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Everything posted by TDplay

  1. Great mod! Yay, I no longer need to check the KSP forums (I've nothing against KSP forums, it's just a little tedious to check every mod is up to date) for updates!
  2. Good. You know everyone's excited about it, don't you? Don't want to put pressure on you, but I'm anticipating the kind of things I can do with it. Hooray! No more tedious resupply missions! Bit Eath Robinson So... Will it be one-step only (e.g. only minmus to minmus orbit to kerbin orbit to duna orbit to ike orbit to ike) or all-in-one-go (e.g. minmus surface straight to ike)
  3. How're the automated transfers coming along? Also, will I be able to resupply orbital stations with that mechanic?
  4. I'm pretty sure everyone that uses any meaningful number of mods uses this.
  5. I suggest Poodle or Terrier. With a lot of fuel. Use KER to check Dv, for Dres you need about 1533.66 m/s for the ejection from a 100km parking orbit (LKO) and then a bit more for mid-transfer corrections and to capture into orbit (no way of using gravity wells or atmos, no moons or atmosphere at Dres). The return, if you're doing one, uses about 1285.73 m/s for the ejection from a 30 km orbit, and a bit more for mid-transfer corrections, then you can use Mun, Minmus or Kerbin's atmo to capture into orbit. You don't need to drop any tanks, the maximum possible Dv for a single 909 powered stage is 8,406m/s, and the mission only needs just over 1533.66m/s+1285.73m/s+200m/s margin=3019.39m/s
  6. Fair enough. Or as I'd say IRL, "Is it? OK." I don't remember 1.0.2 either, mostly because I never played it Those are some nice crafts. How on earth do you land any SSTO on a planet with no atmo? I always include a lander.
  7. That was long ago More like LV-N 'Nerv' Atomic Rocket Motors and the R.A.P.I.E.R ClosedCycle to finish ascent! Or Panthers! You cannae forget panthers! Highest gimbal, effective for high altitude flight when control surfaces become useless. And what if I use Panther or R.A.P.I.E.R? You're being very general here and yet over-specific too! Everyone here can build a mk2 SSTO, and you don't HAVE to use Whiplash engines to build an SSTO
  8. Ok, so I should take a mk3 core, and slap a million mk2 planes to it with struts and bob's yer uncle, mk3 spaceplane.
  9. YES! Finally found it. Good mod, just everything I need! I thank you for making this and I thank Matt Lowne (youtuber) for telling me about it.
  10. So, looking at those, just strap tons of SSTO spaceplanes onto a core. and hope it works.
  11. That's very good! I find it hard to manage CoL and CoM when making long planes, so I build them wide instead.
  12. Many crafts of mine do get off the runway, get into a promising horizontal takeoff, then they dive down, even if I hold 'S'. Can that lift MKS Tundra 2.5m modules, I need an SSTO to lift new parts to my station, it desperately needs my advanced Life Support module, and I'd rather not waste rockets.
  13. The issue is, my SSTOs only get enough lift if it's a lifting body. I can get OPT J and K into orbit, but not the significantly smaller Mk3. The only exception is Mk1.
  14. Been playing a few mins, really great mod! I can't wait to get into the real meat of the mod. C'est la crème de la crème de la communauté (sorry, I just had to use french, that means "It's the cream of the cream of the community"). I'm gonna use this to make supply SSTOs to my transfer vehicles, then down to the bases. Question: Any chance of USI-LS integration anytime soon? (e.g. have the cockpit automatically store Supplies and an empty tank of Mulch if it's detected) Also, I haven't found any real use for the K fuselage other than fitting on Dark Drives. [EDIT] Talking of dark drives, it's very "interesting" stuff that comes out of the exhaust.
  15. Really? I tried simply scaling up my Mk2 designs, they won't even take off!
  16. Now I have a firm grasp on KSP, I'm playing with this. It's quite good.
  17. I consider "Revert To Launch" a bit 'cheaty' if you get what I mean - real rocket scientists don't get a "Revert To Launch" option when a crew dies or a million dollar probe is destroyed. (yes it is off-topic)
  18. I get that, but if I abort the launch, say because I did a turn too sharp and the rocket falls, I can't stop the SRBs even through action groups, so I use LFO engines. Then I say "on abort, turn them off".
  19. Personally, I never EVER use SRBs, they can't be shut down and I like control. I use LFBs instead.
  20. Yes, like that. A sprawling mess of engines. Perfect. I dare you to use that to launch a self-sustaining Mun colony in one launch and see how it goes
  21. It was a funny joke though. But the second bit was serious. The rocket would look like a massive sprawling mess of Vector engines, tightly packed so it can get enough lifting power in a mildly reasonable space.
  22. I say, if someone fits a self-sustaining colony in one launch, I'd love to see their rocket/spaceplane. Seriously. I bet they use HangarExtender.
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