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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Homeworld is the only good 3D space RTS game that I've ever come across... It's a classic, and the remastered edition is available on Steam now along with the standalone ground-based RTS (Deserts of Karak) which I also liked. Not a sandbox game at all though, so very different gameplay from KSP. You have to like selecting groups of units and ordering them to attack stuff, mine resources, build new units, etc. Not much in terms of actually building anything though. If looking for an RTS that does have some pretty decent building element to it, maybe look at "Stronghold: Legends" possibly? ...if you like building and defending castles. Another good sandbox option, without the war/conflict component, might be something like "Cities: Skylines" I tend to keep about 100-ish games on my Steam wishlist and then pick em off as they rotate on sale. So I don't necessarily recommend running out and buying these 2 at the moment. I'd probably wait em out til maybe a sale. Although Stronghold is not too bad right now, you could probably get it for under $10 if you wait awhile though.
  2. @FleshJeb Well that's just a very nice thing to say, thank you! My hope is to make stuff that people might actually use for a mission or two. ...or maybe spark an idea that others might try. I only post craft to KerbalX after they have been documented and vetted. Sometimes in the process of creating the blueprints and writeups I catch things that need to be fixed in the craft, or I might add an extra gadget for a little fun. I also think it's particularly fun if the craft can be combined for different missions. Like maybe a certain rover being added to an SSTO might allow it to refuel once it reaches a destination?
  3. @Klapaucius I think the issues with personal chutes arose in the update shortly after the personal chutes were introduced. Squad added the ability to deploy the chutes from the command chair so people could make parafoils. Along with that update, the chutes started popping when staging was activated via spacebar and probably is related in one way or another to your issue as well. Out of curiosity, can you workaround the issue by adding a decoupler under the chair? ...if it works, I suspect your glitch is somehow related, but can't be certain.
  4. Maybe doesn't; but does the chute pop when you trigger the initial staging to turn on the jet engine? ...or does it just randomly fire as you move down the runway?
  5. Yeah, but the goal is to put a kerbal on a stage... like a rover airdrop for instance. I got craft where I want to pilot a main ship, and drop a lander with a command chair and it pops chutes. I suspect it's the same problem that OP is having.
  6. @bewing Here's a video of the kerbal chute bug. Basically the personal chutes automatically inherit the firing of any stage they are associated with. I believe this occurred as a result of people wanting to create parafoil-type craft and the Squad team happily obliged... only problem is, the way it was implemented wrongly assumes that every situation involving a command chair should be treated as if you only wanted to create a parafoil. Notice there are 2 command chairs, the one on the side fires the kerbal chute when its stage is activated first. The command chair on the top is separated by a small decoupler, so it is insulated from firing when the first stage is released. However, it will also fire automatically when its associated staging is fired. Here's the bug report I just posted with sample craft that replicates the behavior 100%. https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/19589 I don't mind that Squad maybe wanted to accommodate this little parafoil exploit for a fun little side game, but there should be a way to somehow disable the kerbal chute from firing if the intent of the stage with a command seat was NOT intended to be a parafoil, which in my opinion, is more often going to be the case. I'm thinking there might be 2 relatively easy solutions. 1) display the kerbal personal chute in the staging sequence, so it can be managed and/or disabled after occupying the command chair, or... 2) don't automatically inherit the stage firing I consider the added decoupler on the top command chair the "workaround" that I don't particularly like, as it adds unnecessary parts and staging to a craft just to keep it from behaving like some sort of parafoil. Alternatively, if it's caused by a mod I have installed... happy to help diagnose which one specifically as I only had a few installed when I recorded the above video.
  7. I have a craft that replicated everytime… I'll take a look at it again to see if it's still there and post back.
  8. Sounds like the bug I've mentioned before... the chutes are bugged and fire with staging. I don't have Take Command, and it does the same thing in a vanilla install. The only way I was able to work around it was to put a small decoupler under the command chair so the chute was in its own stage. I don't like the solution at all and would just prefer to have the chutes fixed.
  9. Thanks to all for the kind words! My head/helmet hit the passenger side mirror on a Tahoe... I then started to wobble, and high-sided at about 40-50mph and completely blacked out, don't know if it was fear or what, but I totally lost consciousness. Next thing I remember was being in an ambulance with my helmet still on. The driver of the Tahoe said I went airborne and rag-dolled for about 30-40 feet along the pavement. I have no injuries to my hands at all. If I were awake I probably would've broke my arms and scraped my hands up trying to stop. I did break my collar bone though, so the sling makes it a bit hard to use the mouse, and my breathing is a bit labored. Mostly dealing with abrasions to my right side. The bike was completely destroyed... everyone I've talked to that witnessed it was surprised I was alive, I came down on my head/shoulder and if it wasn't for the full-face helmet I had on, I'd be dead for sure. I'll have to get a pic of what's left of the bike. The guy who towed it away couldn't believe he was talking to the rider yesterday; he thought for sure I died. Praise God, just wasn't my time.
  10. Unfortunately, had a bad accident on Saturday with me bike. Did have my helmet on tho and I'm certain it saved my life. Have to take a break from Kerballing for a bit as I cant really use both hands right now.
  11. @Chris Solomon How did you test the "mostly solved" lag problem? I find that it's still there. Particularly if you happen to fly/approach one craft toward another craft. Once the second craft comes within radius of the first, the lag occurs and then doesn't go away.
  12. A bit tongue-in-cheek I'll grant you, but I consider them mission ideas and they do make nice Kerbal-ish mission badges. Just need to come up with some missions for them now... I'm thinking something along the lines of anti-satellite ops might be a good one to start with. I'd probably want to slightly modify the badges for Kerbals though to read "Space Farce" otherwise, they're perfect as-is.
  13. Just wanted to clarify... These are actually related to a proposed new branch of the United States Military: ...as opposed to Kerbal Space Program achievement badges. The Joint Chiefs apologize for any confusion they may have caused.
  14. I was just thinking that my space program could use a dinosaur...
  15. At a bit of a loss here... So what exactly does that entail? Did you do something to make certain upgrades work (different launch pads) in the old save?
  16. As for Zachtronics, still playing Shenzhen I/O. Factorio I may have to advance further up my wishlist chart. I already had one that I thought was somewhat like it (Infinifactory) but it didn't keep my interest for too long. If I ever get to the point that I have no unplayed games, and have become bored with them all... I might then breakdown and pay extra for a game like Rimworld.
  17. Heh... Civ IV... My son mentioned that game to me the other night in the following context: His steam online gaming group of buddies were contemplating a game to play and Civ IV was suggested. The response of one gamer friend: "Nah, I've got somewhere to be in 8 hours." LOL
  18. @adsii1970@5thHorseman I have like 100+ games on my wishlist that I just wait out on the price. Rimworld is actually my number 1 ranked game on the "to buy" wishlist right now, but all of my top 5 will need to go on sale before I pick em up! Rimworld Opus Magnum Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun BATTLETECH XCOM 2: War of the Chosen A sampling of games I have bought and are in my "next to be played queue" but in no particular order now include: Motorsport Manager ( I have played this a bit and like it, need to play the expansion now) Atlantic Fleet Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak Starmade Starship Corporation Steamworld Heist Broforce! (LOL) From the Depths the entire Half-Life 2 series (LOL!) Police Tactics: Imperio Not to mention the handful of favorites that I've been meaning to return to... another round of X-Com may be in order before War of the Chosen, and I should probably dust off my Elite Dangerous flying skills.
  19. I have a backlog of unplayed games that I have to revert to from time-to-time... I only buy them after they go into firesale el'cheapo mode so I tend to buy them in batches opportunistically and let em sit for awhile. Come to think of it, I may have left KSP sit unplayed for nearly a year before tinkering with it. Anyhoo... last week it was a one-day 8hr marathon playthru of the original Portal. At the end of which I could not wipe the stupid grin off my face listening to the endgame song! This week it's the sequel, Portal 2.
  20. May seem a stupid question... OK, it is stupid... but I just installed the camera tools mod and I'm not sure how to make the camera move around the plane like that?
  21. First up is a 5th Gen fighter design from the MAD Mind Collective... https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/FA-38-Nemesis My uncut final flight test video. Sharing a few thoughts on the design and flight characteristics...
  22. What are those naughty Krakonians up to this time? A showcase thread for my little band of comedic anti-heroes, the Krakonians! They just love their technology, although sometimes it does manage to awaken a demon or two. No matter; just another sacrifice in honor of their most glorious, all powerful, mischievous and malevolent master... HAIL KRAKEN!!!
  23. FA-38%20Nemesis.jpg

    1. XLjedi



      "Slowly emerging from a secluded Krakonian Skunkworks hangar, the spooling lift fans of an FA-38 whine at an ever increasing pitch. The MAD Mind Collective 5th gen fighter effortly begins to levitate with a TWR double its weight.  Elite Krakonian pilots fortunate enough to qualify, do not achieve vertical flight in the Nemesis... They dominate it.  HAIL KRAKEN!!"

      Design Notes

      Flight testing went very well, the final version was achieved in the Mk4 iteration after deciding that I could trade off some flight stability for an increased fuel load.  I figure a 5th gen fighter is a pretty unstable airframe anyway, and will need to rely on the pilot assist fly-by-wire system to constantly keep it stable.  Vertical flight is very controlled with plenty of vertical thrust to keep it from pancaking on landing.  This was the first VTOL that was stable enough to land on both helo-pads at the KSC.    

      Need to come up with a little VTOL mission now for the video flight demo.  ...maybe plant a flag on a mountain top?  Where's a good skull-island-dormant-volcano-evil-lair when you need one?

  24. Blender, GIMP, and Notepad... are all freebie tools, and really all you need.
  25. XLjedi

    What game is your avatar from?   Looks like it could be a Chiss, but no red pupils...

    1. Val


      Right universe (Star Wars: The Old Republic), but she's a regular human. The blue shading comes from being in a crystal and ice cave. Chiss is a playable race, though.


    2. XLjedi


      I asked cuz my son and I used to play a lot, but it got too repetitive after a few years.  Your avatar name seems familiar to me, but probably coincidental.

      Did you belong to any guilds?  We were mostly in Birds of Prey.

      Trying to remember all my character names:  Reelo, Sunderstone, Chizzel, Chunk Norris (fat DPS Jedi hehe)

    3. Val


      I don't recall meeting those names. I've played on EU servers only, except for a couple lowbies, just after the game released.

      Chunk Norris is an awesome name, though :D

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