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  1. Don't worry, we'll wash it out. Waiter! There's a unicorn in my soup!
  2. 'Hello To Nowhere, Part 2' It was clear that something was going on, something very, very strange. Here they were, floating in space next to a non-functioning satellite, seeing an exact mirror image of the inside of their spacecraft. Neither Catla or Nacy were hallucinating or having a bad dream, this was real. 'What do we do? Do we still go check on the satellite?' Catla said, partly afraid. 'I'll go out and inspect the satellite, while you stay here' Nacy replied, as Catla was getting very scared now. Nacy then opened the airlock, and headed outside, although tripped on the way out, but regained control easily. 'Not this time' she thought, remembering Jeb's ordeal. https://goo.gl/photos/o4rH5y23cdZvRXJw7 She then headed over to the satellite, and opened the access hatch. 'Seems normal, just like any other satellite out there' Nacy said, inspecting the wires and buttons. 'Ah, there we go!' she exclaimed, finding a broken wire that connected the communications receiver to the transmitter. They couldn't hear the KSC, and the KSC couldn't hear them. She then got out the toolbox, and mended the damage. Just as she was heading back to the ship, she noticed that her field of vision was decreasing. What started out as a normal airlock, became smaller and smaller until only a few buttons were visible on it. She couldn't see a lot. Her vision was getting blurry, and she found it hard to breathe. Everything went red...and she was floating in space. 'Nacy? Nacy Kerman?' a voice called out. Nacy awoke with a jolt. Everything was still coming into focus, becoming less blurry and more solid, but she was still a bit light headed. Then her eyes completely opened, and she was staring at two figures, with a type of pump in the middle. https://goo.gl/photos/CX3HhtwQptaVFWiJA 'So you're awake. You're probably still wondering what happened, and why you're here'. One of the figures said. 'Yes. Who are you?' Nacy replied. 'A good question. We are your sisters and brothers, who were separated from the rest of Kerbalkind through a freak accident. We founded a colony on Ike, and have been living there ever since' the figure continued. 'So you're Kerbals, but some time ago something happened, and you lived on Ike?' Nacy said. 'Yes. Right now, you're on Ike. We found you floating in space, and transported you here'. 'What about Catla? Is she alright? Does she know that I'm here?' Nacy frantically asked. 'Everything's ok now. We met with Catla, and she returned to Duna. Once you're healed up you will go back to your base on Duna, and be with your friends' With that, the Kerbal, who's name was Billy-Bobfel Kerman, gave Nacy a warm bowl of soup, and then headed out of the room with the other Kerbal to tend to other activities. After finishing the soup, Nacy dozed off.
  3. This one has been a long time in the making. It covers all the basics of Kerbal Space Program, for the absolute, complete beginner. In this guide, you will learn how to: Install the game Know what the various modes are Not screw things up Ready? Then let's get started! Part 1: Installing the game (non Steam edition) To install KSP, you will need an internet connection, decent computer, and roughly $50. On top of that, if your computer has an administration password, you will need to know it. First, open your preferred internet browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer), and either just search for 'Kerbal Space Program', or go to www.kerbalspaceprogram.com. Once there, you will go to the KSP store, or just click on one of the many 'buy KSP' tabs scattered around the page. Then, as with all internet purchases, you will be advised to type in your credit card number, and everything else needed (e.g. email address). Then, just click 'buy'. Kerbal Space Program is a digital game, meaning that you won't receive a hard-copy (an actual physical version). Your browser should start downloading the installer setup and some other files. Once they have been downloaded, pick an 'installation location' for them (where you want the main KSP folder to be). You will be directed by a 'installer/setup wizard' for the game. Simply follow along with the instructions, and the game will install. Then, once it's finished, just click on KSP.exe, and let your journey begin. Part 2: Loading, Creating Your First Game When the game loads for the first time, or quite frankly, every time, you will see the 'SQUAD' monkey logo, and then a picture. Down below, will be a black and yellow bar. This shows the game files loading. For example, you would see 'gamedata/squad/parts/mk2/mk2pod' or something. This is a particular part that is loading. If you aren't interested in looking at all of that, look at the humorous yellow text above the loading bar. It's very entertaining! After the loading bar has loaded (duh!) , the screen will go black, with a 'loading' icon (planets going around a sun). Then, the main menu will appear, along with the glorious Kerbal Space Program theme. https://goo.gl/photos/LQZYtdodqZkEqkJz6 (this is a different loading screen, but you even get a sandcastle every 40th time!) After clicking 'Start Game', you will have some options. 'Resume Game' gives you a list of your games (saves) already in progress, 'New Game' gives you the option to create a new game, and 'Go Back' is pretty self explanatory, delivering you to the previous menu. But we want 'New Game'. Click on it, and you will be met with the options to rename it from 'default', pick the mode, pick the flag (the emblem that you will use), and to press 'Start'. You can rename your game to anything you want, and choose a different flag, but you may be wondering about the different modes. 'Career' is where you start as a small space program, and use funds to build things. Complete 'Contracts' to earn 'Reputaton', which gives you better contracts, and more funds. It's a fun mode, but if you fail, then you lose funds and reputation. 'Science' is where you don't worry about 'Reputaton' and 'Funds' but only about 'Science'. Use 'Science' collected on missions in the RnD (Research and Development) lab to purchase new things from the 'tech tree' (the thing that allows progression to new things to unlock). It's not as challenging as Career, but is still a bit difficult some times. And then, there's 'Sandbox'. 'Sandbox' is where everything's unlocked from the start, you have unlimited funds, and can do basically anything you want (even more, with mods). I'm going to use that mode as my example. After clicking on a mode, and adjusting the settings (e.g. difficulty, re-entry temperature, reverting flights, respawning crews), click 'Start', and your off. After the game loads from there, you will be met with a big open green space, with a large area of buildings in the middle. This is the Kerbal Space Center, or 'KSC' for short. All the buildings serve different purposes, listed below: The big, tall building in the middle, is the VAB, or Vehicle Assembly Building. This is where you build rockets, and launch from the Launchpad. The building next to the runway is the SPH, or SpacePlane Hangar. This is where you build planes, and take off/land at the runway. The sprawling complex at the bottom-right is Research and Development, or RnD, and is where you will use Science to get new parts in the 'Career' and 'Science' game modes. The big rotating communication dishes are the Tracking Facility, which shows all craft currently active, all debris (discarded rocket stages, bits that broke off, etc), and unknown objects (marked with a '?', and are asteroids of varying sizes). The area with the fountain and flag pole, with the crescent-shaped building is the Astronaut Complex, where you can hire new applicants to become astronauts. Beside that is the Administration Building, where, in 'Career', you can select new 'strategies' (for example, earning more Science in exchange for less funds from missions), to help your space agency grow. There is a small building at the left side of the VAB, which is Mission Control. Mission Control is where you can accept different contracts in the 'Career' game mode. These are some photos of the KSC, taken while I was flying around. https://goo.gl/photos/wcpJxGFZNfbSCL7c9 - A plane comes in to land at the Runway https://goo.gl/photos/C2rSHgCyZ4d5oUGW9 - A failed attempt at a VTOL landing on the roof of the SPH results in the craft getting stuck https://goo.gl/photos/gFTZEoTxAYkYJgVh8 - A commercial airliner, full of tourists, landing at the Runway. In front of it sits the VAB, SPH, RnD, and all the other buildings of the complex. https://goo.gl/photos/N9g5z9ZC2UF892tf6 - Gliding dangerously close to the RnD labs after a fuel shortage Now that you've installed the game, and gotten familiar with the basics, you're off to a good start. Part 2 will cover: Building your first rocket/spaceplane, the basic controls, and exploring. All for just $19.99! (Not really, it's FREE!!!)
  4. I did what you said, and now have KSP again. I just need to send the crew to Duna again and take lots of screenshots! Prepare for lots of new content!
  5. UPDATE: I got my computer back again, and, to my great surprise, everything was untouched! KSP is still on it! All my documents and files are still on it! Yippee! I can play KSP again! Now I just have to make several new episodes of The Orange Wasteland to get back in business with my readers...
  6. The pictures aren't showing up. Could you please link them to an image sharing site or something instead?
  7. Your mission: Build a submarine without mods that can dive and rise to the surface, without breaking, glitching out, or exploding. Seems simple? Wait for the next part. Bonus mission: Using either stock KSP or a weapons mod (BDArmory, NAS, etc), add weapons to your vessel, and successfully fire them on the surface, and underwater, without anything going wrong. You have no time limits, but the part count must not exceed 500 parts (as that will probably cause big framerate issues or glitches). Nominations also go to the fastest submarine, the quickest to rise/dive, the deepest submarine, the most fuel-efficient submarine, and the submarine with the best explosion if it fails Note: To post pictures of your sea-faring creations, you must link them to a photo sharing site (e.g. google photos, imgur) GOOD LUCK AND GODSPEED!
  8. Does anybody else here play either Warship or Battleship Craft? If so, could you give me a few tips on things such as getting easy money, building submarines, tactics, or anything else? Or you could just show off your designs if you want
  9. @RoadRunnerAerospace, it's nice to know that I'm not the only cat in space around here!
  10. Thanks for the tip, this morning I woke up early to go outside and bird watch for five minutes. It really helped, even if the morning was freezing cold.
  11. I was in English today and we were doing paragraphs, but in tables in word documents for some reason. My English teacher, is really strict. He got annoyed at me for not having my brightness up on my laptop to at least 50%. I had it at 30%, to save battery but still appease him. But no, he's now said that I'm banned from using my computer in class because I "completely refused to follow simple directions", just because I wanted to save battery. I then wrote something on a sticky note on my laptop, about how stupid the task is and how I'll never use it in the real world, and sent it to my closest friends so they could read it and discuss it with me. The only problem, one of them then sent it to the teacher, and now I'm in trouble. The teacher then sent the email to my parents, so I'm screwed when I get home. Add to that recent conflict in the family, strict time limits on my afternoon free time (only 90 minutes a day), and general unhappiness, I'm not sure how I can even survive another day of this. Judge for yourself what I wrote on the sticky note below. Why do I even do this. I already did this in year (removed for my privacy). I don't even use this anyway. How will writing in a table prepare me for a job in the future. It won't. Imagine a job interviewer hiring me for a company on the basis of "Wow. You write really good tables in word documents. You're hired". That's stupid, and will never happen. I want to learn real skills. Addition and subtraction will help me for a checkout job, with adding up prices and taking off things for discounts and what not. Writing tables in word documents won't. I am a good writer. I have written several paragraphs about heroes instead, as that is easier for me to do and understand, even if it is seen as the 'wrong' thing by my teacher. It is my way of learning, and if that's how I display what I've learnt, then so be it. I just want everything to stop. I want all the unhappiness to stop. It feels like every day I go to school, I suffer, go home, suffer, go to school the next day, suffer, go home, suffer, and it just never ends except for the weekends but I'm only allowed 6 hours of free time over both days. I'm starting to think that I've got depression, and I don't want that. Nobody wants depression. I want to feel happy, but everything I do to try to make myself happy is always strictly controlled by someone else. I could go on and on about how I feel, but this is a forum, not a blog. So what are your thoughts on this? And more importantly, what should I do about this to stop the cycle of sadness in my life?
  12. My hard drive was 117gb, and with the starter windows software it was 71gb empty. So I only have to go the KSP store, sign in, and then re-download the game?
  13. 'A Sad Occurrence' Due to somebody on a bus crushing my laptop bag with their backpack, I had to go to a computer shop for a new computer after a cracked screen and damaged CPU caused my well-loved machine to be turned into spare parts. On it was Kerbal Space Program, all of my files, mods, screenshots, and everything else. This means that at the moment, I will not be able to post screenshots, as I have none. Either the following will happen: I will continue writing the story, but for the mean time, in text-only, adding more and more to the world of the Duna crew, or I can stop writing for the mean time while I sort my new computer out and pay $40 again for KSP, put all the mods back in, get to Duna, and then continue from there. What are your thoughts on this? Do you like option A (Keep writing, but in text-only), or option B (wait a while so I can get KSP again and resume the story).
  14. UPDATE: I got a new computer from my IT department today, but they were angry at me. Something about having to take 3 hours to delete 27,000 files from KSP and it's mods, screenshots, and saves. No wonder my hard drive was at critical! Now I can't play KSP anymore, so will I have to pay for the game again and install it again?
  15. Ok. It's a HP Probook with intel core i5, running Windows 8. It turns on, and I can do everything on it (Except the touchscreen, obviously). Is it possible for me to just ignore the crack? Treat it as something that just looks different? Or will I have to get it repaired Edit: I should get the person who chucked it on the floor of the bus to pay for a new screen. They caused the damage, so they should fix it.
  16. 'Hello To Nowhere, Part 1' The group huddled around the transmitter, desperate to hear the news. Any news. Any sound at all. 'Nothing. It's like everyone just left' Jeb said, as he twisted the knobs and dials to scan the range from Kerbin's communication satellites. 'Well, let's think about it' Jonlong said, as they sat in the lounge a few hours later after Jeb's fruitless attempts at communication. 'First of all, why did we lose contact. Then, what possible causes are there' he continued, as the group listened. 'Satellite had some issues, temporary communications blackout, that's all I can think of really' Nacy suggested. 'You know how Ike experiences meteor showers every once in a while from the asteroids hitting the surface? Maybe some of the rocks hit the satellite and knocked it out of action' Catla said, and they all agreed. 'Well, we should definitely send someone up to check, shouldn't we?' Jeb commented. It was soon debated who was to check on the satellite, and Nacy and Catla were chosen. They would be taking a small rocket up that had been found around the other bases, meet up with the satellite, see if there were any problems, fix them, and then return to Duna in time for dinner. Soon they were in the rover, and driving to the rocket. Upon arrival, Nacy got in first, making sure that it was safe before Catla entered. https://goo.gl/photos/yeNur2sKCnwPcJZH9 'All right?' Nacy said to Catla, as they did the systems check. 'Yeah, but a little bit nervous though' she replied. 'I really want to get this mission done so we can go ba-WOAAH!' Catla's speech was cut off by the firing of the engines, lifting the vehicle off from the surface and into space. https://goo.gl/photos/Yb6gudWgHitf3KhT8 'That wasn't so bad, was it? Jeb, can you hear us?' Nacy said, as they were orbiting Duna 'Yes Nacy, we hear you' Jeb answered back. Catla plotted a burn to meet up with the satellite, and they were off. Arriving a couple of hours later near the satellite, the crew prepared to investigate it. 'Looks big. Aren't satellites supposed to be small?' Catla asked Nacy. 'This one was built to act as a small ship if need be, so that's why it's big' she answered back, as they parked alongside it. 'Catla, what's that? Do you see it?' Nacy was pointing at something near the satellite. It was as if somebody had built a scale model of the inside of their ship, with everything in perfect detail. 'I see it Nacy' Catla replied, as she moved her hand. But this was no ordinary thing, as a figure inside the strange vessel moved their hand as well. Catla picked up a cup and let it float around, and at the exact same time a figure grabbed a cup and let it float around. 'It's like a mirror image. What's going on?' https://goo.gl/photos/WeQu1uPwQGZ93uKW7
  17. I was on the bus this morning, and had my laptop bag next to me. Someone comes over, picks up my laptop bag, and then basically throws it on the floor. After the bus ride, I checked the laptop for damage. It had a cracked screen. A giant crack, near the bottom, that spreads all the way out. What do I do?! Can I still use my laptop? Please help!
  18. Thanks for the feedback! I'll update the tutorials with pictures for easier understanding
  19. Call Of Kraken destroyed by Krakenfront 2
  20. We all have that one rocket, that one spaceplane, that's a bit, well, different. Admit it. KSP is made for stupidity! This is a place to share those creations, so get posting!
  21. 'A Grey Turn Of Events' Catla had been driving around the surface of Ike, stopping to collect samples, testing the gravitational force, and just generally exploring, when she came across a weird tower-looking structure. It was orange and grey, and had several extruding points that looked like tubes. When she exited the craft and went near the thing, she was suddenly and violently pushed back. https://photos.app.goo.gl/uBFVVbGy0FFNF1ch1 'Catla to Valiant, I may need assistance down here. Could you scan for things around the area?' 'Ok Catla, scanning now' Jeb said, as he activated the scanner. 'There appears to be some kind of energy field around your location. I suggest getting back to the ship. We'll pick you up' 'Ok, getting back in the ship now' she said, as she moved back to the shuttle/rover. https://photos.app.goo.gl/2VklwrigXOVNWZf92 She then engaged the engines to put her in a sub-orbital trajectory that intercepted the Valiant, but nothing happened. 'Catla to Valiant, I'm in trouble. The engines won't start, and only the RCS thrusters work'. Not prepared for a long exploration mission, the craft had only a 10 hour air supply. Catla had already been on Ike for 6, and without engines working, it would spell disaster. Onboard the Valiant, Nacy called an emergency meeting, 'The engines won't work, and she only has 4 hours left of life support. How can we get her back?' Nacy said, as Jeb began to take notes. 'We could land on the surface, but the ship isn't designed for landing on moons.' Jonlong said. 'How about we hang above the surface, but open the drop ramp? It could lower, Catla could drive up, and we could be on our way' Jeb said. 'I'm worried that whatever stopped the shuttle's engines from working, may disable ours as well' Nacy pointed out. 'What if we just used the RCS? It's powerful enough to get us into orbit, and we could shut the engines down' Jonlong replied. They agreed on Jonlong's plan, and informed Catla. 'Ok, it's worth a try' Catla said, after listening to the plan. The Valiant appeared overhead of the shuttle shortly, and Catla throttled up the motor. Using as much forwards momentum as possible, she could lift off the ground and into the bay, but it was also risky. Jeb, using the RCS, maintained altitude above the ground, and lowered the ramp. Catla, with a good amount of speed, jumped off of a hill, briefly flying for a moment... https://photos.app.goo.gl/JhfdPbdCNwHQOpSD2 ...and entered the cargo bay. With a slight screech she put on the brakes, and was locked into position by wheel-clamps. The bay then closed behind her, and Jeb used the powerful RCS thrusters to get at least 25km away from the surface, before engaging the main engines. They then headed back to Duna, through the atmosphere, and landed fairly close to the base. After explaining her story, they headed to sleep, and then worked on analysing the samples from Ike, testing them, and recording observations, in the morning.
  22. 'Icy Ike, But Catla Gets Ike Cream' It had been decided. They would fly up to Ike, drop the craft, and head back to Duna. 'Who's going to do what?' Nacy asked, as they were planning. 'I'll control the shuttle, and Jeb can override it in case something goes wrong' Catla said. 'Jonlong will provide a running commentary, once I've organised the stream to Kerbin' Nacy said, and they all agreed. That night they went to bed early, and woke up early as well. 'Right...so what are we doing again?' Jeb said, staggering down to the briefing, still half asleep. Nacy explained it all again, and they got back into the Valiant. They would only be gone for a few hours, but Jonlong insisted on locking up the base, to keep out any looters while they were gone. And with that, they engaged the throttle, and lifted up into Duna's orange-pink sky. 'KSC, prepare for stream. Activating now' Nacy said, and then the whole of Kerbin was watching. Once in orbit, they plotted an Ike intercept course, only having to wait a short amount of time until Catla burned the engines, and they were on an Ike trajectory. Catla then went into the cargo bay, and got in the shuttle, which they had nicknamed 'The Pod', and waited. Waited for several hours, several minutes, until Nacy opened the cargo bay. 'This is Ike Shuttle one, commencing landing now' Catla said, as she disengaged from the cargo bay. https://photos.app.goo.gl/9ePCbeqqlk9aTgOg2 'Commencing dropping procedure now, hold on' Jeb said, and the bay's door opened. https://photos.app.goo.gl/PbP2efA2EoGEIGNV2 Catla was now in Ike's gravity, and was free to fall to the surface. 'Activating engines, descending to surface' she said, as the engines came to life. 'Landing now, although the area's a bit hilly' Catla said to the crew, as she was about to reach the surface. 'And...touchdown! I've made it!' https://photos.app.goo.gl/zJI3IMdOlh6GxqnJ3 From there, she went to explore the surface. What would she find? What would she see? Stay tuned for the next episode!
  23. 'Shuttling All The Way' After a good meal and sleep, it was the weekend. For two days, they could do practically anything that they wanted to. No orders from Mission Control, no schedules to follow, no strict wake up times. Jeb decided to explore around the base, seeing if he could find anything interesting. Jonlong and Catla practiced using their EVA packs, and Nacy started taking pictures of Duna. 'I'm flying! Yippee!' Jonlong excitedly said, as he was lifted up 5 meters into the air. 'Me too! Wow! It's so cool!' Catla said, as she started flying around. Soon, the pair were having races to rocks and hills, but were interrupted by Jeb calling on the radio. 'Hey guys, I found something! It's another rover, but it's huge!' he excitedly blurted out. 'Where? Give me your location, and we'll drive over' Nacy said. Ten minutes later, the rest of the crew had arrived at Jeb's location. Beyond where he was standing, was a large vehicle, just sitting on the side of a hill. 'It's a big one!' he said, as they travelled down to it. Soon, they had reached it, and got into their workstations after scanning it for any dangers. 'It says here, MBL - 03, or Mobile Lab 3' Catla pointed out, after inspecting it. https://photos.app.goo.gl/oe6coabNKxOq2gxp2 'Let's drive it back to the base!' Jonlong said. 'Hold on, there's a little craft inside the cargo bay here. Seems to be a shuttle or something' Jeb said, once checking around the cargo bay for snacks. 'We can properly look at it once we get back to base, as Jonlong mentioned' Nacy added on, and they were on their way back to their base. Once back inside, they began inspecting the small craft. 'Seems small enough to fit inside the Valiant, so maybe we could drop it somewhere?' Catla suggested. 'I've got an idea! The Valiant isn't capable of landing on moons or plants other than Kerbin and Duna, but we could go to Ike, drop the thing while we are floating over there, and one of us could land it! It has engines, and wheels, so it can get back up into orbit again' Jeb said, and the group agreed. This would be a violation of the Mission Control schedule, according to Nacy, but on the weekends they didn't have schedules.
  24. 'Exploration, Part 2' 'Coming up to it now' Jeb said as he slowed down the rover near the base. 'Let's go explore this thing!' Nacy said, enthusiastically over radio link. 'Wonder if they have snacks?'...'Jool-Aid vending machines?' said no one in particular, as they were walking to the base. https://photos.app.goo.gl/TLZ2RMeGSTZepVSo1 Upon reaching the base, it seemed to be a small-scale mining rig. 'Look's small, why would anyone want to be here?' asked Catla, as she inspected the tight-fitting crew quarters. 'It's got drills, but no storage tanks. Interesting...' Jeb said, as he checked out the drills. 'Over here! I found something!' Jonlong said from the drilling operator's workstation. 'It's a log of shipments from the base' he told the group once they had arrived. 'Shipments? This is a drilling base, not a trading outpost' Catla said. 'There's something here about a supply craft that takes the ore' Jonlong, who was reading the log, said. 'Supply craft? Like a cargo plane?' Jeb replied. 'Yep, and the last shipment was to Ike'. 'Ike? I thought that no Kerbal had been on Ike' Catla replied. 'Wrong, Catla. Kerbals did land on Ike and establish a base, but the base didn't use ore, except to build the station in orbit of the moon' Nacy suddenly said over the radio. 'Well, according to this, the supply craft failed to reach Ike, having lost radio and scanning contact' Jonlong said, as he read the last part of the log. 'Anyway, can we leave now? This place is kinda scary'. With that, they left the base, but not without Jeb finding unopened snack containers and putting them on the rover. 'Wait! That yellow thing! It's a rover!' Catla, who had already made a discovery, pointed out. 'If it runs, we could use it as our rover's not moving' Jonlong said, and Jeb agreed, after planting a flag to mark the base. https://photos.app.goo.gl/TLZ2RMeGSTZepVSo1 'And...it works! One new rover!' Jonlong and Catla drove off from the base, and Jeb went to pick up Nacy and then follow the others. 'It even has air con and is climate controlled, meaning that we can take off our helmets!' And with that, they began to drive back to their base, but Jonlong insisted on checking out the suspension. https://photos.app.goo.gl/TLZ2RMeGSTZepVSo1 https://photos.app.goo.gl/TLZ2RMeGSTZepVSo1 And they arrived back, with Jeb depositing the snacks into the cupboards, and sat down to a good meal and a good sleep after their long day...
  25. Also, unless the mod specifically asks you to, do NOT put mod folders in the 'Squad' folder. This can cause conflicts with the stock things, and can screw things up or cause glitches.
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