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Everything posted by jackstech

  1. the same, i allways tendt to start a new save game with the "promise " this time i dont use any cheat to speed up the things and get biger and better pieces...and .... 3 minutes latter i using the cheat for having all the buildings in the max lvl and @KerikBalm finally discovery what i making worng: use a deocuper insted off a docking port to cargo the satcom!/and turn off the fuel tanks of the rocket until the deploy for dont spend the fuel !
  2. finally take off with my hydroplane after a few modifications and a lot of common sense ( i have to change a heavy pylon that was atached to the floters and after that the twr improve a lot)
  3. working on my cargo plane in a way to figth against physics range ( 2.5 km ) so i decided to make it an hydroplane ! and is working ...."working "
  4. i cant decouple my ship form my station,( i hit deocuple and then ..nothings happened ) my solution, i use a explosive charge ( i think is from rover dude mod packs) and blow u both docking ports
  5. Engineer. but i like to pilot my own creations !
  6. well i was trying to re-start the engine after a long mission in duna and return home ... and ..hit the space bar instead of click the damn engine and start it ... well .. it was frustraing ( and it turn it in the most frustrating rescue mission but that is another (and long ) history )
  7. some times i get burnout not for the lack or repeptitive things in ksp .. just by my lack of ability to do somethings that i want to do .. or some ideas that stay in my head or in the paper but i cant transform / make it happen in kerbal for my lack of knowlage ( becouse i play kerbal the 90% of the time in trial and error and not by knowing how the things works ) for example today i spend 2 hours trying to make it a pegasus mission ( airdrop a satcom ) but in the end i cant make it a stable rocket for that proposse ..but the funny thing is this: one hour latter i was on kerbal making another mission. is like a relationship of love hate. ( sorry for my english xD i know that is pretty bad writed )
  8. we bring some cargo to the construction site on orbit and return FINALLy at ksc without problem, 1st time landing on ksc after a return from orbit !
  9. what mod let u change between  two ships on kerbin athmosfer (sorry if is bad writed my english is poor )  !

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Triop


      Wow, that is indeed heavy on the mods.

      Sorry dude, to much for me to install...

      Does your submarine has a command module ?

      How is it attached to the ship ? coupling ? dockingport ?

      Can you show me a picture ?


    3. jackstech


      yes it had and is atached with docking port , and dont worry thx for your welp im now working with a  new concept and i gonna forget this failure ! CNBFw4H.png

    4. Triop


      Good, never give up, there is always a way. ^_^


  10. i just docked to my station my cargo "plane "
  11. it comes from: http://imgur.com/a/Uuuge for my trips and my other projects i been forgoting to show some love to my orbital station so i decided to send a few trips and in the last one, add a new and shinny thug, make it a decent way to land my tugs and give some repairs at the end i lost almost all money so i have to start to grind to take there the comand pod, the nuclear reactor, some food and another safety things like escape pods and everything !
  12. work on my orbital station: my hermes (in process) from the martian
  13. after see that i have a big booster full of fuel i planded to re-use and try to making part of my station; in the end it wasnt possible so i retrive all the spare parts that i can and put a explosive charge ( i have to admit ..i didnt know that will be that powerfull)
  14. i blow up some rocket in the space after retrive all the spare parts from it; i just simply put a explosive charge ! ( i didnt know the explosive charge will be that powerfull)
  15. after strugling without luck with mods in a try to extend the physics range ( droping from my plane a submarine / boat to do the propper rescue) i decided to do something i a small scale in a try to continue with the idea of rescue my kerbals splashed down or simply crashed it was a 10/10 mission and they went to the base to rest for today
  16. i make valentina jump from helicopter menwhile jeb pilot... you can bet xD valentina scream all the time no for the jump ... just only becouse jeb is the pilot
  17. work in a new project to do a propper rescue of my kerbals splashed down on kerbin !
  18. i upgrade my cargo jet with a new tray for deploy /launch the cargo
  19. i supposed that will be an easy mission; drop a cargo, land on the runway, but i ambitious and decided to send the crew to land on island runway, easy to get the rigth ijnclination and the rigth angle of atack ... but ..i lost the runway by 500 and the plane explode when crashed into the muntain .. this is the plane minutes before i crashed
  20. lost a crew trying to land on island runway after delivering my submarine... screenshot of the plane that i crashed there
  21. Thx for the island runway patch .. that little dirty and dangerus runway is one of my favorite place to land ! and i think it deserv it a little recongnition for the place and the brave pilots that try to land there !
  22. !i love the "duna exploration " one is soo cool; keep the hard work !
  23. i was try to practice my rescues, but for the moment i dont have any return mission to ksc, so i decided to train puting the lifeboat on top of the vab < the result was pretty ok, it worth do this mission for all the fun.
  24. puting a lifeboat on the heliport at top of VAB
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