This is Laythe, a moon circling the great green giant, Jool. For decades, kerbals have stared in awe at Laythe, planning, dreaming, wondering.
The challenge is simple. Send a spacecraft to explore Laythe. No cheats are allowed (Hyperedit, debug menu...etc.). The probe must send back AT LEAST 500 Science! points. No parts can be lost without being planned before entering Laythe's SOI. You need to post part count, cost, Science! points collected, and at least one thing you found that was interesting(if you succeeded). Screenshots or it never happened. All non-cheat mods are allowed.
"You Tried" Mode
Fly past Laythe in 10 years or less.
Easy Mode
Fly past Laythe in 5 years or less, OR enter Laythe orbit.
Medium Mode
Land safely on Laythe's surface, it doesn't matter where.
Hard Mode
Land a rover on Dracoduck Island, Visit two island biomes OR land a boat and sample Laythe's ocean, and visit two ocean biomes.
Dracoduck Island>>>
Super Mode
Land an autonomous, amphibious, walking robot on Laythe. Visit all 10 biomes with all available scientific instruments. Test for life. DMagic Orbital Science is recommended for this part. If you only play stock, that's okay. Dmagic is no requirement.
Hyper Mode
Any kind of manned mission.