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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. Count me in. Time to smash some records! Are there bonuses for stock weaponry? And/or blowing up the max on your way to the island?
  2. Also what planet are you on? Sorry. Last minute rule. You can place your ships around Planets that you have allied ships around. SHADOWGOAT ALLIANCE TEAM FTW!
  3. Heres the persist. Ill put my ships in last. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt5grhmw4ws47on/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  4. I'm not okay with it. It feels too much like cheating plus if we're all using standard i beams then you have to too. Actually you can do it but only if the i beams are unguided and attached radially
  6. @Spartwo @panzer1b @MiffedStarfish the persist will be up this afternoon
  7. @Spartwo @panzer1b @MiffedStarfish the persist will be up this afternoon
  8. I use a similar tribeam propelled by thuds. It's kind of a ap round, as it ususally goes straight through, and has two of the side i beams break off and get stuck inside the hull of the victim
  9. THats obvious destroyers are made for lots of damage but are quite small
  10. yes. Also, have redundant systems. Have extra batteries, sas, probe cores, and if you really want to be annoying, have ion thrusters dispersed throughout the hull. Also with wings most weapons punch through armor so wings are fine as long as you have a near inpossible to hit skeleton with several structural redundancies.
  11. @Spartwo that will do nicely. Veery nicely. MEAGAGAGABAGAHAVAHHAGAHA COUGH COUGH
  12. If you have a super freighter with klaw repair parts(armor and engines) sure
  13. All my stuff is ready except logistics
  14. I just figured out how to film so you'll have my footage too
  15. Darn it seems like there's a weird glitch where that happens almost every time I post
  16. I need to build a supply ship and a good station
  17. I need to build a supply ship and a good station
  18. Heh. I could bring two deaths if I wanted. But the void is better, as it has good armor, and is actually really hard to split.
  19. I have one really big one. I was going to give you the small one.
  20. Ok then. Sorry. I'm very easily irritated when it comes to annoying rules.
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