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SG Aero

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Everything posted by SG Aero

  1. Sort of. Only it's really unpredictable. It looks promising tho, as it is able to ignore gravity and friction on the runway and slide around changing direction immediately and randomly.
  2. Huh I seem to have discovered a new drive type. I tried to make a tank turret, but when I used the motorized wheels to try and turn it, the vehicle moved smoothly, and randomly, along the ground, then moved up, and ignored gravity but kept sliding around. I'll get the craft file up, and I'd appreciate it if you guys would do some research on it. If it has any usage, I dub it the infinite improbability drive. I haven't tested it in orbit yet.
  3. Sorry didn't have time to move it into a 500 km orbit i was kinda rushed. Here's darkowls turn. The Ares 1 is dead. I used two missiles. Also, @DarkOwl57, your ship has some flaws. It exhasts the missile rcs doing turning, so i advise you add some reaction wheels on them, and the top missile can't get out of the bay. Here's the damage to the Ares 1. And here's the persist. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt5grhmw4ws47on/persistent.sfs?dl=0
  4. Shall do. I'm actually decent at orbital maneuvers it turns out.
  5. Yeah I'm really getting tired of waiting. Or we could temporarily suspend you and can just have me and starfish dish it out and not touch your ships.
  6. Huh... I still think limited ramming should be allowed
  7. @Spartwo It says in the rules that ramming isn't allowed at all, but I think we should at least allow it with some guideline. I have stated some guidelines below. 1. Ramming vessels can not be heavily armored except for the ram. 2. If they have missiles, they can only fire missile or ram, not do both 3. The ramming ship cannot make more than one pass. If they miss, or do no damage, too bad 4. The ram counts as a weapon, so you can't have a ramming carrier if for some reason you want that 5. Ramming ships, regardless of weight, always go at least second, unless they're the only ship 6. Only one ramming ship per side per battle. Rule 5 is just for balancing so the opponent at least has a chance to take out the ramming ship.
  8. @dragonaether fine bring 12 ships I still shall win
  9. @dragonaether I FORMALLY CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL no tonnage limits, 8 ships each. Eeloo orbit EDIT: Just finished this beast. Even scarier is the hangar. 4 fighters, 15 drones, lots of fun.
  10. Heres my fastest. Theres a crew cabin clipped in there. I just discovered offset, and i love it. Speed is 1500 m/s.
  11. @dragonaether I would be willing to challenge you. I have finished my new ship. 10 tons fully armed and armored
  12. Huh. I think mines worse I also had to make a 100 notecards, 10 sources as well as 5 drafts of the essay which we got no edits Back on.
  13. I understand your pain I have a 7 page essay 4 genres a presentation and a 10 minute speech due the 19th
  14. K cool I can understand that. When might you be able to do your turn?
  15. Cool! Can you make one that can lift say, 280t in the form of an irregularly shaped space battleship?
  16. @DarkOwl57 where's that persist file?
  17. Yes. Guided i beams just ups the part count but doesn't have any real positives.
  18. K cool. I'll try to get the death up tonight.
  19. You could use autostruts. They have no substance. Also no mods I'll give you the craft file tonight.
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