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  1. Hey, sorry for this 1 year late post, is there any news about this mod @zer0Kerbal? This mod is so necessary
  2. Hi SpiralOut, I hope that you'll find the motivation, it's already a big thing that you continue to think of this mod, truly, i didn't think you would answer after 1 year since last post on this topic, but you did it, it's fantastic.
  3. Hello, are there some news about your project? It would be amazing if you could make this mod
  4. Hello, is this mod will be update for 1.3?
  5. Many thanks for your help Linux, it works perfectly now
  6. Hello, I tried with mod enabled, but it doesn't change anything. Thanks
  7. Hello, thanks for your fast answer, here is a video of the problem Here is the log file https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5k02c56nokhjsi/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thanks for your help
  8. Hello Linux, first congrats for your mods, but i actually have a problem with this one, i can't choose anything else than 0% or 100% on the rulers who are on this values (the three first rulers and the "chance of engine failure being underthrust xxx%), and if you could add a "reset to default" button, it would be perfect. Even when i do an uninstall/ installation of the mod, it have saved the value i selected before uninstall (0 or 100) Hope you will find a way to fix this bug, and sorry for my bad English Thanks
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