here. 
    Did not do that on my Laythe drones. 
    Laythe is easier because lower gravity, in KSP 1, I got Ap above target on the rapier in air breathing mode and it was not an lightweight plane. 


    I didn't know that about heat shielding on planes and never tested without one.  Would make it a lot less cumbersome to deal with if I hadn't had the shield!  Thanks!

  11. 7 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

    An tricks I use after doing the plane change to Jool is to do an second burn who adjust your velocity and radial in-out so you get an encounter with Tylo or Laythe if that is your target. 
    As you are still over an year from Jool its pretty small changes to get an encounter, Then after passing into Jool SOI do an correction burn for better position and Pe

    Now it looks like this ship has an 3.75 meter cargo bay, more cargo outside an capsule for Valentina?

    Good tips!  

    Yeah, I always take science with me when doing missions.  Just seems like it wouldn't be a real space mission without science experiments onboard.  Bit of a role play I guess.

  12. Had to rescue Valentina from Laythe orbit so I figured I'd knock out the jet engine mission at the same time.  Was able to get a Jool system capture for free coming in from Kerbin using Laythe.  Nice to be able to go straight from Kerbin to Laythe and circularize without have to go to Jool then circularize and then transfer back to Laythe.  Need to remember this trick as it saves over 1000 d/V.

    The unmanned drone was fun to fly around on Laythe.  The thing had nearly 60,000 d/V so I could have been flying around that planet for days!







  13. 59 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    In my humble estimation, one of the following 2 things needs to happen with the atmospheric sniffer science gadget:

    1. Shorten the amount of time it takes to perform the science experiment; OR
    2. Allow for its use on the ground.

    Currently, it takes 2 minutes to run the experiment, which, unless you are flying planes, is a really long time.  Launching a craft with a TWR anywhere in excess of 1.5 means you won't get the science on the way up, and there is no guarantee you'll come back down in the same biome to finish the experiment.  Oh, and descent?  Good luck with that taking more than 2 minutes, unless you are in Eve's pea-soup atmosphere.

    What I really don't understand is why this cannot be used when you are on the ground/landed.  You are still in the atmosphere, are you not?  There is still air all around you when you are on the ground, so why can't this thing be used then?

    As it stands, the gadget is - again, in my own estimation - nearly useless.  It needs to be changed, preferably to make it usable on the ground.

    I'm fine with the amount of time it takes since it's perfectly usable with planes/drones.  But it definitely should be able to be used on the ground landed or splashed.  No reason for it not to be.

  14. 3 hours ago, astrobond said:

    @Biggen, Try to time warp to the end of the night or early in the morning on Laythe, I think i found the "problem": The ground is way more stable when the temperature is cold ^^ (also ok for rovers and planes)

    Hope this help :)

    Well the good news is Valentina got unstuck with the timewarping trick.  I was able to run the 4km back to the lander so thanks for that!  The bad news is the lander was on its side.  I couldn't even get into it as the door was facing the sky and I didn't design the damn thing to be able to get into it if it had fallen.  Turns out going in and out of timewarp with a landed craft makes it jump.  I tried loading multiple saves and redoing everything but every time I got back to my craft it was tipped over.  Wasted over an hour messing with this and ran the equivalent of ~20km in 3x warp.  That was just painful.

    At this point I'm just going to use the cheat menu to put Valentina into orbit(with all the science she collected) and then I'll send a rescue craft from Kerbin to pick her up.  I figure that is good enough since the bugs are out of my control.  At least the mission itself is completed and I got the science reward for that.

  15. 6 minutes ago, astrobond said:

    @Biggen, Try to time warp to the end of the night or early in the morning on Laythe, I think i found the "problem": The ground is way more stable when the temperature is cold ^^ (also ok for rovers and planes)

    Hope this help :)

    I'll give it a try when I get home.  Thanks!

  16. Working on the "It came from Laythe" mission.  Was able to land but the game bugged and thought my lander was on water so when I exited the craft I fell through the surface into the ocean.  I then ended up swimming to the skeleton and got there, but now I can't get out of the water.  On the shoreline, it still thinks I'm in the water.  Valentina is just treading water on the shore and I can't move at all. Sucks man.  Pretty frustrating to put hours into this mission only to not be able to finish it.  Makes me want to take a break from KSP2 for a bit and go back to KSP1.






  17. 2 hours ago, RocketBlam said:

    I just skip those missions. You're right. For the trouble you take to do this mission at this stage of the game, you're far better off just flying to Dres or something. I honestly thought 200 tons was a typo the first time I saw it.

    Agree. I won’t even attempt it. It adds nothing to spacefaring role play. It’s literally an end game boss mission with no matching reward.

  18. 16 minutes ago, Jaypeg said:

    2600 fixes and 60 hours of new content does not sound like a snails pace to me for a 9 month timeframe after such a disasterously bad launch

    Just playing devils advocate but releasing it in such a state really should never happen for a legitimate studio. And charging $50 for us to be beta testers also isn’t a great look.

    Now I  love the game but I’d be lying if I said I could play it without mods.  The maneuver node mod is critical for me else I couldn’t even play the damn thing. Stuff like that should really be fixed asap.

    I am glad they are still devoting resources to this though and aren’t abandoning it. Keep working guys!

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