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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. Fiiiiiine. Also I'm quite happy as I made a rotating wing plane that can fit in 3 of the short mark 3 bays. It also auto rotates the wings upon decoupling/ undocking.
  2. I have a rotating wing jet. It needs some tweaks but from what I've seen so far it's the smallest rotating wing plane yet. Yup definitely the smallest.
  3. Could I join in to add a large fuel crawler, a frigate, and a few vtol jets? I can also add a water bound base and possibly a submarine. If I can still build a working sub of course. It's been a while. Also possibly a orbital ring spaceport. And whatever the crud else I can get to laythe. Would anyone mind if I added a few missile silos/probe silos just in case we need an emergency probe or something? And or a military base?
  4. Ehh, but that would take quite a while to get done, and the fighters aren't intended to be ssto capable. Literally just tiny crud fighters for show. It would be fine I guess, but I don't have all that much time and I'd prefer to get it done all at once.
  5. I'm not the best aesthetics builder so, since I ended up not having time last night, I might try to get the technical bits built tonight instead, though it's not certain I'll get time. I'm still pretty new to hinges as well, so it might not work but I can probably fit two thermometer hinges in a relatively compact area with wheels turning an attached RTG for the turning force. Of course, the problem would be seperating the wheel controls from the rest of the control surfaces. I still think wheels are better than engines because of the turning force the engines would exert. I'll see what I can do. If it comes to it would you have a problem with rebuilding the v wing around what I (maybe) come up with? Also I'm glad you liked my suggestion of the defender. It's and obscure but awesome ship. It's also very unique as its style is not really seen anywhere else in the Star Wars series.
  6. Ik I just don't think I can keep the two fighters under 5 parts. At minimum it would need to be 5 parts a fighter. 5 more apiece if you want weaponry. I'll only include two so it shouldn't be an issue tho.
  7. Would it be against the rules to ask that I be allowed a few extra parts, as I'm going to need more than 5 for the fighter section but can probably keep it lower than 15?
  8. Is there any chance that I could book Saturday as my turn and attach a space fighter section?
  9. Heh I already have a design ready for the us 3 person lander. I'll get it done by tomorrow.
  10. Depending on how willing to refit the craft you are, it wouldn't be to difficult to hide two hinges in the bottom of the craft and use some wheels or well placed thrusters to rotate them. You would also need docking ports to secure them once the rotate. I may be able to get on tonight and make a (maybe) working prototype. The V wing is my favorite Star Wars craft, and I'd love to help make it more true to the Star Wars universe. You should also create a z-95 headhunter, a sith infiltrator, and a defender-class light corvette from the old republic. Btw I have indeed figured out how to kill people with the force. It involves a blender, a hacksaw, and a teddy bear. Don't ask.
  11. I have returned! Sorry I've been busy with school and stuff. Hopefully I'll have a new battleship design by Sunday. I've gotten better at orbital maneuvers, so now I don't need to have my brother use questionable tactics to get my ships in place. Also I managed to actually land something in the moon stock, which actually is pretty easy now that I've seriously attempted it. Also a decent number of my old ships are gone as my ksp deleted every stock part and all of my ships by extension.
  12. No my computer really did start having problems. My brother downloaded like 14 viruses onto it and I've been trying to fix it, but it hasn't been going well.
  13. I'm still having those computer issues so I still can't do my turn.
  14. Sorry I've been having computer issues I should have it fixed on Saturday.
  15. Sure. Works for me. I'll probably bring a void and a carchodon or two. We can start out using the same persist as that would be eqsier
  16. Hey! I wanted to fight him miffed! Three way battle?
  17. Awww.... this was the only thing that got me back to ksp
  18. @panzer1b how'd your turn coming along?
  19. I know I just was in a rush and omitted a lot. There's also exterior and interior skeletons, but I'm not qualified to talk about exterior because I almost never use it.
  20. Build a small frame. There are two types of frames. A frame with multiple points of failure, or as you were talking about forged armor with 1 root part which can be killed with one lucky shot, but is able to lose incredible amounts of parts before lethal danger is taken, where as the multiple points of failure means that one large missing chunk can cripple a ship.
  21. @Joseph Kerman Dude optimal range for the G3 is 1.4 km don't know how you've been testing it, but obviously it's been wrong. Here's a tip: I was once in your position. Developed my own ships when I was a forum lurker and thought I was awesome. I got wrecked. Immediately I turned around and asked people for tips, and changed my whole building structure and now have decent ships, you need to be willing to change your design, otherwise your ships are going to go nowhere.
  22. Well, i did it. After a lot of trial and error, i managed to actually get a decently bad intercept. It was stupidly hard for me, as i ended up in a lopsided orbit, but i made it work. I burned 2/3rds of the sandworms fuel doing it though, so yeah. thats not good. Anyway now for the battle report. Heres me doing the burn, which was one of several i would end up backtracking to fix errors in the orbit before getting it right. Eventually. Firing the missile. ONE PAWNCHHHH EVEN THOUGH I SHOT TWO MISSILES! Damage. The ship was obliterated. The pilot survived, but theres nothing left attached to the cockpit, except for two i beams, which i suppose you could use for something. Sorry for the dark picture. Heres the persist. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt5grhmw4ws47on/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Your move. Also, could you rate my ships and missiles from what youve seen so far? Thanks.
  23. I gaurantee you that the ship is not dead. I can refuel the back section and use it with a much better fuel to weight ratio, albeit less weapons. Oh wait, I can just klaw the two sections back together! Hahah. Also the ship has like 5 cores, so I doubt you killed it.
  24. Wow we are actually the same age, give or take a few. I'm not putting my actual age on here FYI.
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