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Everything posted by DunaManiac

  1. My first launch: I used cheats for this and I called it "TheNeoCubest" I did a few more using Cheats, but my tenth launch I built a huge rocket with procedural parts, This was my first launch without using ALT-F12, and I put it into orbit, and I set a deadline that I would land a kerbal on the Moon by October 1st I later built a launcher for manned space craft, I have some screenshots of it, I later exited the "Kercury" Program and into the "Kemini". I kept launching these until the great mod movement, when I installed Real Scale Boosters............ NOTICE, THIS IS with Real Solar System. By the way, this profile picture is actually a picture of a capsule from the Kemini program.
  2. Well lets not jump to silly and crazy conclsions. Can the Research and Development be removed from the game?
  3. Hi Guys, I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the RND? (See Kerbinside mod Ideas discussion)
  4. So spanner monkey, can I copy paste the cfg. Files for the rnd or do I have to do it manually? And if I had to do it manually how would I set it up? (Sorry about my question, I am a sticker for details.
  5. (No-Offense) Spanner Monkey(smce But how do you make the textured box actually function as an RND? But thank you thank you everybody!!!
  6. How do you insert images into posts anyone????
  7. Thanks Everybody!! But one tiny request. Can you guys give me a link to one of texture sites? And, How are you supposed to remove the RND (see my 2nd post)?
  8. I don't think that I can install kerbinside, because my computer is reeally old, and fizzes out a lot. I am planning to get a ps4. Just asking, how would you make the model, I don't have any experience with making mods whatsoever.
  9. Sorry, I don't have a nice picture of kerbin yet, like i said I would, but can you tell me any advice you have here, because i don't have a phone
  10. Sorry, I don't have a map just yet, but can you do it on the forums, because I don't have a phone.
  11. I might also make a little air race for show for you to fly around in with sandbox. And a Giant tunnel with a rocket airplane on it, and everything is destructble!!!!!! Later... Sorry I was going a little off-task there, I get a map of kerbin in the next post with my bases on it.
  12. Hi everybody, I am sorry about my first challenge, that was horrible, I haven't really seen anyone do air to air refueling in a long time. Rules No mods, use only jet engines and rcs as propulsion, and take a screenshot of it while its docked
  13. I accept this challenge Ackoli,
  14. Great Idea! I might consider making that part of my mods. But here is my proposal, I remove the rnd and in its place i put reasearch facilities all over kerbin, maybe some ocean based ones with places for docking. Then instead of just launching experimental parts from ksc, you can use those reasearch facilities. Any more ideas?
  15. Hi everybody, sorry I was gone so long. I was busy playing RSS. I was thinking of making a ksp mod. Like Kerbinside, any ideas?
  16. What Alpha 360? It's ONLY 16,000 m/s to laythe and back, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/145898-round-kerbin-chalenge/ So recommended mods: Kerbal Aircraft Xpansion: https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221780-kerbal-aircraft-expansion-kax Kerbal engineer And procedural parts : https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases
  17. No, I forgot to tell you that when you are going into orbit you can exceed 1000 m/s
  18. Okay, here is some more difficulty, You have to return with one full Orange tank, you can't go past 1,000 m/s in the atmospheres of Kerbin and laythe, and can't go above 30 km in the atmosphere as well. And, NO cheats allowed, and it has to be stock! That was easy mode. Hard mode is Go To laythe, land, build a base at laythe, Then send a plane to go to all the moons of jool and skim through Jool's atmosphere then go back to kerbin, visit every Easter egg on kerbin (monoliths, the pyramids the 2nd space center etc.) then land back on the runway with a full tank of fuel. (It dosen't matter how big or small it is).
  19. I am getting ready to build a dres ship, since it is saturday.
  20. That's the same thing that happened to me! I had installed to many mods and when I went into the VAB it said: RUN TIME ERROR, and ksp crashed. I had to rinse the install
  21. By the way, Only refuel once, (Probably at kerbin) And circumnavigate kerbin using a plane. Only one vessel.
  22. Your never to late! I joined 2 days after you!
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