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Everything posted by Viper2

  1. Okay we already have the airbrake fins and big radial parachutes, so my question is, do we get some more parts for recovery of saturn stages, like 4m and 6m heatshields ? You can find a lot of recovery proposals on the net, would be nice to have some in game
  2. First, awesome mod, the saturn revamp is really great i think i found a bug on the SLA, it seems that the one with the jettisonable panels have to much drag, i'm playing on KSRSS x2.5 and a saturn 1b struggle to get into LEO and the rocket tend to flip, when using the SLA with the swing panels all is fine. anyone can confirm this, or is it only on my side ? btw i'm not using FAR, so stock aero model
  3. using the mm patch file from the github source seems to fix the problem
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