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Everything posted by Urses

  1. We have a tradition in our family for  XMas and New years eve.

    We wish us "A good health, as all other things will come through work and passion."

    That is what i wish you all:

    Stay healthy and in a good mood

    Happy Kabooms


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  2. You need not only a manned craft but a manned craft that have a control point and have right personal in it. As Example the Mark 2-1 for 3 persons as you read you need a pilot for the pod and a pilot for remote control option. This means you need at least 2 pilots to get it work. If you only have 1 there you don't get the control probe ability. As funny example, if you build a ship of a simpelst probe core and a Mark1 Crew cabin you can actually stear with full pilot ability as you can controll the vehicle from the cabin through probe but if the prob is decoupled you have only the probe controlable. Try it in moon shadow.
  3. This needs something like a superglue expender for the wheels as KSP and traction are sworn enemies for life me thinks.... But realy nice and fun experience!
  4. Welcome to the forums and nice suborbital hopper design. Now you have a good plane for "take measures above x km" - contracts. Funny Kabooms Urses
  5. Have you inventend a kerbalized version of "backfire revolver"?
  6. The ring problems base mostly on Kopernicus. Maybe it would be worth to take a look inside?
  7. Without license a riksha maybe? And as ever who don't ask deserves no answer. Go to her and ask politely for a date, like " i find you realy interesting and it would be a pleasure to meet you for a dinner to give us a chance to learn more about each other"?
  8. And we see the next generation of "ask the OP"-Season "why your KSP looks so mich better as my install T_T" I never though of KSP as a potentant for "Best ingame Graphics"-Award. Realy well done @The White Guardian
  9. It is like Birthday no one have a clue what you will have as present and you get money or a additional bottle of soap where you get a allergic reaction... and as family hollidays... what about a fam with 100+ persons.....
  10. My rule of tumb for vanilla is the drag overlay on parts. If fairing has no more drag it is save to drop of and retract all aerohating parts like solars and antennaes.
  11. @bigcalmThanks for Legwork! And as we see to prevent confusion its named "SpaceCrane" the USI inbuild is "SkyCrane"
  12. Or she will prevent real life explosions and will have the house stay in one piece on return Funny Kabooms Urses
  13. Yes but the described one is the GC one and unlike the USI one it is tweakable and have no inbuild engines.
  14. I think you are on the false trail. This beauty is the GC SkyCrane that comes with full GC Suit. If you use only USI integrated version of GC (Core) you never get him But talking of OP maybe futile as the Parts have other "disadventages". May it be the mass or permanent need on ressources or suplies to work propperly, or need on spezialised personal in spezialised modules (mechaniks in Workshops for maintance as example). But like said above it is complex but not so overhelming as you give up midway. The best part for me is you can support a carrier without using meaning free contracts like "plant x-ish flag on the Mun"
  15. ^^this and make the base big enough to keep them sane in mean time.
  16. Great Job @Space Kadet realy like your designs! And i love how the name perfectly suits the series.... Explosions on every offworld start XD
  17. I use mostly the option 1. But as i play a moded game i have more options. If as in example staging fails and kill something important. EVA a Engineer and let him tinker something out of the remains.... Some of my landers looks realy unreconisible after coming back to Kerbin Funny Kabooms Urses
  18. USI LS as i play full Constellation. Is a good midway. TAC os tealy complex and Snacks not enough complex. And Supplies as seen as full combination of Food, Water and Air as one Package make it a way easier. And i personaly like the Hab/home idea. As it makes it complex again. You don't have the ability of other LS modes to slap enough containers on, to reach the target in one go. You have to plan to held the Boys and Girls sane.
  19. Found a little bee in the Last Constelation prerelease. The on rail mining don't work as supposed. Tested with automatic drills on clean USI Constelation install. If you switch from active vehicle the drills stops and you have no income on ressources.
  20. Sorry did seen to late, but his question was, he get to low science and to slow. And it is not realy only usable on get fast through Techtree as fast as possible. I use this workround mostly on playthroughs with sliders on 5-10% outcome on science, funds and rep. There you have to grind and get as much as possible from every mission. And as new player it will be more interesting to try the science mode to see how to grind scince with one problem less as in campaign. But my appologies. Didn't mean this as a offense. Funny Kabooms Urses
  21. I have to disagree at this point. A lander with a probe and sciencist on Mun or Minmus with a science container dramaticaly increases your science output. Pilots can only bring the reusable ones but sciencist bring a communicated one and a stored copy back. For the most not reusable ones you need 2 copys all allong for maximum gain. And you can slap 2 Mark1 commandpods for a 2kerb mission to get most out. Gather science send to Kerbin, reset with sciencist gather again store in Pilot CommandPod.and to be sure get a third set and Store in second CommandPod. It is a little annoying but this way 3-4k science "Raids" are nothing spezial. It works at KSC too. As i have spezial "Grazer" Vehicle for home biom grazing. And as ScienceLab becomes available it becomes more easy as you can reset all experiments from inside of the Lab. Engineers are more mid/end game that is true.
  22. You hit the typical behaivor of a "Mushroom" design in supersonic range. You have some ways to come around it. Kerbal way slap many fins on the truster end of the rocket. The "normal" way streamline the front. Add some fins backwards and go sure for fuel flow to use fuel from bottom to the top. I can't explain the math, but explained as a i see it. In thinner atmo at highspeeds you need higher drag to provide stability, think of a dart arrow. This is best provided by lifting Surfaces like cannards or tail fins as they give you steering abilitys in lower atmo layers where the mass is to high for reaction wheels alone. The second aspect is how your rocket is build. A chubby one needs way more draggy equip backwards as a slic one. My personal rule of thumb is as long i need thrust below 30km i need fins on the thrusting stage.
  23. My favorite rover is built around a Materialbay and Science container as body and Commandseats for pilot and sciencist. All instruments and power suply and you have with rcs a small buggy. Lastly i switched mono for Vernons and had probs on Minmus and Pol to do biom hopping without orbiral maneuvers... DragsterRover
  24. It looks actually realy weird for me too. I have a Tundra agroponics with a Duna Logistics module on same vehicle woth attached water tank and activated PL. On its own it filled for 10% but Tundra doesn't considered the Water as present "missing Water". I KIS piped a aditional vesel with logistics and water container. This one have pulled water from PL and after i pumped water in the first one the first one pushed 50% in PL but it is still not considered as present. The one on first is the cilyndrical one and the new one is a sphere. As i write about it i have to test all of the containers and look if this only habit of the cilinder containers.
  25. Did you drop an eye lastly on the "MK3 Stockalike Expansions" by same autor? Realy nice deal, especialy his wings for that format! Happy Kabooms Urses
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