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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Oh the stupidity of this is wonderful! i complete maths homework right, I show calculations, working out, diagrams, formulas, everything, I've been doing it ever since I started high school. But the ONE TIME I FORGET TO DO IT, MY TEACHER JUST GIVES ME A LUNCHTIME DETENTION. THE ONE TIME I FORGET. No, not just a "You didn't show any of this, could you please not forget to do it on the next piece of homework", or even a note in my diary about not doing it, just a lunchtime detention. This is amazing! I can't wait to not have any lunch today!
  2. http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ - the place to go to submit a report for this to be fixed in the next patch or update
  3. I can remember in year 1 (primary school) thinking about all the days, months, and years, and now that's been nearly 10 years...
  4. new update c: A 'happy Friday' gift from SQUAD I reckon
  5. Banned for being an outdated meme
  6. Banned for banning Kernel Kraken
  7. fun fact: i have a 5 billion Zimbabwean note in my wallet, which is probably worth around 5 cents
  8. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    I'm in my teens, i've been noticing the days go by quicker. Or is that because its winter and the sun sets a lot earlier..
  9. Oh boy i cant wait to play block gun pixel war 3d HD lite! Or what about supreme army jet f-16! No, no, that's not what I want! I found it! world of ships realistic wave fighting game 3d! Mobile games are either really good, or cheap knockoffs, or microtransaction riddled messes (looking at you, SimCity Buildit)
  10. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    Why does time pass so slowly?
  11. I swear my hands went numb for about half an hour this morning. Thanks Winter! I even had gloves on!

    1. guesswho2778


      yeah winter is annoying the house is always cold because we are getting abnormally high power bills and cant afford to run the heater a lot of the time so ive just had to get used to the cold

    2. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      Are you from upsidedownland? It's about 90 degrees and humid where I am. 

    3. Chel


      @Kernel Kraken no I'm from a small island in Antarctica that is sunny and has volcanoes. 

  12. imagine being at least 12 hours ahead of most people on the planet, and having winter when it's summer.
  13. Aha! I have proven the theory of playing a game for 7 hours straight makes you remember the soundtrack for a long time! May I present to you all The Imperial Fleet!
  14. It's so great to just imagine a giant space battle when you have a double period of study of religion, makes the time fly by 

    1. Kernel Kraken

      Kernel Kraken

      The fifth element might help. Religion AND science! 

      I don't get why the dudes in the robes had to act like priests until Leloo came to earth other than becoming a floor on the Department of Homeland Defense building, but I guess it makes it a bit funnier. 

  15. 'Discord Drama'. A very dangerous and quite frankly stupid thing that can ruin reputation across multiple communities. I myself have been involved in some (worst one was when my IP was found and then leaked to 8,000 people), and it's just not needed. We all should respect each other, not try to ruin each others lives, turning a little argument into some campaign against a user or group of users. The unfortunate truth is that we all see each other (at least in my opinion) as users posting text, while we fail to see that an actual person is behind that user, and what we say can have huge consequences in their lives. It's really not needed, we should respect eachother and be kind, offering help, instead of hate.
  16. We are due to go back in 2024, and the ESA is working on controlling robotic exosuits for use of Mars, so the future is bright (even brighter if we have to learn by trial end error O.O)
  17. Looked at a couple of folders on my school laptop for fun.
  18. The devs don't really check here, so the only way for them to be notified is through a bug report
  19. Welcome to the forums @Peeter2, have you submitted a bug report on the bugtracker? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/
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