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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. BRILLIANT!!! ...this opens up a world of possibilities.
  2. ...eeesh, I barely have enough rep to qualify as a purposefully boring normal player. Ah well, I'll go with "Abnormal Craft Builder" I guess.
  3. @Castille7 very kind of you to say, thank you! Appreciate you posting the excellent pics! ...looks like you left the drop tanks on for the whole flight. Next time you take it out, either leave em on the runway or drop em after climbing to altitude. It's a different plane when it loses those tanks. Edit: failed to comment... You flew it all the way around the world! :-D
  4. The latest craft to emerge from the highly secretive Krakonian Skunkworks... https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/FAS-15-Phantom
  5. Cudafish, Mighty Duck, and the Mission to Challenger Deep!
  6. MMMmmm... the troll is strong with this one! ...must ...resist ...responding GAHHH! Fine, you win.
  7. Probably most resemble the craft builder I s'pose. I would've left of "epic" though... Epic is for the folks that get 300 craft d/l's a day cuz they've mastered social media... or build Ferrari's with RCS thrusters.
  8. UV-14 Submersible "Cudafish" Parts: 46 Mass: 10.583t Ht Wth Ln: 3.3m, 3.0m, 8.7m Surface Speed: 59 m/s 16.3 m/s on 30° dive 14.7 m/s on 45° dive Deepest recorded depth was 1368m with a level cruising speed of 20.7 m/s. 32.9 m/s top speed on an emergency run to surface Munitions Test 1: underwater test launch of Mini-Polaris rocket - check! Munitions Test 2: surface torpedo launch test - check! Transport to and from Challenger Deep via KC-09 seaplane. Compatible with all Untied Technologies Overhead Gantry transport systems... (stock craft, no hidden clipped parts or need for ballast tanks) Full mission report with pics: Cudafish, Mighty Duck, and the Mission to Challenger Deep!
  9. Hmmm... the KSP game I had running while viewing this picture just locked up and crashed!
  10. Testing is almost complete on my new 6x6 Amphibious Rover!
  11. Out of curiosity... If I use the Advanced Tweakables to adjust fuel tank priority (and I do) does that translate to the craft file in such a way that if someone else downloads my craft file, the fuel priority comes along even if they don't have Advanced Tweakables turned on in their settings?
  12. It's rumored that Elite Pilots of the Krakonian Empire are able to fly this plane all the way into orbit without boosters or oxidizer! ...but can you do it? https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SR-13-Venom
  13. I've heard from reliable sources that this thread is TOTALLY LOCKED. ...so you're good!
  14. Hmmm... seems like "Disable Crossfeed" should apply to more than just fuel. Guess I'm just going to have to incorporate an on/off switch now with all of my vehicles. That shouldn't be too bad I guess. This idea of floating the rover is going to be compounded by the fact that it's a little refueling vehicle that carries 1000 liquid fuel... so it's maybe kinda long-ish and heavy. Embedding landing gear into the rover is probably the only option in my case.
  15. In terms of a missions that might involve retrieving, a rover, and then redeploying at another location... How much success have you all had with using the cargo ramp on an airplane? Design-wise I have a nice little cargo plane, loading ramp attached to the big Mk3 cargo bay. Loads and unloads a refueling truck on the KSC runway just fine. ...but then I fly with it over to the island runway and try to unload it (undock it ) and the truck seems to be damaged by the flight or landing? I've tried different connectors and seem to get the same issue. In flight the thing gets damaged and/or the wheels merge with the fuselage or something? ...and I can't disembark the rover again once at the island, or if I can the wheels/motors are damaged and it doesn't want to move. I even raised the deck of the cargo bay to give the wheelbase a little more width (I thought it was a clipping issue with the curved sidewalls) and I continue having the problem. I also notice that during the flight, the plane controls are translated into the rover, so it's back there in the cargo bay with wheels going and steering active. Disabling the docking port crossfeed seems to do nothing in this regard.
  16. Have you tried the BGG website? https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/12333/twilight-struggle I personally do not own a copy; but it does seem to get very high marks, so I may have to pick it up now! I'm gonna watch Tom Vasel's review and maybe a few others here might find it of interest. Also, you could even start a KSP gaming guild at BGG if you wanted? ...and invite folks from here to join it?
  17. Here ya go... KSP Parts in Excel I believe the list is complete for the stock parts, although... I don't think I have that new telescope part, as it was just added. I have a bunch of other data that I'm still collecting/organizing in the file, but the part list itself is complete I think, and it has the .craft file part name, the long part name from the SPH/VAB, and associated pictures for each part, which is nice.
  18. That works! ...and I can use the advanced search if I need to throw in a keyword. Any good way in the editor to delete the quoted textbox above? Edit: I was able to click the titlebar of the quote and hit delete on my PC, although it didn't really highlight the quote very well, so I couldn't tell it was selected. (very faint thin blue outline) So the problem with deleting the quotes is really just with mobile and tablet devices then.
  19. @HebaruSan that almost works... I see the Search by Author feature is hidden now in the advanced search area. Once you click on the hotlink the username gadget pops-up. Unfortunately, it then forces you to enter a keyword, it doesn't just let me find all of my content. Is there a wildcard character I need to use? Intuitively, I look at the Advanced Search and think the "Author" or "User" tab there is where I need to go. So I had been missing the "+ Search by Author" clicky thing. Even the little link you posted there: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/search/&q=excel&author=XLjedi ...only seems to work cuz you included "Excel" as a keyword.
  20. I see that now... but let's face it, that is a pretty poor design! Now come to think of it, I can't even delete your quote in this thread on my PC! I can't highlight it all and delete it, I can't mouse-over it and get any option to delete it. The only button we have is "Insert other media". I should be able to highlight the quoted text in the editor at response time and just delete it; and I can't. My only hope would be to copy everything I just typed... go back, start the whole response over, and have the little bar pop-up asking to clear the editor. Should we not at least have a buttom next to "Submit Reply" that might let us clear the editor space? ...and on a side note, I've pretty much given up on trying to locate my own posts on this forum. Search for posts by username just isn't a thing. I may start adding "XLjedi Locator" to the bottom of every one of my posts so I can find it a week or two from now.
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