I seem to be having a problem using this mod that's causing my game to sporadically crash when entering the VAB or SPH. That's really surprising to me - I didn't expect this mod at first, and spent all day today pruning other mods, but when I got to the end of the search, it's this mod that's causing it for me. My "full" mod list I was testing with was GPP plus all of the suggested mods (and a couple extras like KER), but I can reproduce with just the Squad and Sigma folders in my GameData Folder. I'm honestly not even sure if Sigma should be doing anything without having some textures supplied from another mod, but it's what I'm seeing.
Here's my crash output: https://paste.ee/p/VR0xk
Has anyone ever seen something like this before? At first I thought this was a memory issue, but it seems odd that'd happen on 64 bit, and not when I've got huge mods like MKS installed. I'm hoping I can figure this out (hopefully I'm just doing something wrong here), as I really like the re-textures I was seeing (thanks Sigma and GPP team).
EDIT: Just to add some more detail I thought I should mention
I don't get a crash with my full modlist without Sigma Replacements
I was running Heads, Navigation, Skybox, Suits, and Textures
I can reproduce the crash with just Heads and/or Suits (the replacements I cared about the most)