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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Do not hold your breath... the next time I waste a half-hour of my life trying to defeat the Curse/Twitch logon fiasco, I am taking my one mod off of Curse and never returning. Although in hindsight, "Curse" is probably the most accurately named website of anything I've ever tried to post a file to. Hmmm... I have an hour of my life to waste and a few beers available, maybe I'll try to login as an author again? Edit: I should mention Curse was "acquired" by Twitch and their author login is sooooo broked-ed that I blush in embarrassment for them every time Curse is mentioned. ...and if you are a mod author, get use to seeing this message if you are misfortunate enough to follow their instructions to create a Twitch login: {"error":"Bad Request","status":400,"message":null}
  2. Traversing North Carolina today... and into Virginia.  Hoping to find some nice camping grounds along the way.

  3. I suspect when we see the EULA for 1.3 we will have our answer...
  4. I notice a repetitive lag/pause in gameplay of 1-3 seconds that I do find annoying, but I have not experienced the long delays that you seem to have. I'd maybe start looking into device drivers, graphic card settings, and RAM...
  5. I suspect the answer is no, but it gives me the idea that I might want to create a hangar to hold craft that I've commented on. ...a nice feature might be to automatically add craft to this hangar similar to downloads?
  6. Currently at FSU orientation in Tallahassee.  ...and then cruising around southeast US in the RV for a couple weeks.

  7. Strange thing is... I bought it in 2013; but didn't play it until 2017. I kinda buy games on my Steam wishlist when they're cheap and then let em sit around until I'm bored with the other games I'm playing. I think I was like a September purchase? ...so yeah, a month or two late to get the freebie. If it's a good game I don't mind giving them a few bucks for the next version. S'pose I could always wait a few months til it goes on sale too... they always do. Nearly 100 games still on the wishlist (probably 20-30 that are under $10) and I haven't really started playing the last one that I bought on a sale: Motorsports Manager I may step out of character and buy this one right at release for full price. Gonna wait til I read a review or demo of the Mission Editor though. That's really the only thing of significance that I've seen so far that has me interested in the update.
  8. Hello, and may the Delta-V be with you...
  9. My best childhood memories are related to the one Christmas I received my blue LL924 space plane and yellow castle... Ahhh... my Space Knights, it was a truly glorious time! AND!!! I was able to swing by the local Barnes & Noble this afternoon and picked up the last Apollo set they had on the shelf! ...was able to use an educator discount to get an extra 20% off too! Unfortunately, it will have to wait a couple weeks until we return from summer vacation before I can swoosh it around the family room.
  10. They're selling the snow speeder again for $199 and part count is 1703... at nearly $0.12 per brick, it's almost double the cost of the Apollo rocket. I'm calling around to some of the main lego stores now and see if I can snag one. Edit: BAH! ...they just got some in the Orlando store this morning and won't take any holds or phone orders. So the stores are still getting them if you're close enough to one to drive by.
  11. https://shop.lego.com/en-US/LEGO-NASA-Apollo-Saturn-V-21309
  12. Yeah, I think the typical set is about $0.10 a brick... this one runs about $0.06 per brick. Not sure if the part count listed on the box is entirely accurate in this case though. I suspect it's around 2000 parts, but pretty cool they listed it as 1969
  13. That's just government agency speak for "big pipe down the side" and basically allows the contractor to charge 10x as much on their invoice. "Oh, sure budget calls for a rather expensive "systems tunnel" makes sense, the tunnel that holds systems is probably important!" As opposed to... "Wait WHAT! ...we paid how much for a section of pipe!"
  14. Guess I don't mind a mod-part challenge... kinda shows a supportive attitude for the modding community. Which is always a good thing. At first I was like, "oh OK, one of these cockpits is a 2.5 cockpit, hmmm... which is it?" and then I was like, "Ohhhhhh ...OK" Don't particularly care for "Endeavor" plastered on the side of everything though... and the graphics don't seem to be on par with the stock skins. I do really like the ventral flatness of the fuselage parts though! Feels a lot more shuttle-ish in my opinion.
  15. Didn't even know about it... thanks for posting! Should look nice on my bookshelf. Edit: oh dang! Didn't realize how huge it was... http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/other/building-the-lego-nasa-saturn-v-rocket-ars-technica/vi-BBBLYt3 ...and I mean the rocket, not the dude building it.
  16. Have to tell ya though... I was getting ready to post the same article reference in the general discussion area, and then noticed it was already up. You might be merging some posts later this afternoon. I would not have seen this if posted originally in Science and Spaceflight.
  17. Ya know full well they are gonna get tired of flying that thing and just start hyper editing the stuff into orbit. Also, they need to add a few actual struts there between the tails... The way they used the autostrut feature in this case is just not realistic! ..and does anyone know which mod he used to widen the SPH like that?
  18. Kind of derailing the thread here... post your own challenge for creating a '79 Ford Pinto out of RCS thrusters if you like.
  19. Think I was looking for something similar a short-while back... I wouldn't find it so annoying if "mega-threads" weren't as popular as they seem to be on this forum. I more often want to visit the first unread post of these megathreads and work from there, as opposed to start at OP, goto last post, and then start working back. ...an easier way (or is there a way at all? LOL) to find MY posts in these threads would also be a godsend! Did I mention that I kinda hate mega-threads?
  20. Happened to me today too... I use CKAN mod manager, so I saved a .ckan file with all my installed mods. Then I unchecked/uninstalled everything, and then 1.3 loaded fine for me. After that, I went back into CKAN and chose to re-install the mods from the .ckan file and, naturally, there were several that were not compatible at this time, so I'll have to be patient and wait for those modders to play catch-up. Although, with the next update looming on the horizon; "Making History" and the "Mission Editor"... and no certainty of a release date... I don't know how motivated I would be to do the work to update my mod for 1.3 and then have to go back and update it again when these new versions are released. Probably a wise thing to always have a vanilla install separated from your modded version(s).
  21. I wouldn't worry about policing URL's, a deviant user could already have created those bad links given the tools/gadgets you already have... Hotlinks and/or the image links being embedded in the profile description for instance. Maybe just add an option for users to report inappropriate content/links.
  22. Confirmed, it's OK. I was trying to update the URL/picture for all of my craft to link to my site instead of IMGUR and I think it was actually an issue with the tablet/browser combo that I was using rather than your site. Basically, your site is a little wonky when viewed with my tablet, particularly the coding of those drag/drop gadgets you have. I don't think the browser on my tablet likes that code... might be a little beyond its capabilities. Just checked it here at home and all is well, thanks for checking it! I did have one other question for you though... those drag/drop gadgets? How difficult would it be to have another image container that would follow a hyperlink rather than enlarge the photo when clicked? I'd like to put a small image of a flag that might say "Click Me for X" so people could download things like my mod for the Green Cherubs or one of the custom flags that I make, etc. Basically, clickable icons like the ones in my signature below that follow a URL link when clicked.
  23. Here's the png file url... Your site previews it fine, but fails to save for some reason. http://www.xl-logic.com/KSP/craft/FE-01%20Kobra.png The window I'm talking about is the floating dialog where the image url is entered and you see the preview. I'm operating from a tablet and away from home, so don't have easy access to all my tools. Posting screenshots is hard ATM.
  24. Image Display Fail I notice that some images I have on the net where the name of the PNG file included a space... The blank space gets converted to a "%20" in the URL and although your preview shows the image correctly, it doesn't get saved by the editor. Also, the window that pops up to "Save Image" on my laptop screen gets half-cutoff with no way to scroll it up so I can see the bottom of the window gadget. I'd post an example of the URL I'm trying to display, but this website correctly interprets the URL and displays the image, and I don't really want to spam the image here.
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