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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. D'oh! yeah... I didn't see it til a day after I posted here. But technically, they are now prioritizing the bugs!
  2. Well... we voted on whether Sqaud should "Prioritize Bug Fixes" Good news! It appears they took immediate action! Although, I suspect it's not entirely what we had in mind... Maybe we should vote on whether or not Squad should "Fix the Bugs" next time?
  3. If only I needed to hunt them... rather they seek me out every time I turn your game on. Could everyone please upvote this not-a-bug? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/18017 The sadly comical thing is, my issue has 4 upvotes so far and looks like someone actually downvoted it??? (probably the guy who fixes bugs, LOL) So my issue has 4 whole upvotes, 1 downvote... and when I sort your 1300+ bugs by vote count, my not-a-bug (with 4 upvotes) ranks 22nd in a field of 1300!!! ...and you have to give people instructions on how to even get the field to display that you want us all looking at now? This is a joke right?
  4. @klgraham1013 I swear... you do NOT know how to drive a rover. Your first wrong assumption was that a rover was actually supposed to use that ramp! …from there my comments on your abilities only get worse. There was a time... long, long ago... (OK, so it was a year ago) when I could actually do airdrop missions! Farewell Kerbal Airborne Corps you are missed!
  5. The OCV-100 Corvette Class Hull https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/OCV-101-Explorer
  6. Been having fun visiting moons with this small low gravity lander that fits rather snuggly inside a simple Mk2 Cargo Bay hangar. You may wonder why it has drogue chutes? It can safely land on Duna and return to orbit, which allows me to keep larger vessels in orbit and still get credit for putting a kerbal on the ground. I've also used the chutes for one-way rides back to Kerbin.
  7. I've declared this challenge is stupid... Cuz I tried 2 planes, realized that I don't fly gud, and then went back to what I was doing 10 minutes earlier.
  8. If I need to get somewhere fast, I just take one of my SSTO's and fly a suborbital arch in the direction I want to go.
  9. I had no difficulty making a secondary key assignment for Kerbal RCS using the Up, Down, Right, Left Arrow keys for RCS translation. I want to have the same secondary key assignment for my Craft RCS too. So I assigned the same Arrow Keys as a secondary option for the I, K, J, L keys under Input/Flight/Translation. However, when I'm in the craft and engage RCS, the IKJL keys continue to work as usual but my secondary arrow key assignments do not register at all??? How can I make this work? ...or is this just a bug? Anyone else have this problem? Edit: I just solved it. I noticed that when I assign those keys there are 3 additional on/off toggle buttons that appear: Staging, Docking (Translation), Docking (Rotation) I only had the second one "Docking (Translation)" activated. It's not intuitive at all what these buttons do. In my case, I needed to have all 3 enabled.
  10. I have a station, that is moveable... So it's kinda like a mothership I s'pose and I was debating which it will be.
  11. But as far as Relay vs. Direct? https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Antenna Seems to be no reason to have a direct antenna if you have a relay antenna. Regardless of distance, it would seem that any direct antenna will work? Just a matter of energy usage and speed. I'm tempted to just put the "HG-5 High Gain Antenna" on every craft and call it good. Edit: I may have answered it for myself. Looks like there is a CommNet difficulty setting that is probably not enabled in the base game and I need to turn it on. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet
  12. Been curious about whether or not there is any reason to mount a Direct Antenna if I have a Relay Antenna on a craft? ...is there a need for direct antennas anymore? Or some benefit to having them vs. a relay antenna?
  13. Well... you tell me? It's the way I go about doing it. His issue was mostly with the Approach phase. I don't think he's actually seen the video yet though.
  14. Today I tried to explain to a facebook friend how I go about docking two spacecraft in orbit...
  15. ...and now available on KerbalX https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/FE-31-Sci-Fox
  16. @katateochi sounds painful... over an issue that's probably not that big of an issue. I'd be more concerned over policing inappropriate content and spammers. Which, you seem to have done a pretty good job of, since I don't think I've ever come across any.
  17. I'd suggest you throw out all 3 suggested solutions and just do what I do... 1) post a link to your craft in the comments. Chances are you'll probably get more traffic to your original craft as a result, since the copied craft might be giving you some "posted this day/week/month" visibility that you might not otherwise get. Not to mention, if I see a note like that posted on a craft I would click thru to the original and download/upvote it if I wanted it. 2) Make yourself a "Hangar O' Shame" and add the craft to it so people know it's your craft. I literally called my hangar "Hey! this is XLjedi's Design!" and it appears right there underneath the craft. Not to mention you have a convenient place to store such craft, and in the hangar description you can tell people to take down the craft so they don't continue to embarass themselves. ...and get off the whole downvote 1-3-5 point kick. Not worth it, since people can sort users on KerbalX now by "Points per Craft" and there's no reason to knock yourself down over this sort of thing. And as far as Steam Workshop goes... I can tell you, it's even worse over there. There is ZERO recourse against blatently plagiarized craft in the Steam workshop and frankly I think some of the issue with Steam is people don't even know what the little Steam button is and actually accidentally post-up other peoples stuff without even realizing what they did. What makes Steam particularly crappy, is they have no way to personalize the craft page and/or thumbnail that appears with the craft... So... I rather hate it. On a side note, if you down vote a craft and then undo it... the points do get refunded to you. If the plagiarized craft is not yours, nothing stopping you from creating a "Plagiarized Craft" hangar to store such offenses, if you wish to volunteer to police such activity.
  18. I tried a conventional landing on Duna about 3 or 4 times with a Mk3 SSTO carrying a ISRU rover. I was finally successful, but definitely came in very fast and had to deploy drag chutes. In hindsight, probably would not attempt that approach again. Contemplating a few different options now... Edit: I managed to locate the pics! It was no small feat... If I tried it again with this craft, I'd definitely add 2-4 more drag chutes, and probably anticipate crashing at least 2 or 3 times in the process. So would have to be working from a save game in orbit just to be safe.
  19. One of our intel satellites captured an image of a new science excursion craft at the top secret Woomerang facility... Our agents have learned the Krakonians are using some kind of new Kraken-tech mind-link snack delivery system on this craft. It's far more advanced than anything we currently have and I'm sure they may even have extra snacks on board! So we were thinkin we might be able to "borrow" the plane from the Krakonians for a few days to figure out how it all works. Ehhh… only problem is, they don't seem to be too willing to share snack secrets. So for this task, we'll need a very special pilot... and with that Kraken-tech, it's not gonna be good enough to just know the local language. He'll need to be able to THINK it! Hmmm... or maybe... She?
  20. Would be nice if they split it similar to KSC. Or possibly make the land nearby more level to runway like dessert base.
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