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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. So how does this work now? The vessel name is associated with a command part? So if I switch "control from here" will it change the name of the vessel? ...and where do you set the name at design time? Is it a property of the part that needs to be edited?
  2. I managed to get a script working that will convert my craft files from 1.4 to 1.3... Unfortunately, it was not quite as straightforward as new_part => old-part. No need to waste any time on it.
  3. Realizing you have more important things to do at the moment with the mission uploads and all... How difficult would it be to create a script that converts the 1.4.1 craft files back to 1.3.1? If it's not something that can be done relatively quickly (a reversal of your 1.4 craft converter) then I would say disregard.
  4. Tested out the new Kerbal parachutes today.
  5. Here's a very short video documenting the Mk3 Ramp bug. Notice the rover loads fine, but as it unloads, the solar array panels fall off and parts explode for no reason. https://youtu.be/bqC_Z3Tjcu0
  6. @katateochi and your suggested workaround works perfectly. Thanks! I think I like doing the updates better that way anyway... didn't realize it would work like that.
  7. Trying out the new craft update feature, and this seems to work well in terms of getting the parts updated and downloaded in my direction. Only issue I've had so far, is when I save the craft file in 1.4.1 on my side and then try to drag/drop it back into the Craft EDIT "crash craft here" box at KerbalX... I get an empty orange popup window/rectangle in it with no text and an "OK" button at right. I click the OK button and it seems to be scanning the craft but never completes the update?
  8. I don't believe any of the parts in question have changed?
  9. I've tried it with 2 of my rovers so far... and broke either a solar array or a radiator every time I tried to unload them. I haven't tried to really inch one in/out super-slow-and-careful, but I use to be able to just let em roll right out with no problems. Edit: just put a Bug Tracker ticket in for it... Bug #18017 Mk3 Cargo Ramp
  10. I noticed after upgrading to 1.4 (and now with the Making History DLC also) that I am having trouble unloading vehicles that previously had no issues. To be specific, when unloading (and sometimes while loading) rovers with deployable equipment, like extendable solar arrays and heat radiators, the equipment just breaks for no reason. This seems to happen regardless of whether or not the equipment overhangs the rest of the vehicle. In other words, I can have a solar panel array recessed into the design of the overall craft and it still breaks as if coming into contact with the side of the Mk3 Cargo Ramp. I was so excited they fixed the Ker-bounce bug! ...and I'd get to play with my moon bases again. And now there's something bugged with the Mk3 Cargo Ramp and I can't transport anything to my bases... AGAIN! Has anyone else noticed this?
  11. For me, one of the biggest benefits to the 1.4 upgrade has been... They fixed the Ker-bounce bug! So I can finally play with my moon bases again... it's been awhile.
  12. I think they specifically say in the parts section of their update summary that the old parts are still there for continuity; at least for now... but will be phased out at a later time. I noticed that I turned off "Show Space Center Crew" and the Kerbals are gone, but the vehicles are still milling about? ...was there another button or checkbox for those that I just forgot about?
  13. I would add to the list... or even be happy with just: Fix the landing gear interaction that is currently destroying every base on every planet.
  14. @MinimalCriminal Doesn't concern me too much... and I thought was pretty well documented early on. But, I'd still give it a "wait and see" before jumping to too many conclusions. There may be elements of it (rewards, achievements, scoring, complex object spawning, etc.) that will make it obvious as to why it could not be incorporated. ...and who knows, maybe it's something that can still get worked-in down the road a bit?
  15. A resurgence of Ewoks... which of course opens the door for a new TV Christmas Special!
  16. I'd just be happy if they could do something about the horrible Unity/Saitek FCS controller lag issue... I'd love to try flying some of my stuff with my stick/throttle.
  17. It's a workaround I guess; but kinda sad right? I mean cuz they obviously already have the framework in place for this... Although, I'd still prefer a drilldown style directory (and subdirectories) over the icons.
  18. I put engines on my stations and now refer to them as Orbital Command Vessels. Here's my mid-career Sci-Raker corvette that I recently launched. It destroyed most of the science tree within a year just piddling around Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus... Notice the claws on the front that it uses to scavenge fuel from the stages of other various smaller satellites that I have to put in orbit. My preference would've been a stock solution for orbital assembly rather than a launch like this. But the end result is a sci-data research station in orbit that is capable of self-relocation, 2000 dV to start, and can pillage unused fuel from other sources.
  19. ...although, neither of these would be required if they just allowed users to create a directory system for their craft files.
  20. I took it as... Like a little mini-model or icon you would use in the mission creator to assign/position/use a related part in a mission.
  21. Following cuz I'm curious to see what exactly these "trailers" are? Edit: Ah, I see now... they're all mod-heavy and no pics. Gonna have to pass.
  22. Would love to see the "Ker-bounce" bug squashed! ...and maybe some improvements with Unity garbage collection stuttering.
  23. VTOL departure from Island Base, inbound for KSC VAB Helipad. Plant flag on helipad, VTOL departure and finish with conventional landing on KSC runway. Keep in mind while watching that 2/3 throttle equals hover when verti-lift turbofan array is engaged. A 100% stock design and available for download here: https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/FA-08-Bobcat
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