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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. No... in the rules of this challenge also. The OP ruleset was a bit vague, but @Badie did clarify it. Maybe the clarified rules should be updated in the first post? There are a LOT of people using SRB's, but SRB's are not allowed. [goes back to fiddling with Atomic-Whiplash booster rocket]
  2. I was wondering how in the world you'd get outta the atmosphere with an Ion Drive? SRB's contain oxidizer; but it's a neat craft...
  3. On my latest time-warp aerobrake fiasco, I noticed the elapsed time was 29 days... I figured, "Meh, not too bad..." I then noticed there was a "Y3" next to the "D29" Not so sure the time scales in this game make it a viable 2-player experience.
  4. It will depend on how difficult it is to... 1) identify all part branches that are defined by two connected docking ports - call these "part nodes" 2) build a usable part list with the parts attached to the node(s) 3) compare the usable part list to a .craft part list (this part is easy, I can already parse the .craft file) 4) put the craft in orbit next to the station (presumably not too bad, since HyperEdit manages it) 5) delete every "part node" and any part that branches from it (again, not concerned at all about killing innocent parts at this step) I think all this could be done with just a text-based clicky-window and some listboxes?
  5. Yeah, I like KIS/KAS and all.. it's one of the relatively few mods that I think I can't really play without. As for Orbital Construction my preference would just be to haul parts I want into space, dock them at a station, then convert parts to a craft. I don't even want to get into dealing with scrap, recycling, etc. Just if enough parts for a craft are docked at a station, wipe all the parts and trade for the craft. If there are extra parts, they're just gone. That would be my first basic run at it.
  6. Like when a magician pulls a ladder out of a small bag. Some stuff just isn't the right dimension to fit in the container. If I can pull it off indeed... I'm sure it's far easier said than done and I haven't even looked at the object model to see what I have access to. But from what I've seen people are able to do with various mods, I'm optimistic. A basic window gadget with some clickable listbox type items is all I'm looking to do for now. Something to automate what I might do manually with Hyper-Edit for instance.
  7. Not seeing too much of a point in comparing a small sample of 3rd thru 6th generation US jets? My write-in vote is the next 8th generation fighter that doesn't need a pilot and can transform into a robot...
  8. Thanks, I was not aware of the mod... glanced at it and it seems closer to what I'm looking for. Now that I've seen that I would not be reinventing the wheel I may move ahead with developing the idea a bit more as a mod. One thing I did not like about what I saw is that the mod piggy-backed on the KIS mod, which IMO is a poor implementation. Mods that rely on other mods put their fate in the hands of someone else. I also don't seem to be hung-up on this concept of having to transfer parts into another container before building with them. I generally frown on the "Magician Bag" that would let me fit a part, that obviously should not fit, inside of a given container. If I build it, 1) it will need to stand alone, 2) avoid using mod parts, 3) avoid intermediary containers. I haven't thought it through far enough yet to determine if possible... but that's how I will approach it.
  9. Several posts here regarding "SRB's" remind me of that line in Big Fat Greek Wedding... "What do you mean, you don't eat meat? ...no problem, I'll make lamb!" Um... yeah... I watched it.
  10. Stretching out the challenge times is better... or even open-ended would be fine? ...and you just earn a little badge or somefin.
  11. Notice, I liked that you liked it!
  12. I can see the mistake... the exclamation mark and question mark being right next to each other on the keyboard like that. Happens to me all the time?
  13. You're free to make changes as you see fit... figured you might add a docking port "arrestor hook" too. I can't see the IMGUR images ATM, but will take a look later. Aside from that, how's it flying for you? Also, although not a VTOL, you might want to check out my Kount since that craft was developed with the idea of carrying around some heavy stock "Science Munitions". The name actually stems from the afterburner counter-balance system that I built into that one so it could continue to fly with a heavy load under just one wing if I choose to just release one munition and continue to fly around a bit before letting the other one go.
  14. Ah... my good ole C-64... t'was a thing of beauty!
  15. Just as an FYI... for any .craft file built in 1.3. You can easily switch it to 1.2 by opening the craft file in a text editor and just change the second line from this: version = 1.3.0 to this: version = 1.2.2 or whatever appropriate version you happen to be running... no guarantees that it's always going to be backward compatible, but I do this for 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 all the time.
  16. On the one hand, not something I'd do... unless a concern about hackers gaining access to a favorite password or info. But in that case, I'd change the password, delete the info, and selfishly keep my username safe in the event I wish to use it in the future. Does OP expect the mods to go in and delete every single post along with possible quotes and other cross references... you can perhaps understand why they wouldn't just nuke the account. ...on the other hand, I understand they do have this "thing" that can indeed wipe all traces of a users posts from the system.
  17. Would you mind posting your reference A/C carrier?  I'd like to continue flight testing my little VTOL and would like to try the carrier you plan to use.  ...or if you prefer share via email possibly?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MiffedStarfish


      I use vessel mover

    3. XLjedi


      Thanks, I'll have to checkout that mod in the next day or two... we have plans this evening, so might have to wait til the weekend.  In the meantime, I did publish the Bobcat at KerbalX!  I think it's a pretty good little Navy jet...  I've gotta do something to fix my Saitek controller lag issues though, flying it with the keyboard I don't think is as much fun.  Would love if you could take it for a spin and let me know your thoughts?

    4. MiffedStarfish


      Sure! I should be able to try later today, if not then tomorrow.

  18. Come to think of it... if it's tied to an action group, and triggers based on elapsed time, this is even something that can be done with a programmable keyboard/joystick button macro.
  19. I have only briefly glanced at it... But if it's a true scripter language for KSP craft, with ability to perform actions based on events, then would it not be the recommended tool in this case? ...or does it lack the ability to perform actions based on events? ...perform an action based on elapsed time may also suffice.
  20. On a side note, it would be kinda cool to have a scripting language for autonomous rovers...
  21. Giant inflatable Scott Manley bobble-head float for the annual Thankskerbin Day Parade?
  22. Rumors of a new craft in development at Untied Technologies persist as a few new leaked photos find their way to local papers... An unnamed source with ties to the Untied Technologies test facility claims the company is working on a new compact and cost effective jet... The blurry photos may coincide with an announcement this week from Kerbin Naval Command regarding progress toward final selection stages of the next-gen carrier-based fighter program RFP. According to our source, the new jet is quite agile, designed to fit in small places, and possesses some rather unique slow flight capabilities... Unfortunately, our source was uncertain as to why the UT engineers may have had it parked on the roof at one point? A spokesperson for Untied Technologies declined to comment...
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