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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. @Jett_Quasar you get my vote for coolest thing of the month!
  2. Do you by chance have KAS installed? ...sometimes a Kerbal with a wrench is sufficient to attach a ladder to something temporarily. I find myself slapping those hand-hold ladders on to stuff so frequently that I typically include one in my backpack along with wrench as standard equipment.
  3. So basically there needs to be an planetary system transfer... no Ike to Duna.
  4. ...and there appears to be no requirement to actually depart from the KSC; correct? Idea being an orbital mother ship is delivering the lander/rover and it's already in orbit somewhere.
  5. XLjedi


    Minmus is very easy to land on... and has nice very flat dry lakebed equatorial areas where you can leave a mobile refinery to drive over to your landed craft to refuel. You can then depart minmus without even establishing an orbit and leave Kerbin influence area. For my craft, this doubles the Delta-V available for interplanetary trips when compared to a Kerbin departure. My refueling base is nothing more than an unmanned ISRU truck that just roams the Minmus sea landing area.
  6. Just did a fun little island base refueling mission to show someone how my fuel truck works...
  7. XLjedi


    Hello... I would focus on establishing a refueling outpost on Minmus before venturing forth to other planets. But that may just be more related to my play style and dislike for leaving poor green folk stranded.
  8. @The Dunatian@Terwin I noticed the single white spot on the Ike topo-map, so the highest point seems obvious. ...lowest point seems pretty obvious too. The topo-map for Duna was a little trickier... I'm maybe leaning toward one of the pink spots on a mountain range near the North Pole. Lowest point for Duna looks to be a guess for which equatorial crater/crevace you'd most like to visit. I see a nice round one that looks promising. Duna Topo-Map If the highest/lowest points aren't definitively a given, some exploration and screenshots of flags at various high/low altitudes may be a fun competitive element.
  9. I think it's actually A or B, with the challenge being visit highest point (mountain), lowest point (crater), or one of the poles. If I read it correctly, you do have to bring a rover, and "extra" challenge for driving it 5km and/or doing the Alpine mission. Also, there can only be one lander, so your lander (whatever form it may take) needs to contain the rover. Additionally, there seems to be no "Return to Kerbin" requirement, nor a requirement to visit both Duna and Ike. At least this is how I read it... I may add for my own extra challenge, return to Kerbin and land at the KSC.
  10. I'll give it another shot... any bonus points for doing Ike and Duna, and then returning to the KSC? Don't see landing my plane on a mountain doable though... will have to drive there.
  11. I voted other, cuz my favorites so far have been the larger one's I've built (by grouping several together) and then come up with my own name for and claiming a patent for Untied Technologies!
  12. Didn't even make the scoreboard... ah well, maybe next time.
  13. Interesting mods with schematic overlay and building outside the SPH/VAB... what was that one?
  14. BDarmory was considered too OP... but I'm sure dropping a single large bomb would be fine.
  15. I still do not get the concept of why anyone would want multiplayer? ...unless it still had a way to use accel time? Which I don't think I've seen implemented in a multi-player game before?
  16. Squashing bugs is always good... was hoping to hear a certain (not minor) bouncy one was being addressed in 1.4. I'll assume you're on it.
  17. I like engineers the best in sandbox... They can repack chutes, repair wheels, and accelerate rrefueling ops. Actually, in sandbox, the Engineer has the only useful skills.
  18. I dunno if it's a bug, or just my frustration, or maybe even I just don't know how to make it work right? I have a lot of trouble using the stock radial decouplers and pylons as wing mounts for munitions. Not that it's difficult to attach stuff; but upon release, the decoupler and/or pylon stays attached to the munition instead of the plane! The only way I've found to get around it is to treat the munition as the main unit and then attach the pylon and plane to it. Which is extremely frustrating! I must just be doing something wrong...
  19. Santa is watching and the Krakonians have been especially naughty this year!



    Checkout the Krakonians latest mission here:  Agent Zero in "Die Every Day"

    A covert op submitted in response to this week's challenge:  Blow up the KSC

  20. I finally managed to blow up the VAB! Buildings Destroyed: 1 (the VAB) Parts Used: Zero... Agent Zero in "Die Every Day" Not as much fun as the mission story; but to make it official the A-22 craft file (details below) includes 103 parts at a cost of 35,729. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/A-22-Inquisitor
  21. The mission builder is sounding better every week! However... As for this Part Failure Node... Are you sure I don't have these nodes on several of my craft already?
  22. One trick I've used with refueling to manage the Ker-bounce damage is... As mentioned previously, when you come out of accel time the craft does not always appear to bounce as much, but only because the gear got jammed up into the hull and absorbed the bounce with damage. For me it seems to happen most often coming out of accel time after refueling. I have noticed there is less chance for gear damage if coming out of a save, as opposed to accel time. Sooooo... if you accel time to refuel, just make sure to do a save AFTER you harvest the fuel, but BEFORE you come out of accel time! Then to exit accel time, just press ESC and load the save. You get your fuel, and the Ker-bounce is less likely to damage your gear.
  23. Yeah, not much you can do there... except hope they fix it soon, and avoid the offending parts. For now, maybe just focus on craft design and tinkering around in sandbox mode until we get a stable version to advance career mode saved games. Maybe even participate in a challenge or two? Would be nice to get an update on this here... but I guess I'll have to go open an account on their bug tracker system to see what (if anything) is being acknowledged and worked on.
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