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  1. funny thing is it doesn't even NEED new audio cause the in game sound is more or less how reentry ACTUALLY sounds. take a look at this Apollo 11 reentry footage to see how it sounds
  2. did TURD or Lazy Painter get updated recently to cause this problem? cause i CAN use lazy painter also i DO have the bob ross paints versions selected and as it turns out i need to click the engine, shroud, and pistons separately. which is absolute CRAP cause they all used to be lumped into the same thing which was far quicker and i never used to need to select the engine variants i could just click and paint before all as one part edit: i'm stupid... now i have to double click... but WHY do i need to select bob ross paints with JUST these parts?
  3. here's an updated periodic table ref with EVEN MORE info and ALL the elements. it's a 4k image so probably download it
  4. did something change with the mod recently or textures unlimited? cause now it does not work with rockomax parts... and SPECIFICALLY the fuel tanks and engines... except for the skipper and mainsail
  5. ok to clarify some things. Mirage and i simplified things a bit to make them easier to code as well as more consistent. we separated the colors by element using the 3 most common elements as sources of colors instead of using the sum of the whole. doing the latter would have given a very BLAND single color which would defeat the entire purpose of the color by atmospheric composition thing. what we did is not only easier to code than adding up the emission spectra of ALL the elements based on altitude, speed and pressure... but also way prettier and more interesting. and another thing, i couldn't find much info beyond discharge tubes when it came to plasma colors so that's what we used because otherwise it is EXTREMELY specific information that people don't really bother putting on google or Wikipedia because "element plasma colors in atmospheric reentry" is not really a commonly studied field. after all space programs JUST RECENTLY started putting GOOD cameras aboard spacecrafts specifically to capture reentry footage so we were working with mostly unknowns here edit: MODS do not delete this as i requested earlier, the edit button just now showed up and i got the merged posts rectified
  6. Hopefully this periodic table image doesnt break. This should help with developing configs
  7. Ngl this also comes with a LOT of research for determining what certain atmospheres are made of BEFORE making firefly configs
  8. a bit of documentation planet pack creators should be aware of that i literally JUST made to help planet pack modders. also planet pack modders NEED to pay attention to the COMPOSITION of their atmospheres. if its COLOR can be REASONABLY explained by a combination of elements in terms of scattering and absorption spectra, then refer to this diagram for plasma colors that match... granted some of these (lithium, sodium, sulfur, and potassium) are solids at earth temperatures and would indicate HELLISH atmospheres and planetary conditions. but i made squares for each one with reasonably low vaporization points
  9. Working on a periodic table edit for plasma colors by element...granted the scattering for some planets may not match known elements or combinations of elements
  10. They will probably have to take atmosphere composition into account... honestly MirageDev and i need to release a periodic table of sorts of all thr plasma colors we accounted for in stock snd RSS
  11. yeah i suppose. it was showing it's age anyways and was in dire need of an upgrade
  12. so do i just drag and drop the initial folder in the zip into the game data? edit: did that and nothing changed edit 2, finally got it to work
  13. for some reason all the near future recolors are just red. any way to fix this? i was hoping to get the recolor patterns from the images on github. i just don't understand what i did wrong.
  14. are there near future expansions for this mod? or at least b9 aerospace expansions?
  15. i need a bit of info regarding the color types in this mod. are they rendered in HDR or SDR? asking because MirageDev is making a reentry VFX mod and it is built for HDR. i'm just needing to know if his mod needs to be completely rebuilt or not
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