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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. @dark_reef even if you bolted them down, something else I've noticed... We notice the gear drops down into the ground and then gets thrust up. What also occurs is, sometimes the bounce up appears to be not as bad for some reason. What actually happens in those cases, is the landing gear actually gets thrust up into the craft and becomes permanently assigned to a new position as if the craft had incurred a particularly rough landing and damaged it's gear. So basically as you play, and your craft bounces around... it is also randomly taking damage that compounds over time. I've noticed that at the KSC on the tarmac, I can retract the offending gear on some craft and let them sit on the ground and it does seem to avoid the issue. On low-G planets I've tried similar tactics with other craft and the results were unfortunately catastrophic. As the 1.3.1 update did absolutely nothing for me but introduce problems... My best course of action (and recommendation for others) is to rollback to 1.3.0 until the next update comes out and hopefully fixes it.
  2. @dark_reef appreciate you spending time swapping out your mods to see what might be causing it. ...and here's my 5 minute confirmation that it has nothing to do with a mod. Renamed my game folder New vanilla Steam install of 1.3.1 Put a craft on the runway use accel time, and... Ker-BOUNCE! ...it's a 1.3.1 Ker-BUG!
  3. MMmmm... Muah haha HAAAaaa! I've heard rumor that the Krakonians were plotting something particularly diabolical in the next two weeks!
  4. Good point, I'm rolling back to 1.3.0 and just gonna forget I saw this update for now... Thankfully, I can rollback... A few have asked me about purchasing the game since the update; I can't recommend they buy into this version right now. Hopefully, a 1.3.2 fix takes care of this soon!
  5. @Squad if it's this bad for everyone... it is game breaking. This is my latest craft landed on Ike; and this is what happens when you load a save game, come out of time accel, or try to extend/retract the landing gear. This particular craft is 109 parts and I don't think too terribly complex or overly auto-strutted. If I try to refuel and come out of accel time, when the gear drops into the surface and then gets ejected (as the video shows) it pushes the gear up so hard it physically changes the location of the gear in the craft, and basically destroys it! The design of this particular craft includes a vertical stabilizer with tail gear that keeps it from flipping completely on its back, but I imagine other craft designs would just get flipped onto their backs. I'm seriously considering walking away from the game for awhile until this gets resolved. ...on a bright note, at least my Kerbal crew seems to enjoy it!
  6. After a stop at Minmus for fuel, visited Duna... Landing was a bit of a challenge! Glad we packed those chutes. Refueling ops... and now where to next?
  7. Excellent, thank you! So since I did this... obviously there's a problem with my script then if I don't see the "patches applied" message increment by 1 after I put my .cfg out there. Also fair to assume the .cfg file is of the typical .txt editor variety, correct? Well, I s'pose that narrows it down to my little file as the issue then.
  8. I'm looking forward to seeing how the new mission editor turns out. ...any expansion of the stock parts pool I also see as a positive. I've never actually been accused of being in right mind though.
  9. Quick question... I get the syntax. I'm unclear on: Presumably we save a text file with a ".cfg" format? Are there any other filename or extension requirements to flag it as a MM.cfg file? Where does it go? I suspect just in my custom mod folder? ...any special directory I have to create within my folder? I realize this may be common knowledge to some, but a little aggravating that this info is not listed in the root post. My searches have turned up lots of syntax examples but nothing so simple as "Here's how you name your MM script. ...and it goes here." Just looking to make a little mm patch to "unfix" the recent 1.3.1 Goliath/Wheesley engine "fix"
  10. May have to revisit this... Not sure why I never thought to use the claw as a way to vertically dock a positive buoyancy dynamic dive sub? Seems so obvious to me now.
  11. Jeb's spooky Logistics Rover...


  12. The latest addition to the Untied Technologies Exolifter line of heavy SSTO craft. https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SC-20-Monarch
  13. I'd certainly rather discuss bugs in the next update... than have a perfect version with no new development!
  14. Well 1.3.1 seems to have untamed it... and then walked over and kicked it several times to really get it ticked-off... It's documented (link above) as noticeably worse in the 1.3.1 update and apparently even game breaking for some.
  15. Guess my only remaining question is... Did anything good actually come out of the 1.3.1 update? They 'fixed' the Goliath and ruined one of my favorite engine designs. ...and now this bounce!
  16. I hope this one gets fixed fast! ...my large SSTO with refueling gear vaults off Minmus a good 20 meters coming out of accel time. In the meantime though, I seem to have found a new Kraken assisted takeoff mechanism for low gravity worlds! This is pretty bad...
  17. Awww, that's a shame... well, hope they fix it fast! It is one of those things that can make folks not want to visit their favorite bases. Appreciate the confirm that is was in fact a bug introduced in 1.3.1 This could definitely put a big damper on my craft development activities, as I was just getting into modular base designs that can be deployed by a MK3 SSTA. ...but all my missions are vaulting into the air and exploding. Guess it gives me some time to start playing the next game in the library.
  18. I have a larger-sized SSTO with the LY-60 and LY-35 landing gear. I noticed that after the 1.3.1 update, if the craft is landed, and on any planet, if you accelerate time... When you try to come back to 1x time, the craft leaps off the ground a bit. On Kerbin it's not too horrible; although, if linked up to a station or fuel line it can trigger explosions. On low gravity worlds, like Minmus, it's obscene! The craft vaults off the surface a good 10-20 meters, and can really mess things up! The same thing will happen if you try to load a save game, the craft will leap off the surface. So my questions are... Anyone else have this problem? ...in the event it might just be me and a few mods I have? (which are very few) Has it been a known issue for awhile and I just haven't noticed? Or was this a possible bug introduced with the 1.3.1 update?
  19. No Kerbals will die? What kind of challenge is this? I may have to pass... ;-D
  20. Next craft in the Untied Technologies Exolifter line...


    1. XLjedi


      ...cuz I want to take my trucks into space!

  21. It's basically a glorified elementary school egg drop challenge, but... I s'pose it's different; have fun with it!
  22. We should not cloud the issue with a bunch of relevent facts! (If not obvious by now... my first post and the follow-up were intended as jokes) ;-D @Daedalus304 welcome to the forum!
  23. Not what I heard... any account containing alpha-numeric characters is most likely a spambot, and must be thoroughly vetted.
  24. Ya know... I'm gonna revisit this. I could post a link to the patch right on the craft page and describe it as just a reversal of the 1.3.1 update for: * Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage. That is, assuming it's something I could manage with a MM patch.
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