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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Mmmmm hmmm... likely story... I'm calling it what it is: RUSSIAN HACKING! ...and @Azimech has obviously been colluding with them on this the whole time! I'm calling for the appointment of Special Counsel to conduct an independent investigation.
  2. I think what I may be missing is... Is the NBS intended to be an orbital or land-based tool? ...or both? I'm guessing maybe both? And your comment about flat parking; does that influence the actual ore extraction percentage or just more convenient for your drilling rig? ATM, I'm on rather steep incline in what should be a decent location according to the big scanner, but not doing too great with the extraction percentage. I think I need that third little ground scanner installed to pinpoint a drilling location.
  3. Yeah, it was Scott's tutorial video (that explains how to start in career mode) that got me started... guess I forgot that little detail. He does beat a dead horse a little bit on the science gathering, but otherwise an excellent place to start!
  4. Dunno... it's possible that I may have tried a mod along the way that did need it and it's just a residual? Good to know though. I think I'm gonna uninstall and reinstall what I really use as there are more than a few on the list that I don't really use and are probably bogging down my startup sequence.
  5. Ahhhh! I see... I guess it does have the word "resource" right there in its title. I think I picked that one up as a suggested complimentary mod by the Ckan mod manager without fully appreciating that the "resource" reference was literal. I understand the various resources now and just need a little advice on using the spinning Hex-O-Matic gadget...
  6. That makes sense... These are the mods I have installed and I'm a little surprised that any of these would've changed the planet resources? I don't recall any of them mentioning it and I certainly didn't go out looking for something to add new planet resources. Chatterer DistantObject-default EditorExtensionsRedux CommunityResourcePack TriggerAu-Flags ModuleManager HyperEdit CommunityCategoryKit EasyVesselSwitch KIS WaypointManager USITools MechJeb2 DistantObject KAS KVVContinued DockingPortAlignmentIndicator KerbalAlarmClock KerbalEngineerRedux EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements TextureReplacer EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR ...and I think one of them might be messing with the graphic color overlay maybe? Does the resource overlay mapping only work in "map mode" because I don't see anything when just hanging out at the satellite and toggling the display on/off unless I then press "M" and check it on the big map. Is it the Environ Visual Enhancements that breaks the visual overlay outside of the map maybe? Edit: follow-up, confirmed EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements mod completely hosed the resource heat map overlay in the normal view. I could see it in map view, but nothing from orbit. Uninstalled EVE today and presto! ...resource maps work from orbit.
  7. When I try to login now it just shows a button that says "Download VW Bug" not sure what's going on?
  8. Same issue here... I get the "500 Screen" on everything... can't login at all.
  9. Sandbox mode for me felt too overwhelming to start... I liked starting in career mode. Make sure you visit Mission Control first and pick-up some missions! That's how you get the credits to build your next cool thing. Then what happens is... you play for awhile, visit the Mun maybe, and start looking at that tech tree and wondering, "Hmmm, which of these tech boxes do I want next?" It lures you into sandbox mode to review/compare the parts. You start tinkering in sandbox with some design improvements for your next craft in career mode... and 3 weeks later you can't remember what your ships looked like in your career game.
  10. I just started tinkering with the big planet scanner and have a couple questions... I scanned Minmus for instance and found there was Ore in some places to drill for and convert to fuel. ...but I also notice a bunch of other minerals and so forth listed. I am wondering if any of these non-ore deposits are more efficient to drill for and convert to fuels? Is there something that converts more efficiently to Oxidizer or Liquid Fuel for instance? If the answer is NO, is there currently any gameplay related to the different resources? ...are some more profitable? Secondly, I haven't quite grasped how to use the scanners. I have a satellite in orbit with the big expanding dish one, and the little hexagon that spins around. I realize the hex gives more detail on a sector, but not sure if that info is getting stored or transferred via Kerbnet? How do I use that one correctly?
  11. I came for the free cookies!
  12. Lame??? I loved this entry! The research station made me laugh! ...and who wouldn't love a shuttle that takes a dip in the pool after a successful mission!
  13. Just haven't actually flown it too far yet... but preliminary testing looks positive. Hoping this will allow me to reach out to some far off places after maybe refueling on Minmus? https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SP-06-Star-Ranger
  14. I am known for my gifted debate tactics... and speedy docking ability. ...and apparent ability to hear things even beyond my "LA LA LA"
  15. Totally coincidental... no, really! Edit: I need a way to add a kerbal graphic with rolling eyes...
  16. Is there a thread where I can offer to pay? ...if I bought it before the deadline? Although, doubt if that would mean squat to Squad now. ...ah well, what's the next Squad game going to be?
  17. Pretty sure I can dock faster with my RCS than you can without it... nuff said. ...putting fingers back in my ears and continuing "LA LA LA LA" now so I don't have to listen to silly arguments to the contrary.
  18. Yay, back home now...  always happy to leave for a long RV trip.  But then...  always happy to return!   Would you believe the neighbors house went up in flames while we were gone!   ...yeah, it happens.  They are in shock a bit; and who wouldn't be?  We have offered to do anything they need in the interim.  Me thinkst it will be a year or more before their house gets rebuilt.  Electrical fire in the garage; could've happened to anyone.

  19. It was a vote, so yeah I voted No... but I have a hard time in general, using Kerbal and War in the same sentence... But there do seem to be folks who are interested, so I would encourage you to proceed as you see fit!
  20. Hey ya know... props to people with the patience to try to dock without RCS... I've never tried it... I have no interest in it. I dock a LOT, it's kinda pivotal to my gameplay style... I like to operate from orbital hubs, so it's my thing. LOL...I would not even attempt docking with what must be a very aggravating barrage of keystrokes required for uni-directional thrusters. In fact, if you try to convince me otherwise, I am now covering my ears and yelling "LA LA LA LA LA" as loud as I can, cuz I don't even want to hear it.
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