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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. 1) In the "Managed Followed Content" area, the timestamp is not a hyperlink that can be clicked on. If you mouse-over it, all it does is show a pop-up with the date & time 2) How do I search within a topic for a users posts? I have not been able to do this... If I put a username in "Search this Topic" it only returns posts that mention the username, as opposed to posts by the user? 3) Again, in the "Managed Content" area... there is no such star or circle. Perhaps there should be one? It would be helpful, for instance, if the posts listed under "Managed Followed Content" had the same clicky options as the posts listed under "Activity" I also notice under the "Activity" section, in "Threads I Follow" the circle/star to go to last post is disabled for some reason?
  2. This feature of the website has been a little aggravating. There seems to be no option to: Jump to the last post in the topic Go to my post in the topic Go to first unread post in the topic It just gives a link that starts you at the first post? ...which does not seem particularly useful at all. Am I missing something obvious? And in the wider forum, there seems to be no way to search for a specific users posts in a thread. I'm having a hard time locating my own posts!
  3. Wait, do normal people ask if they're normal?
  4. Indeed, very nice work... I do like the second one without the white border for the extra text clarity.
  5. Yeah... but the smaller text didn't scale as nicely... I might try the other one's to see how they look. How do you think it looks? a little hard to tell here with white background. ...the other 2 look better smaller. Thank you for doing these! I added them to my kerbalx profile
  6. That is excellent! ...my only request would be to add the word "My" to the left of the rocket graphic in the smaller blue text, if possible? ...and maybe resize it to about 256x160 standard size of a KSP flag image (would save me a step)
  7. Thank you... that slippery form is my Starlance shuttle variant, which does indeed require the boosters. The "A" variant below does make for a very nice SSTO: https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SP-04A-Starlance The Mk2 designs just lack a bit in payload...
  8. Well, on the one hand it does say "capable of" not "required" so a lawyer could argue it's fine... I personally read the spirit of the challenge to be a horizontal landing to complete each mission. So I might vote no, but it's not my challenge. If it's a matter of coming in horizontally with a shuttle capable of VTO, I don't think there's any limit on how you glide your craft to a horizontal landing. On the other hand if the thing lands like a SpaceX rocket... That doesn't really feel like it meets the spirit of the challenge, but... that's just my opinion.
  9. Ohhh... I see. Well that's not very intuitive at all, is it? I gotta mouse-over it before I realize it links to my profile on the KSP forum. I actually didn't even realize that linked to the forum, it's just a KSP logo... if anything, I woulda thought it would link to the main KSP website? I guess I'll put a hyperlink to it in my profile description text then. But yeah, if you can rethink this one in your spare time, you've got the feature to link to KSP forum profile buried in channels... and then when you do find it and enter your info, the resulting link is not evident.
  10. As a follow-up... I did add my KSP forum ID to my profile page in the format suggested: 175658-xljedi https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi ...and it appears to have done nothing. I don't see any "hit me up" link like the one on your profile when I view my profile? I also tried the full URL: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/175658-xljedi/ Doesn't seem to work?
  11. OK, I see the KSP profile link now... But I have to tell you, even after you clued me to it, I looked at the hyperlinks on my profile edit page for a good 5 mins for something like "KSP Forum Profile" before I finally figured out it was buried under: "Add links to your channels" ...which meant absolutely nothing to me. Guess I'm an old guy and "channels" is what you kids are calling it these days, LOL. I think what also threw me a bit, is that there is a link for KSP Signature on the root page area; so I was kinda thinkin the KSP Profile might be there too? Maybe a hyperlink for "KSP Forum Links" and put the signature and link to my profile under that? ...the other 2 options for youtube and twitter maybe made more sense as "channels" I can setup the link to my KSP forum profile now, thanks!
  12. Hmmm.... upon initial investigation, a scripter like that may even be a better option! I'll look into it further, thanks for the suggestion!
  13. Is there a way that I can add a note to users? This would be something only I could see and might help my feeble mind remember stuff like "Oh user X is user Y on another forum/website" Ideally, I could add a short note that would appear right under the users avatar, that would also serve as a link to a more detailed area for notes I'd like to make about the user. Stressing these would be my notes about a user, visible to me only!
  14. Thanks for reviewing my craft and posting the video!  I enjoyed watching you fly my planes through the Air Race course.  Now I feel inspired to design something specifically for Air Race. 

    Also, could you  post a link or info on how I can get those Air Race courses you are using?

    Keep up the good work!

  15. One possible idea for a future update... When looking at the Users, I see there is an option to sort users by number of craft uploaded which does not strike me as being particularly useful. I would be more interested in sorting users by their total number of downloads, and/or the total number of points the user has accumulated. This might also be a way to give your point system some relevance. I've also had instances where I'd like to PM someone and/or post a message to their profile page or hangar page. ...like asking for clarification on what someone might be looking for in a hangar they've created. Alternatively, if there was a "KSP Profile" link that could be added to your profile page, you could just have a simple redirect here for people to chat, without recreating the wheel.
  16. Just remember... There are no stupid questions; only stupid people.
  17. GAH! tis blasphemy you speak! ...better not nobody mess with the thermometers!
  18. A rover test range? Funny you should mention it... I find the grounds of the KSC already make for a pretty good test area. MLV Field Test ...but would not be opposed to some varied terrain, inclines, and so forth. Maybe add on a small first-aid station?
  19. A series of sequential photos from the Untied Technologies secret test facility documenting the field tests of our latest engineering marvel! ...and another successful product is ready to go to market! https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/TOM-Cruise-Missile
  20. Yer killin me with the localization and console control stuffs... hopefully you will be rid of it soon? Looking forward to hearing when the mission editor will be released, I'll buy it. ...if that helps. Hard to participate/contribute to current mission challenges if I know something better is on the horizon. I'll wait, I s'pose.
  21. Orbital SPH engineering bay... with maybe a storage counter-part that limits me to build stuff in orbit that I transport there? That's not really a part, is it?
  22. There is a shortcoming in the gameplay... my serious thought on it is... Not an issue with difficulty; it's suitably hard enough. Storyline, meh... I can pick up a book. To me, the game is all about the role play that I create, and where it falls apart for me is when I get to the point that I realize I can't develop my own story beyond a factory that exists solely on Kerbin. What I'm wanting is the ability to manage a solar system empire; and what I'm stuck with is trying to figure out how much delta-v it's gonna take to get my next amazing creation beyond the Kerbin atmosphere. Launching an orbital version of an SPH... with only parts available that I transport there... would take this game to a whole new level for me. As it is now, I fear the clock is ticking on my interest level. I am enjoying myself though, for now.
  23. Sigh... so many things to say about Uranus... and so little time...
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