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Everything posted by jackstech

  1. stuck on eve... and with no rescue plan for 5 real months and counting <
  2. i ending putting the probe core to control the lander in the worng direction; same with the decouper for the heatshield; and to make it wrost the things i add a docking port on top the inflatable thinking in that way i make it a more estable when i attached to the rocket the good part: the docking port brun on the re-entry so it was possible to deploy the heat shield the probe core in bad direction dont give me any problem it was a nice landing
  3. 1st time on kerbin orbit with two turist
  4. Granted, but the people still posting after few days i want a luxory and automatic toto toilet
  5. i think one of Angle Grinder's disc is a little bit asian: caucho san
  6. well, i dont know how to start this topic; im very greatfull with kerbal space program for all the hours of good times, and missions, i finally decided to come to the forums, to watch the last news and know a little bit about the new release and the new dlc, and reed the tutorials, and and and ..do many things so xD is my 1st day here, and im happy to finally join the forums (sorry my english i can barely write some good sentences )
  7. la guajira; ! ! wooow otro colombiano, xD en todo este tiempo( mas de un año en ksp nunca pense que encontraria gente de colombia )
  8. otro director de vuelo / kerbonauta hispanoablante por estos lados; nunca me habia animado en escribir en el forum y casi nunca a visitarlo pero hoy despues de tanto tiempo lo hice. en todo caso; espero aprender de ustedes y poder encontrar nuevas ideas para mi programa espacial.
  9. welcome to the formus!, and enjoy your stay !
  10. Hello im jackstech i been streaming for almost a month and i been playing kerbal form quite long time; someone (NationalAeronauticsAndSpaceAdministration ) recomended me to pulish my work on the forums; finally i decided to do this. please dont be hard with me im a newbie player and a /newbie streamer and i starting with some basics things. sorry for my english; my english inst the best (im from colombia xD and i can barely talk /wirte spanish xD) so here are my work: other ksp mission that i made during my streamings: A mun mission that ended well a little ufo My f35 My 1st mon base an upgrade of my "low" tech rover my submarine: i was tryting to reach the 1km of depth a little try of historical rockets a powerfull ssto to mun a frustrating duna mision: a try to do a ship like the hermes from the martian in orbit: and here try to make a system to return the kerbonauts near ksc with the propper way:
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