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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. @Azimech No by keeping the engines on I’m basically going to be using an SAS ball so the engines will just increase the spin speed. It’s not like a typical car where the jets are facing forward.
  2. Well you guessed correctly. @DarkOwl57
  3. Ik that would just be cheap. I would build a new car around the old one. EDIT: also could I keep the engines on in air as long as they don’t increase altitude or counteract gravity
  4. ShadowGoat accepts the challenge! Just a question would we be allowed to use KIS so that for minor repairs we can actually do something? I don’t want to get eliminated because a battery or solar panel broke.
  5. Cool. I’ll set up that secret military base for you. Remember the SC moto when it comes to purchases: when you want free with a fee, buy SC!
  6. I may try this. Do I get bonus points for missile silos?
  7. Could I interest you in a void model light frigate? Remember, when you want free with a fee buy SC!
  8. Its based off of a star destroyer and I'm not sure that ill be able to finish it. EDIT: Actually I’m going to convert it to an Imperial II. The Mandatory III is to big and I didn’t scale it correctly.
  9. Hmm... that would pose numerous aerodynamic advantages to the design has well as allowing me to run on windpower when in atmosphere, so sure! Thank you so much for the thoughtful suggestion!
  10. Da da da duh de da duh de dah... From deep within the secret department of the SC hangar, comes a new Star Dreadnought that will ravage all Processors that dare to defy the Empire.
  11. From deep within the secret department of the SC hangar, comes a new Star Dreadnought that will ravage all Processors that dare to defy the Empire. Image removed because it’s not my thread. Hope ya dont mind the image @SkunkTwerks You can join in the CPU killing fun too if you want.
  12. Honestly I would love more caves in the ground system and reason to explore the actual planets, not just land and leave. I would also love hurricanes and volcanoes just for the challenge that they would pose, and maybe some simple terrain damage for crashing large ships from orbit, but I feel like we won't get any of these.
  13. I'll fight you in the stock v bad thing miffed.
  14. Wait how the crud do you get an army with actual weapons? The way you say this it sounds like you mean kerbals with weapons, and that isn't possible.
  15. ^^^^ I like the Aurek, but does it have special control to be flyable by goats? It looks cheap, and cheap ships are the most important thing for establishing my goat empire. Goats don't exactly have good reflexes. Also @SkunkTwerks please check the pm. I'm not sure if we can actually use a thermometer bearing, due to the placement of the reaction wheels and probe core. EDIT: Also just eyeballing it here, but the wings of the Aurek actually look like they should be a little shorter so maybe offset it inwards a little. Also the variable geometry is gonna be difficult due to the guns on the side. Actually upon further inspection in not quite sure what but something with the scaling of the wings is off. Maybe it's just me being a perfectionist, but just something there seems scaled wrong.
  16. Alright I actually put some hinges in the x wing but the wings explode upon decoupling. They also appear to become possessed as they slowly move closer to the main body of the craft after exploding.
  17. I’ve been playing for a while so I’m terrible at orbital maneuvers but I’m pretty good at building. I feel like you are talking about a shuttle type plane but I mean a stol, not a vtol. I’m just going to try to screw with the fuel flow to see whether I can shift the mass far enough forwards to keep it stable.
  18. Thank you! I honestly haven’t had much play time lately due to an upcoming magnet test, and will get back building soon. Thanks for the advice though!
  19. Oh I see I have created a new trend. May the force of carrying on this trend be with you.
  20. Well whadya know? I thought this had stock in the title. My bad.
  21. I thought that was stock for a moment. Sadly not. Also, this is STOCK aesthetic techniques.
  22. Is there any chance I could fight bdarmory craft with stock armaments?
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