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Everything posted by Chel

  1. PROBLEM SOLVED I solved it! I found out that it was Karbonite causing the issue. I deleted Karbonite, and the game loads and works fine! I think something between MM and Karbonite, like the Karbonite resource, caused an issue.
  2. Want to build a space station in orbit around a planet or moon, but you've resorted to building it in one go because you don't understand docking? Wanted to assemble a ground base on a planet or moon's surface? Want to dock two ships together, to transfer crew, fuel, or just to have some fun? Then this guide is for you! What You Will Need A controllable vessel (I say 'controllable' as you can also dock probes as well as Kerbal-controlled spacecraft). A docking port (Can be any of the three sizes, but I will be using the standard 1.25m docking port. the 2.5m docking port is better for large vessels, and the 0.625m docking port is suited for small probes). RCS thrusters and Monopropellant (used for docking with your target). Knowledge of orbital rendezvous Knowledge of velocity (i.e. speed) A spacecraft (duh!) Part 1: Building If you, like most people use docking ports for, want to build a space station, you would simply launch the station 'core' (the main bit of the station, with everything docked around it), get it into orbit, and then leave it there. However, what about adding other things to it? This requires building a separate craft, getting it into orbit as well, and trying to catch up with the station. That seems difficult, but it's actually easy. For me, I've simply built a 'Crew Module/ Escape Pod' as my thing to dock in space. It's a cupola module, a Monopropellant tank, some RCS thrusters, some Sepatrons (used for the 'Escape Pod' bit. They should be enough to deorbit me and send me back to Kerbin), and of course, a docking port. That's only my example, but you can build whatever you want to add. Also, don't forget to add a launch vehicle, the thing that gets it up into space! Example Of A Launch Vehicle Part 2: Getting Into Orbit, And Rendezvousing So you've built what you want to add to your station. You've put it on a rocket that'll hopefully get it into orbit. You're ready to launch. Here are a few tips: Firstly, wait until your target in orbit is near the KSC, as you don't want to get into orbit and have it halfway around the planet, do you? Secondly, wait until daylight! It is MUCH easier to dock in daylight then in the dark, as you can actually see what you're docking to!. With those things sorted, time to launch! Once your rocket has taken off, simply get it into orbit, roughly at the same altitude as your target. However, DO NOT REMOVE THE MODULE FROM THE ROCKET ONCE ACHIEVING ORBIT! I say this, as you might get into orbit, but you probably won't be able to catch up with the station, having you just float around there forever. If you have any remaining fuel, wait until you and the target are on the same side of the planet (either both on the night-side or day-side, but day-side is preferable, as you can see your target easily). Set it as your target. On the 'Map' view, you will now see your target's orbit in green, instead of grey. There will also be a few nodes along the orbit path. There's one in particular: 'Closest Intersect'. This is where you and your target will be the closest to eachother, so you should set a manoeuvre node around that area, so you can make a burn to get really close. Once you've done the burn to intercept your target, then just timewarp around until you are nearing it. Then, once close to the target, stop timewarp. Now comes the actual docking. Craft Preparing To Dock Part 3: Velocity Once you've closed the gap between your target, you will have to make your speed roughly the same as it. Otherwise, you could fly past the target, completely missing it, and having to do it all over again. Let's say that there are two ships, Ship A, and Ship B. Ship A is the one that you, Ship B, is trying to dock to. If Ship A is travelling at 2250m/s, and you, Ship B, are travelling at 2500m/s, then you are 250m/s faster, and will basically fly past Ship A. What you should do, is turn your craft around, so your engines are facing the way that you are going, and fire them. This is basically slowing down your craft in orbit. A 5m/s speed difference is ok, but you should probably have about 2m/s or even less. Once you are within 100m of your target, or in physical sight, you should prepare for docking. This is where RCS thrusters, patience, and a steady hand is important. Part 4: Actually Docking You've selected a docking port to attach to. Only now, you can separate your module from the rocket. Turn your ship around again, so that you're docking port is facing the other docking port. Then, at roughly 20m between you and your target, click the button below 'Staging'. This is called 'Docking Mode', and uses RCS thrusters for up/down, left/right, and backwards/forwards. The controls are as follows: LeftShift/LeftCtrl for forwards and backwards. A/D for left and right, W/S for up and down, and Q/E to roll left or right. Lining Up To Dock... Press 'Shift' to fire your RCS thrusters forward, but don't hold it down for long, unless you want to go forwards rapidly, and risk colliding with your target. As you approach the docking port, line your port up with the other one. Press 'Ctrl' if needed to fire your RCS thrusters the other way, to slow down, if need be, but you shouldn't really have to do this if you have been paying attention. Finally, at around 0.5m, the two docking ports should 'feel' eachother, and magnetically clamp. If they don't, then try again. Often the problem is that SAS is activated, so you should turn that off while the ports are connecting. Once they have connected, the camera will zoom out, and you've docked! To undock, right click the docking port that you attached to, and select 'Undock'. ...Docked! Hope this long(ish) guide helped, TCIS.
  3. Right, so I get the newest version of ModuleManager, and only have one version?
  4. Here's the output_log on dropbox for people to see: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wtel5ticiy1jdsq/output_log.txt?dl=0
  5. Hi, while loading the game, it crashed, and upon checking the crash log, it said this: KSP.exe caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005) in module KSP.exe at 0023:00d91502. So the actual game crashed the game? If KSP.exe is the game, then how can the game crash the game. Please help, TCIS
  6. I am just wondering how to install KWRocketry. I downloaded the mod, and the installation instructions said to:Now, for a normal install simply unpack the GameData folder included in the download >> MERGING << the folders when prompted. This should be all you are required to do for a basic install. That simply tells me to extract the GameData folder (which I can't do, since the GameData folder isn't compressed (zipped), so that's an issue). It then tells me to 'merge' the folders when prompted. So where do I extract the GameData folder to? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  7. Seen those things in the Map view, that have a ? on them? Ever wanted to see one up close, but not close enough that it destroys all life on Kerbin? Then this guide is for you! What You Will Need A Kerbal, preferably not scared or stupid enough to screw it up and risk redirecting the asteroid to a planet or moon. An Advanced Grabbing Unit, also called an 'AGU' for short, but is nicknamed the 'Klaw'. Skill and patience Knowledge of manoeuvre nodes A craft capable to encounter an asteroid, and get back to Kerbin, without running out of fuel Part 1: Decisions! Asteroid capture has so many possibilities! Do you want to shoot it off into space? Put it in orbit around a planet or moon? What size of asteroid do you want? Once you've decided what you want to do with it, then I advise planning it out on a piece of paper before actually attempting it, so you don't forget anything important. Part 2: Construction! Once you've planned it out, then it's time to get building! You can use either a rocket or a spaceplane, but a rocket is preferable. Design a rocket that has lots of fuel and Monopropellant, as RCS thrusters will be VERY handy in stopping you from hitting the asteroid, and making precise movements. Once you've built a suitable spacecraft, then attach at least one AGU to your design, preferably a large distance away from the ship (I.e. mounting it on girders at the top of the command pod). Once you've chosen the crew, built the craft, and everything else, then it's time to launch! Part 3: Small Fish In A Big Pond Hopefully your craft should get into Kerbin orbit. Heading straight for your target isn't ideal as soon as you've launched, I suggest getting into an orbit anywhere from 125 to 200K. That means less distance between you and your destructive, rocky, friend, floating out there in the massive pond, that is, space. The easiest thing to do next would be to create a manoeuvre node that intercepts your target, and provides some distance between it, so you don't end up getting there, but slamming into it, potentially sending it towards a planet or moon. Part 4: Patience, And A Steady Hand Once you've setup a manoeuvre node that intercepts your asteroid, complete the necessary burn. If you followed my advice, then fuel shouldn't be an issue. Once the burn is done, timewarp as much as you need to, to cross the large distance between Kerbin and the asteroid. I suggest time-warping down gradually as you get closer, as you don't want a collision that could've been avoidable! Now that you're heading towards it at quite some speed, turn your craft around, and FIRE THOSE ENGINES! Do this to stop you from crashing into it or missing it. Once you're close to the asteroid, and have basically stopped all forward motion, then prepare for grabbing!. Part 5: Steady...Steady...Steady! If you followed my advice with fuel, then you should also have heaps of Monopropellant as well as fuel handy. Deploy your AGU, and right click on it, selecting 'Control From Here'. This will change the keyboard controls to what it 'sees', making it useful for grabbing. This is also a handy tip if you are docking to something. Go slowly, using RCS thrusters to move in. Once you're close enough, the 'arms' of the AGU should be touching the asteroid. If you've successfully grabbed it, then the camera should change, and you will know that you're attached!
  8. All of my tutorials, in one handy post! Use this page to go a particular tutorial, and every tutorial I make will be on here. Mod Installation: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162054-tciss-guide-to-mod-installation/ Editing Kerbals: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162009-tciss-guide-to-editing-kerbals/ Editing Parts: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161974-tciss-guide-to-editing-parts/ Capturing An Asteroid: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162058-tciss-guide-to-asteroid-capture/ Docking: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162102-tciss-guide-to-docking/ Landing (With Wheels):http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162127-tciss-guide-to-landing-wheels/ Common Crash Fixes: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/162128-tciss-guide-to-fixing-common-ksp-issues/ Complete Beginners Guide (Part 1): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/164253-tciss-absolute-beginners-guide-to-ksp-part-1/ Complete Beginners Guide (Part 2): https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166136-tciss-absolute-beginners-guide-to-ksp-part-2/ Guide To Words (Explaining what words mean, such as CoM): https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/164388-tciss-guide-to-words/ Guide To Planets & Moons: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/164786-tciss-guide-to-planets-moons/ Guide To Surface Colonies: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/166172-tciss-guide-to-surface-colonies/
  9. And also, do you have a reason for wanting your account to be deleted? I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but why do you want your account deleted.
  10. Have you ever thought that KSP lacked something? Do you want some fancy new engines? Want to design massive craft? Even want to add entire planets and moons to the game? There's only one issue: How do you make such things a part of the game? This is a quick guide for installing mods and addons to Kerbal Space Program. Firstly, let's start with some simple terminology (what words mean), so you know what I'm talking about later in the guide. Terms Mod: A modification, commonly called a mod, is anything that changes or adds things to a program. Plugin: A bit of software that is sometimes needed for certain things to work (e.g. Firespitter.dll is usually required for most parts that have animations) GameData: Can be the KSP GameData folder, located in the root folder of the game, or can be a mod's GameData folder. Root folder: Usually a folder named 'Kerbal Space Program'. Once opened, it contains all files for the game, including IVAs, textures, sounds, and most importantly, parts. Extract/Unzip/Unpack: They all mean the same thing, but generally it just means to 'Extract all' the mod's .ZIP file (the file which get's downloaded and contains everything for the mod). readme: A text file, usually found in most mods, that can contain installation instructions, licenses, changelogs, or other things. You should always read the mod's 'readme' file (if it has one), because that usually contains installation instructions. Part 1: Searching So you want a mod, except where to get it from, you wonder. These are the links to the most common sites for KSP mods, including the KSP Forum's own mod page. KSP Mods on Curse: https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal KSP Forum's Mod Release Thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/34-add-on-releases/ SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program Once you've found your mod, time to download it! Part 2: Downloading You've found a certain mod that you like, and you're ready to download it. However, caution is advised, as not all download links work, and you're computer's safety and KSP game safety may be at risk. Before proceeding, you should check the version history. It's no use downloading a mod for version 1.1.2 if your KSP version is 1.3, is it? Sometimes, but very rarely, mods that have higher versions that your game version may work (I downloaded a mod for version 1.0.5, and I installed it for KSP version 1.0.0, and it worked fine). But usually, downloading mods not for the current version can cause glitches, cause missing parts, corrupt a save file, or even break the game entirely. Secondly, make sure the download link works. On Curse, since the mod is based on the site, and the download link is on the site as well, every mod should download. But sometimes, especially for old mods that haven't been updated in a while, the download link may not work. It may deliver a blank page. It may do nothing. It may give a 404 error (that page doesn't exist anymore). This is very frustrating, as you really want a cool mod, but you can't download it. Next, be wary of downloading from dodgy-looking websites. They may contain malware, Trojans, or viruses that could harm your computer. Always scan something for malware before downloading it, just to be safe. Part 3: Installing So you've successfully downloaded your mod. Open the mod folder, and look around for a 'readme' file if it has one. That file would usually contain installation instructions for the mod. For example: 'To install 'Cat Flags', unpack everything to the root folder, overwriting previous versions if there are any'. This means that you need to go to the mod's .ZIP folder (the one it came in), right click it, select 'Extract All', and locate your folder named 'Kerbal Space Program', that contains all the files for the game. Once you've found it, select 'Extract', and it should put everything in there, nice and neat and tidy. However, for most mods, you will not have to extract everything to the Kerbal Space Program folder. Nearly every mod has a 'GameData' folder, containing all the parts, textures, sounds, and everything else with it. For most mods, you would just copy the mod's GameData folder to your GameData folder, located in the root folder of the game (Kerbal Space Program). However, a common mistake is to copy the mod's GameData folder to your GameData folder. This will create a GameData folder INSIDE KSP's GameData folder, usually causing issues. What you should do, is open the mod's GameData folder, and select everything inside it, and copy all of that to your GameData folder, so you don't end up with a GameData folder in KSP's GameData folder. (A bit confusing, but stay with me!) Part 4: Launching the game So you've now installed the mod. Simply, whenever you're ready, launch the game. Hopefully, the game should load fine without crashing or freezing (usually caused by incorrect installation of the mod). Hopefully, all the mod's parts should be there (missing parts are usually because of incorrect installation). Hopefully, there should be no bugs or glitches with the mod, affecting your game (usually caused by an incorrect installation, but sometimes happens because of the mod. In the latter case, wait for a bugfix version of the mod, and then download that one). Hope this long-ish guide helps you, TCIS.
  11. Firstly, make sure that you have installed the mod correctly. Often installations that haven't been installed correctly can have missing parts or sounds, cause crashes, or even break the game. Secondly, is your B9 mod updated for version 1.3? Most mods haven't yet, and so many people are reporting that everything worked fine in 1.2, but when they updated to 1.3, the game started glitching or crashing most of the time. My third suggestion is that when you are updating to the newest KSP version, is that you should ALWAYS uninstall ALL mods, addons and plugins, and then once the game has updated to the latest version, then reinstall them. What I like to do is uninstall every mod and addon, update to the newest game version, and then check if the mods have a 1.3 compatibility update. Download the 1.3 version (if there is one for your mods), and then install them. Hope this helps, TCIS.
  12. The average desktop over here (Australia), costs around $2000. That's only the average one. Low end ones, $1700, maybe $1500 for a preowned one if you're lucky. Most laptops aren't gaming laptops, and gaming laptops are also expensive over here. I play KSP on a HP ProBook, a laptop meant for Powerpoints, Word documents, and Excel spreadsheets, not fully-fledged gaming. As @JadeOfMaar already pointed out, most people can't afford high-end computers to run these sorts of games on. I play WarThunder on a 2007 desktop, and to me, 20 fps is considered 'good'. Here's an idea: If you apparently know so much about mods, and the game, and things that could be done to 'improve' it to your 'standard', why not apply to work at SQUAD instead? RoverDude did it, sal_vager did it, and they've done some good work over the years, helping the community, and the game, grow.
  13. *cough*...0.25 Spaceplane Plus...*cough*...Eeloo...*cough*...Asteroid Day...*cough*...RemoteTech into CommNet...*cough*. We can enjoy the ever useful Mk2 parts, thanks to Spaceplane Plus integration into the stock game. Eeloo, if you didn't know already, was added to the game as a Christmas gift by SQUAD. Asteroid Day, adapted from the Asteroid Day mod, is how we have the HECS 2. RemoteTech was integrated into the game in 1.2, as CommNet. SQUAD has done many things to push the game into the future. Why don't you actually appreciate what we have, instead of just ranting about what you want. I suggest that this post be moved to the Mods in stock suggestion thread, as that is where this type of post should belong (with your permission of course, to move it to there by one of the moderators). You don't say!
  14. Are there any good helicopter mods for KSP? I would like actual helicopter mods, not just aircraft mods that have a couple of helicopter parts (like Firespitter). So are there any out there?
  15. Do you ever feel like your Kerbals need a little extra in their life? Maybe some more courage. Maybe some more stupidity. Or maybe, even a new name. This quick guide will show you how to edit Kerbals. Editing a Kerbal only takes around a minute, and there are infinite possibilities! Part 1: Getting Started For this, you will need a save game, the 'persistent.sfs' file in that save game, and a simple text editor (e.g. Windows Notepad). Simply choose your particular save game, locate the 'persistent.sfs' file in that save game, right click on that file, click 'open with', and select Windows Notepad (or whatever you use). Part 2: Finding Your Kerbals Scroll down around the bottom of the file, and you should see something called 'Roster'. This contains all Kerbals currently assigned, applying, and MIA/KIA. From here, the fun begins! Part 3: Editing! You should see the following, once you've selected a particular Kerbal. NAME: (Name of Kerbal, change it to whatever you want. Please note that KSP uses a swear word filter, so don't use those!) GENDER: (Male or Female, change if you wish) BadS: (badS=True for Jebediah and Valentina Kerman, you can also make it True for any other Kerbal if you wish) Courage: (Change the courage level of your Kerbal, with a max of 15) Stupidity: (Change the stupidity level of your Kerbal, with a max of 15). Part 4: Saving, and launching KSP Once you've edited your Kerbals, go to 'File', and click 'Save' (or just ctrl+s for a quick shortcut), close the window, and launch KSP! What To Do: Edit Kerbal names, badS=True/badS=False, gender, courage and stupidity levels What Not To Do: Change Jebediah, Bill, Bob, and Valentina in any way (they will lose the orange spacesuits and be treated like normal Kerbals) Change ToD (Time of Death) to anything other than the current one (this WILL break the save file) Make any profanity a Kerbal's name (e.g. F!#% Kerman, S^*! Kerman). This will erase the Kerbal from the save file, as they have a swear word as the name (KSP uses a profanity-name filter, so don't even try)
  16. Try going back to version 1.0.0 (The one I recently updated from). Look at what we have now. Inflatable heat shields. A new Mk1 cockpit. New drills and ISRUs. New probe cores and communication dishes. Version 1.0.0 was the 'lack of parts' version.
  17. Are you annoyed that the crash tolerance of a part is too low, breaking at what feels like a feather touching it? Want to add some extra thrust to those jet engines? Want to mess around and, due to your foolishness, break the game have some fun with your new 'beefed up' parts? All you need is simple knowledge of the KSP files, and a text editor! I've used Windows Notepad as my editing program, as it's the easiest thing for me, and is installed on my PC, but you can use whatever you want, as long as it can open files. Simply go to the part that you want to edit, find the .cfg file of it, right click it, select 'open with', then select Windows Notepad (or whatever you're using). It should open it, and you're halfway there! Go to the thing that you want to edit (e.g. crash tolerance, name, description,) and change it! I was annoyed that the jet engines used too much fuel (in my opinion, please no flame war on fuel efficiency!), so I changed the rate of fuel draining for the engine thrust. Next I modified the J-33 'Wheesley' Basic Turbofan Engine's crash tolerance (changed to 150m/s), the thrust (max thrust to 2500), and some other values. Next, after you've changed your respective part(s), simply go to 'File', and click 'Save'. Then simply close the editor, launch KSP whenever you're ready, and pray that you don't break the game enjoy your edited parts!
  18. Most of the time the problem can be averted with SAS, but sometimes, as I have found out, SAS can be used against you. It can cause uncontrollable rolling, but as soon as you turn it off, the craft stops rolling. Anyway, getting off topic. I would also say that if you have the electric capacity, you could stack some reactions wheels on somewhere, although you would probably need an RTG or solar panels to stop you from running out of power from the reaction wheels.
  19. I like to place them on skycranes, or stack lots of them to use as fuel tanks for small probes, or even little liferings if I make some boats!
  20. So you simply tap on the app and it takes you to the forums, right away. Not having to go on google or safari, type in the url, or go to your history, or bookmarked pages, in my opinion, is better, and quicker.
  21. Should there be a KSP Forums app version of the site, to make it easier to just go on the forums for mobile users? One quick tap of a button, and you're there! What pros or cons would there be? Think of it: Jebediah Kerman memes 24/7!
  22. We, after sadly losing Tara a week ago, have adopted 'Molly'. She is a cattle dog cross king Charles cavalier, and loves to play fetch, even at 9pm! I have also for some reason reconnected to the home WiFi, after it was blocked by my service provider (so I had to use my own data, not the 80GB a month home WiFi bundle) I am now writing this topic from my phone.
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