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    Space, Time and Physics

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  1. You dream more than you think! You just can't remember. If you feel up to it, maybe write down your dreams every morning and review it at the end of the month and you realise you dream a lot. People normally remember dreams where they 'realise' something in it Science has shown.
  2. I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's a 270. I do play a bit of Arma 3 and it could def. use a better CPU! Can you recommend me a CPU that would last me ages? Cheers I'm really bad with this sort of stuff How do I check if my core is maxed out in task manager? I'm currently under the "Performance" tab so I will just monitor that for the time being. Thanks
  3. I'm going to get mine for free :))))))))))))) but if they do (hopefully) put out a new DLC I wish I could purchase it as I really want to support the development of this game. Please upvote KSP on steam!
  4. I'm sure they are focusing on other things but adding something like a Dv readout would be easy right?
  5. I can spend hours building my rockets I aim for an aesthetically pleasing look and shape first, then actually do important stuff lol.
  6. While reading this it reminded me of William S. Burroughs speech on Dreams Here's a link to it
  7. I think no. Part of my fun in KSP is doing the math before launch, calculating data etc; Like the "Delta V = Isp * g * ln(full mass/dry mass)" equations really make the game feel like a 'Space Program.' Especially in career mode with Revert and quick loading turned off. If you guys to implement this feature, please maybe include a disable button so players like me can pretend to be Rocket scientists.
  8. Hello All I have lots of mods installed... And I'm sure most of you guys have got a lot installed as well. So I was thinking if maybe in the main menu there could be a tab where you can view all mods installed and if possible, disable/enable them. The KSP Modding community is a grand one and I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy if this was a thing. Cheers, WhiskyHotel3
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