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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Those are challenging... and I would not even try with anything less than 1.3 TWR on your vertical engines when fully fueled. ...anything less and you just pancake every landing.
  2. Hey now; that is borderline "naughty" talk! ...best get busy on that tree!
  3. Fewer the better, but sure... go ahead. You do still have to post a link to the craft file though! KerbalX is pretty good about helping out with identifying the mods used, so I would recommend posting it there. I want to see this thing in action! Another thought; there is no limit on mod usage for a craft capable of transporting gifts to Minmus or Eve. If the design includes a cargo bay or rear docking port attachment to drag gifts around. You might go with a simpler cargo-style gift and use this special vehicle as your "Magnificent Sleigh" or "Gift Transporter". ...but up to you. I won't disqualify a cool gift design, if you think that's what Jeb REAALLY wants this year.
  4. I've made stuff (rovers for instance) that do not fit inside a cargo bay... they do however, have docking ports so they can be attached to or towed by other vehicles. There's already at least one stock gift for Jeb, so if you have a vision for a special gift for Jeb, I'm not going to spoil it. Presumably, it will be able to make the trip to Minmus though?
  5. I do indeed maintain standard key assignments for all my craft. I also like to create craft that can be carried along as cargo on other craft. So with that in mind, I use the following as a guide: Engine Mode Toggle (could be air breathing, forward/reverse, afterburner, etc.) Primary Engine Toggle (typically high thrust, low efficiency) Secondary Engine Toggle (typically high efficiency, low thrust) Control Surface Toggle (flaps or any other deployed control surfaces, activating hydroplanes for instance) Bay Doors Toggle (any/all doors open/close) Recharge and Deploy Comms (solar panel and communication equipment deployment; seemed to be a good pairing for me) Heatsink or Utility 1 (deploy radiators) Dock/Undock or Utility 2 (deploy jacks if needed to dock, and/or undock and activate parachutes for airdrop vehicles) Rover Engine Toggle (sometimes I also consider a fuel cell to be a rover engine) Kill Switch (turns off everything on a craft that can be cargo: RCS, wheel engines, fuel cells, etc. ...very useful for stowed craft!) As noted, I also use 7 and 8 as general "Utility" categories that may have other uses for vehicles without the need for recharge, docking, and heatsink. So 7 and 8 are really my only wildcards. There are certain activities, like ISRU processing, drilling, experiments, singular landing gear toggle, claw deployment, ladders, etc. ...that occur infrequently enough that I'm fine not having those activities assigned.
  6. @linuxgurugamer It seems so obvious to me now... but the idea of using engines as candle flames had never even occurred to me. Very nice; badge progress has been updated!
  7. @Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut Now you just need to put it on top of a tree!
  8. The intent was to demonstrate ability to intercept another craft in orbit and then transfer cargo from one craft to the other. But the documentation requirements are pretty sparse, so if you know you already have a vehicle capable of carrying the star into orbit... I wouldn't particularly care (or know) if you shortcut it a bit and just edited a craft with the star (or star itself) into orbit. Personally, I was thinking it would be a good combined mission for a rocket followed by a shuttle delivery. When I'm done tinkering with badges, I think I'm gonna take a shot at this one meselfs!
  9. @Urus28 That's a very cool vertical lander design!
  10. @linuxgurugamer Sure, just install the central candle in orbit... And now there's even a special "Min Aura" badge for anyone that does it! Happy Hanuhker Everyone!
  11. @Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut Ohhhh... I like that one; looks like a mobile can O' soup! And is that Bob sitting on top! Do you have a craft file for that one?
  12. You get to have $OME_FUN and earn $OME_BADGES... Like this one! @Laie
  13. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SR-13-Venom "Venom" as in "Liquid"
  14. Why does nobody care about dead ________? I think we've become numb to the constant barrage of nightly spectacular and deadly news stories. I don't particularly see pilots as a special class. Rather, we don't really care much about anyone who died last week. It's probably (as you have noted) because it seems to happen so often (news barrage) that we've grown accustomed to forgetting about it once the next day's horrific event has been televised. ...and maybe the airplane stories stand out more to you, cuz you like airplanes. Not a particularly flattering reflection on society.
  15. Mission Flag (Free gift to all who participate!) Gift_Flag_256x160.png (10 bonus points if spotted in your pics) Sample Badges Naughty or Nice? And of course, there's also one very special badge for "self-proclamations" and/or "proof of" naughty-ness! Giftshop (usable stock gifts) Jeb (pilot) Bob (sci) Bill (eng) Val (pilot) Kringle Space Sleigh Super-Fast Space Ride RCS Space Bike Jeb's Cabin SkyLark Mobile Sci-Base Rejoice Billboard RC Car Boombox (mods) Toy Landing Module Angel Ornament Badges Earned! Better to Give Minmus Tree MinAura WeeThree Kings Kerismus Eve Kerismus Miracle Lump O' Koal @MrChumley@Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut@Nightfury@AngrybobH@James Kerman @EpicSpaceTroll139@alekkat @qzgy@linuxgurugamer@The Dunatian@Bottle Rocketeer 500@StrandedonEarth@TailDragger @Marschig@alekkat@EpicSpaceTroll139@AngrybobH@Nightfury@Gordon Fecyk@MrChumley@KerrMü@The Dunatian@Bottle Rocketeer 500@Jeb, The Lonely Kerbonaut@StrandedonEarth@Terwin@EBOSHI@qzgy@TailDragger @linuxgurugamer @MrChumley@linuxgurugamer @linuxgurugamer @linuxgurugamer @Darth Badie@James Kerman@Laie@alekkat
  16. Alas... Defeated once again by lofty ambitions and the Kraken! CURSE YOU FOUL BEAST!!! ...for destroying a rather fantastical mothership every time I tried to dock with it.
  17. Trying out a new type of lander craft for this week's Visiting Duna & Ike Challenge!  I wanted a small SSTO-type lander that I can dock with a much larger OCV (orbital command vessel).  For planets with atmospheres, it's a glider on the way down, saving all the fuel it can for departure.  The Raven also features a rather unique engineering bay that allows it to carry some additional equipment along that you might not expect!

    Phase 1:  Raven to Orbit


  18. <--- that BTW, is a picture of Jeb installing fluorescent blue-glow ground effects on his latest SSTO! Pffft... lighsabers...
  19. Pffft... lightsabers... This is KSP!!! ...we have jets and rockets! Now just stow that lightsaber talk!!
  20. If they do add 2 new females.. They would at least get pink suits, correct?
  21. Just to catch me up on the history here... were there 2 or 3 originally? ...and then 1 or 2 orange suits got added? I like the idea of adding orange suits, but maybe just one at a time, over an extended period? I like the idea of drawing it out, but have no problems with the next 2 or 5 being female. Maybe add a female for the "Making History" release?
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