This challenge is to bring a Space Station into orbit in ONE LAUNCH.
It also has to STAY IN ORBIT because it's a space station, however you can send more than one station.
To make even more interesting, I will make a rubric of it and goes like this:
1 point per unit of Fuel (Liquid fuel, Oxidizer, Xenon Gas, Mono Propellent, etc..)
5 points per unit of Ore
1 point per 100 units of Electric Charge
10 points per Science Lab
5 points per Science Experiment
5 points per Solar Panel
5 points per Radiators
20 points per Crew Cabin (Hitch hikers Storage and command pods)
1 points per other Utility (Ladders, Lights, Docking Ports, etc..)
Location (Take total and multiply by the location)
Kerbin = x1
Mun = x1.5
Minmus = x1.25
Duna = x2
Ike = x1.75
Eve = x.2.5
Gilly = x3
Moho = x3
Dres = x5
Jool = x4
Vall = x4.5
Laythe = x4.5
Bop = x4.5
Tylo = x4.75
Eloo = x10
If you send two plus stations, the stations will be scored as is and, in the end, will be added together to get the final score.
Good luck