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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. @Castille7 that's really cool! ...thanks for sharing it. I like that you loaded it up with your own stuff. Looks like 5 craft maybe? How many tons was the payload? Wondering if you might've had some weight issues had those ore tanks been loaded.
  2. That was a neighborhood about a mile or two to the north of me. I'd try to make a joke about it... but he killed the poor folks in their garage for no reason. Toxicology reported no drugs in his system and he was otherwise a typical high school kid with no prior issues. To me, it seemed consistent with psychosis brought on by synthetic drugs and/or bath salts. Back on the weather track... We just got back from our "vacation" to Tallahassee and Pensacola. No damage to speak of and we got our power back last night (Woohoo, go FPL!). The only casualty thus far is one of my nVidia cards lost a cooling fan somehow? The PC wouldn't boot. Looking around, not much damage here, we feel like we dodged another bullet. The Keys, not so lucky. Locally, some (8) poor old folks at a nursing home died due to lack of AC. ...and some people out in Belle Glade left animals chained to trees to die. I think criminal charges should follow in both cases.
  3. I like that you included the Death Star in this pic!
  4. You don't have to use ore tanks for a sub. It's possible to build a positive buoyancy sub with dynamic dive planes... like this one: ...and you could fly this one to the location with a seaplane if you like. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/UV-14-Barracuda
  5. Irma track looks to be settling in on the Florida west coast. Good news for me, bad for @JustJim
  6. Yeah, I gotta make the trip up to Tallahassee and gas is a concern... thankfully we have a near full 80 gal tank and I should be able to drive that all the way through Georgia if needed. I'm seeing 11 hour driving estimates right now for what's usually a 6hr trip. I imagine I-75 is a nightmare in your area. ...do you see any alternate routes along the coast north of Tampa?
  7. Rebound from what? There isn't a category 6! Not sure what your source is, but any interaction with land/islands has a weakening effect. I don't see anyone locally or out of the National Hurricane center suggesting it rolls into Cuba a Cat-5 and comes out stronger. Currently, it comes into Cuba a 5 and up through the Keys/Miami as a 4. Which is still quite nasty and could see winds in the 150 range at the eye wall. This is how the Florida folks see it: http://www.wptv.com/weather/hurricane/tropical-storm-irma-forms-in-atlantic-ocean
  8. Meh... there's a new named storm every other day. We knew Irma was going to be trouble a week ago. Storms A-G were non-events; Harvey wasn't too powerful, it just stalled and dropped tons of rain where they can't take it. Irma is a scary one! ...nothing like it in 25 years. Hoping it loses some steam passing by Cuba.
  9. Shuttered up the house and planning to head north this evening... Anything higher than a cat-3 storm is nothing to mess with, even if you are accustomed to such things in S. Florida. We'll hangout in the RV for a week or so in Tallahassee and just hope the eye doesn't pass over Jupiter. Gonna go outside and take some "before" pics just in case for any insurance claims. Anticipate our area probably without power for minimum of 4-7 days following the storm. The local utility (FPL) is pretty amazing in this regard!
  10. I've had issues with clipping where I could dock/undock a rover OK at the start of the mission... but by the end of the mission the wheel contact with surface caused tire damage and/or inflight clipping to the point the rover couldn't move at the destination. I finally decided to go with an overhead gantry design and I just install jacks in all my rovers to lift em up a bit to dock. No more issues.
  11. Today at Untied Technologies, we certified our first official Airborne rover unit, the RV-17 UmVee!
  12. For clarity, these are hydroplanes: ...it seems like a few have never heard of them, and I assume it's what the OP is asking about.
  13. @hargn Are we even playing the same game?
  14. Big project out at the Island Base today! Gonna see if we can get the elevator working again at the old tower! Good opportunity to test my new Utility/Cargo Vehicle. And for the record, most of that debris was already there... honest! What could possibly go wrong?
  15. A picture album from my recent 1x South Kerbin Ocean Crossing! https://imgur.com/a/agMLt
  16. I could not remove the giant stupid grin from my face throughout this video... and made me LOL several times. Kerbal drag racing! the ticket booth... grand stands... spectacular crashes... This is all just too good!
  17. I may have access, thru various contacts, to a rather fancy 3D printer. The fact that it resides at a prominent university and costs are gov funded are also a big plus. I'm told if I can get my craft file into a .sti format. I can print it. I figure is to maybe load craft into Unity? ...but not sure what's been done in terms of a plug-in that would accept a .craft file. On the other hand, I've seen pics of people holding what appear to be KSP printed craft, so I know there must be some way....
  18. I voted yes because this topic made me angry and I currently have no way to react.
  19. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/HCS-16-Hurricane
  20. I was going for a combination of this: This: ...and this:
  21. A few snapshots from today's Sea Trials and Certification of the HCS-16 "Hurricane" Hydrofoil Mission Platform Edit: it would appear that IMGUR albums are totally broken again on this forum... link pasted below. http://imgur.com/a/xDFzL
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