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Everything posted by DunaManiac

  1. I've Got a nice one: Here they are: http://imgur.com/a/ihfjo Like it?
  2. Help! For some reason the game works fine until it reaches "Asset B definitions" I don't know if this is a bug or if it's a problem with my computer, i've tried reloading it several times, but it still dosen't make a difference. Please can someone tell me how to fix this! And this problem is even worse because I haven't even been able to play it! By the way this is 1.2 full version with no mods
  3. Hi everyone, I am beginning a project, called PROGECT BALIKONUR!!!! I got the idea from flamingo's Elacano circumnavigation idea; (All links below). And I will show you everything about it, I will document my first 20 minutes tommorow! See ya there! Driving around Kerbin [Elcano]
  4. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I like your Idea so much that I have decided to drive to the 2nd space center!!!! Following in your foot prints
  6. Amazing! Have you seen that smile face near the center?
  7. Look at my posts, because I can't, and if you look you'll know why.
  8. This is just a funny coincidence, but my 3rd grade teacher first name was emiko, ???????
  9. Okay everyone, I am going to buy a play station 4 very soon, however one question that I want to ask if i can download ksp from my PC, and if I could, how would I do it? And, can I download my mods the onto it? (1.2 release date!!!!!!!!)
  10. Okay, just for you guys,!! This is my graphic novel story: (Spoiler alert! Please do not read if you want it to be a surprise! ) At Jool the kerbal's new spacecraft ready for warp, their target: Wormhole HD 5463, which leads to an unknown solar system! However, they they discover something that will shake all of Kerbin to it's knees, and war inevitable... dun dun dun!!!!!!! Tune in to see more!
  11. Hi everyone, what books or graphic novels about ksp have you been making recently? I'm been making one, I will let you guys know when I am done. PS I am not going to publish that, I am not very public...
  12. Yes, I can get into orbit, Yes, I can go to the moon in rss. I'm just stumped on the landing part, though, help? By the way, any Real Scale Boosters lander craft files? PS: I am going back to stock because I want to do stuff that I have never done before (See Largest Gilly Spacecraft Discussion). Bye everyone see ya guys later!
  13. Hey guys, how would I be able to make a community save game? Am I supposed to have some kind of permit, or can I do it by myself? And, if i could, how would I share it?
  14. Sadly, I am done with the rss thing. I understand I will provably never land a kerbal on the moon. Right now, however I am doing stock, by the way remember to see part 2 of my rss history! By guys.
  15. Hi everyone, this is part 2 of my RSS space flight history. I decided to get Real Scale Boosters, because my so called orbiters were not fairing well, but since my computer was so old, I had to remove my other mods, and even though it was tough, I did it. I started new and I did much better, I put my kerbals into space, into orbit, and sended some probes into orbit as well. My cover story was that the space program crashed, causing the united kerbal states and emirates, to stop their little war do to financial problems. Finally on the day on my lunar landing deadline, I flew past the moon at a closes point of about 7,000 km away from the surface, in the next post I will gave my pic of the final spacecraft. Cheers everyone
  16. I cant, my computer is a piece of cheese, it crashes if it takes to much data. But, I did use RSB to do it. And, those pictures are my orbiter programs, the actual lunar flyby occured much later, PLEASE SEE!!!!!!!
  17. By the way the lab is the core of the station, here is the finished version, NOTE this is missing the EVAT, which I will add soon! And here it is from another angle Just so you know, that Capsule or CTM at the top, is TEMPORARY
  18. Hi everybody, What have you been doing lately? I have been building a space station called Horizons I. Here is the first two modules:
  19. All right I will, but what about my question about the cfg?
  20. Well, I did come awfully close, on that day I flew a kerbal by the Moon and here are the pictures:http://imgur.com/ZmpWiCu http://imgur.com/a/aI9Tc You know why My stage is not the regular "Mk1 pod on a Half sized fuel tank fueling an LV-909 engine?" Because I was bored with it so I made a different one.
  21. Well, ksp is still playable, and this is just my first mod, Ask spanner monkey he said that this is an easy sort mod.
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