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Everything posted by IAmNotCreative_21

  1. Asteroids are random blend of PQS mods that are normally for terrain. They are random and each has a seed( that asteroid identity kinda) you can have you're own asteroid in a save file and edit the heck out of it. Want to always have magic asteroids Done! Want super heavy asteroids? done! The bad part is you can't edit size of asteroid. The seed determines size and shape of the asteroid. The "state" determines if it is magic or not. If you tell me what you want i can give you the mod.(the "mod" might have to replace the potatoroid .cfg depending on what the mod does, the "mod" for the magic one in SPH doesn't affect other asteroids. or the original poatatoroid .cfg. Normally the chance for a magic asteroid is 5% if your're wondering.
  2. yeah sorry about the SPH and VAB I can give you the *mod( it's just one part in a folder called rock.) We need a name for it, how about "The Magic Potato". in the save file there is a section in for each asteroid module, the seed name weight resources and what type( magic or not, its called the" state" if its set to 1 it's normal if it's set to 2, its "magic") I was testing on my mac but might transfer this to my pc. That is a class E asteroid, and I can give you any class you want. The asteroid when placed will always be the same one. It is not random but a specific asteroid. And this mod does not effect other asteroids in the game. I can give guide to creating and editing these asteroids. In other words a guide to EDITING THE UNIVERSE. I'd be happy to. (you can edit mass, resource ratio, if it's magic or not, the shape/seed.) I downloaded a mod that adds the Potatoroid to the game(placable) and I took the config for module asteroid out of a save game and put it under the potatoroid. Now I have custom asteroid part thats magic and behaves as a normal asteroid when launched.
  3. #Magic boulder in van this is awesome #done with haks *vab not van
  4. Try to get to orbit in rss with stock parts with no dV readouts ie kerbal engineer first try maned I'm to lazy to put commas and stuff
  5. Who has space stations I love them I am on my iPad right now so no pics yet
  6. We need chaterrer Karbala engineer plus a metric crapton of other "stock" mods
  7. Yes we need moar planets and stuff while improving the already exsisting planets
  8. I played around with the config files and the gravity was strong enough to rip ships apart
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