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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. Thanks! I appreciate the help and the compliment. I also have a folding wing plane that I'll post here.
  2. I'm just pasting the link, maybe I'm forgetting something, because pasting the link used to work.
  3. Also do you know how to fix the issue with the imgur embed?
  4. Hey... the void wasn’t that bad of a craft. Also I made a VTOL version of the Dark Arrow and it works surprisingly well!
  5. Welcome to the ShadowGoat Corporate Showroom, where ships of all make and model are displayed! This page will regularly be updated with my newest craft, and will have download links by request, as right now it's not worth the trouble of setting up a kerbalX for something that no one is going to see. Aircraft: SSTOs: Coming as soon as I get a working design. SpaceCraft: Give me a while to look through my files and get images Military Craft:
  6. I'll build a portable refueling rock. By which I mean I'll grab a magic asteroid and attach a mining section to it and then attach it to the ship.
  7. Would I be allowed to grab and asteroid with a mining section and then use it as a portable fuel canister? And attach it to the space station?
  8. Well you win all 3 category's for the time being encase doctordavinci didn't provide those stats
  9. LMAO! Part count? Cost? I think you usurped the current first in coolness factor. I would put my self first because I used stock hinges but that would be cheap. TITANFALL! Also this is from a different universe but Seid ihr das Essen? NEIN, WIR SIND DIE YAEGER!
  10. knowing you it’s probably something crazy so I will be eagerly awaiting seeing what you have made
  11. Maybe? I think google didn’t copy it but took the actual file. What do you mean it doesn’t work as a save?
  12. Yay. I would love to see what you come up with miffed.
  13. No I put it in as a normal file I can check if it uploaded properly. Did you check for a file called 11-12-2017? That’s the beginning of the name, so look for that.
  14. Since I didn’t have the save file until late last night, when I couldn’t get on, I couldn’t do it. I don’t get time during the school week.
  15. 1st question: it applies to the drop pod not the vehicle. The vehicle inside just needs to fit into the bay. 2nd question: it only counts the cost of the DropPod itself not the rest of the vehicle if it's part of a larger mission. I just watched your video, @DoctorDavinci, and I liked it quite a lot! It took a much different turn from mine, as seen below. Ill add you to the coolness factor leaderboard. Could you please provide the dimensions and cost of the vehicle. BTW, im changing it from part count to size. Here's mine. It has stock hinge landing legs, and holds a plane with folding wings. https://imgur.com/MV4uizd https://imgur.com/wA8EUAi https://shadowgoat128134.imgur.com/all/ The landing legs spread enough for the plane to be able to take off without bumping them.
  16. Cool! The main point of it is to build an orbit to surface drop pod that can deploy a vehicle from a mark 3 bay. I’ll be judging based on cost, size, and coolness factor so doing something unconventional is worthy of extra points.
  17. Wow that thing is awesome! It’s even a vtol! Yay! I’m very happy with this and am very pleased with the way it turned out. You built it really fast too! Keep up the good work for Star Wars nerds everywhere!
  18. I would send one of my orbit to surface planes in a box but those things are 240 parts so. I made this cool folding winged plane with custom landing legs on the drop pod all in stock. I actually made a challenge for this if you want to participate.
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