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Joseph Kerman

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Everything posted by Joseph Kerman

  1. For those who haven't heard of, SimplePlanes is a simple plane-building game with a selection of plane parts and weapons. Construct you own plane, put it up on their official site, and download other's planes. Their fuselage parts and are procedural, with selections for their size, corner type, and slope. You can modify the amount of fuel it has, the mass, and the buoyancy. The wings also are, and they can be extended to insane sizes. The dihedral can be edited as well. It can also carry fuel. There are 3 prop engines, 5 jets, and 1 VTOL core. I can request a mod that does this, better if it were a stock addition.
  2. I may have wanted to reduce mass, but I was on the limit on the dry mass thing. It was also rushed.
  3. Wooo!!! I got one gun kill to none for the enemy! To be fair, we were equally matched. One maneuver broke the tie in the final round, the barrel-roll turn. Oh, and yes please. Do a report. GG, @53miner53.
  4. Fuselages with options for face size, edge type, dead weight, and fuel. Wings with customizable corners.
  5. Well, get us some SimplePlanes-style fuselages that can be mass-tweaked and edge-tweaked. As well as with the prop engines having rotational torque.
  6. I managed to get a Huayra-inspired supercar, a Survolt might be no problem...
  7. Do you think you can make the Survolt (considering it is an electric car)?
  8. F-35. Killin' zombies with the heat while hovering, bombs dropped from 10,000 ft, and gunnin' them down with the GAU-22/A. I'll still die, cuz I have no idea how to operate it.
  9. Yes, it was built for FAR. The slow climb rate justifies the jet's low power; the Me-262 used two of them. The control surfaces for pitch and yaw are too powerful; the reaction wheels do almost nothing (not to mention I forgot, but no time). The jet engine efficiency is pretty low, considering how heavy the LF and its tanks are.
  10. Maybe, I donut really understand what you realy mean.
  11. Hello, and welcome to this challenge. The goal is to make fighters through the times since the advent of 1940. Of course, you can make any fighter, but I have the right to decide what generation of fighters you made. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules are simple: - Each fighter must have respective weaponry for its generation (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th). - It must meet specified requirements. - It must be flyable in FAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mods Required - FAR - BDAc and add-ons - B9 P-Wings - P-Parts - AirplanePlus - KAX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leaderboard: First Generation (prop monoplanes) Second Generation (basic gunfighter jets) Third Generation (jets with missiles for WVR) Fourth Generation (early jets with BVR) Fifth Generation (jets with BVR and stealth characteristics) Sixth Generation (unmanned jets with LAZERZ [optional] and what-not)
  12. Final (and legal) submission: https://kerbalx.com/The_Kerbal_Way/KF-87 Set pitch and yaw authority to 10 each.
  13. This is my (unarmed) submission. https://kerbalx.com/The_Kerbal_Way/KP-70-Arco Where the BDA M2 .50 cals are located is where the specified guns are supposed to be. AI Settings: Default Alt: 2500m Min Alt: 750m Steer Factor: 7.2 Pitch Ki: No idea, leave it as is... Steer Dampening: 4 Max Speed: 400 Min Combat Speed: 110 Takeoff Speed: 70 Idle Speed: 200 Max G-load: 9 AoA Limiter: 20 EDIT: If it is within the rules, can this enter in place of mine? Same armament as the original; just replace the weapons.
  14. I cannot use Aviator Arsenal because it crashes the game, apparently...
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