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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Interesting, don't know what Luyten b is though
  2. BahamutoD's Armory, a weapons mod. Gives you guns, rockets, bombs, missiles, etc
  3. I'd advise to wait for a Steam sale or discount, don't do the risky option of downloading a pirated version (that's kinda illegal). Other than that there isn't any other way to get the game cheaply, let alone for free
  4. Nice signature. Screw the base game Purchase all DLC DLC makes you complete You must purchase DLC Without DLC you cannot play You must purchase DLC (repeat mindlessly)
  5. Unfortunately yes, they've moved on from supporting the stock game entirely to make us purchase more...
  6. Improve the base game? The only 'improvements' we get are revamps. All new parts and features are only accessible through DLC, and I can't even believe that KSP, a game about building rockets and exploring planets and spaceflight, would be treated like this
  7. I agree with this, they've almost completely stopped updating the base game, so if we want new features we have to pay (and I know you're all going to respond with the 'they need to make money' argument). I said when MH was announced that I was worried about free updates being stopped and only getting things through DLC, I guess I was right. It's going to create a divide in the playerbase through the crafts. 'Oh that's a really cool design! Downloading it now!' only to find out you're missing parts, and to get those parts, you have to spend $15 or $20 on a DLC. >attack here<
  8. And for people who run the game on low end PCs, increasing the graphics can make the game nigh unplayable, causing people to uninstall or just delete the game. I'm fine with KSPs graphics at the moment, they look good. And if people want better graphics, a lot of mods are available that do just that
  9. The output_log can be found here: Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt (32bit) or KSP_win64\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt (64bit) KSP_win is the game's root folder, where all the game files are kept.
  10. The controls are different in normal and map mode, that's probably why. Try familiarizing yourself with both sets of controls
  11. hap hap happy monday! why am I even doing this?

    1. HansonKerman


      Sunday over here

    2. Rover 6428

      Rover 6428

      i have exams. yay

  12. Saying no in German shall not help you @SiriusRocketry
  13. On the bus travelling to school this morning, packed as usual (luckily my stop is one of the first so it's easy to find a seat). There's an intersection along the route, and on this morning the bus was at the time when everyone else had to stand (as no more seats). Suddenly a car just stopped in front for some reason, so the bus driver had to quickly apply the brakes to not crash. What happened next? Approx. 10-20 people who were standing got flung forward and hit the ground Bus had to pull over by the side of the road Phones smashed So I had a very interesting morning
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