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Everything posted by Rich

  1. I have never used Hamachi before so I am unable to advise, but this guy seems to have made it work.
  2. I would recommend renaming the basic flight control page to a random string of letters and numbers, then sending Mr Flight control the obfuscated link.
  3. Fixed this in the latest dev version ( Also I have changed the licence so that it is more permissive.
  4. This is not the place to be discussing the relative merits of different timing conventions. I believe the original concern which sparked this discussion (that there were not enough timezones listed for the start of a stream) has been addressed, as a GMT start time has been included in the title for Episode 1. This announcement should probably have been locked when it was posted, so I am doing so now.
  5. Well. The ISS is only going to be around for another couple of years, so I doubt you will be able to buy tickets there.
  6. I believe the protractor modification provides this functionality.
  7. It can take up to 30 minutes after your 5th post is approved for the permissions to be granted.
  8. Too many revival posts. Closing thread.
  9. I think only administrators have the power to remove polls, so I will inquire with the rest of the moderation team.
  10. Hi Achillion, thanks for the report . If you are using the version from the Spaceport then I am aware of this bug, and have implemented a fix which is available in the Telemachus development build (there is a download link in the OP of this thread). However, if you were already using the the development build, please let me know, as it would mean this bug is still an open issue. While I am here - Please show support for this users work, as they have constructed a prototype, 3D navigation ball in the web browser. I am in awe.
  11. OK, I managed to get this working (I wasn't launching the pages from the index you provide), and I have to say ... the navigation ball is 100% awesome (unfortunately, due to forum policy, I cannot use expletives to express how much I love this). Please keep up the good work , as this project has me grinning like an idiot.
  12. There are several projects working towards this goal.
  13. Added extra API calls to access the raw Euler angles of the ship, which is useful for creating external navigation balls. In addition to this there are now calls to access the orbital parameters of bodies; examples are provided below. datalink?a=b.name[0] Will return the name of the body at index 0; I guess this is the Sun. datalink?a=b.o.PeA[1] Will return the periapsis of the body at index 1.
  14. You can access the raw Euler angles using the rawpitch, rawroll and rawyaw API calls available in the latest Telemachus development build.
  15. After a quick discussion with some of the other mods, I would say to interpret the licence exactly as it is stipulated - if you are not redistributed anything which originally resided in the KW Rocketry download, then go for it. K & W are welcome to return and modify the licence to make it more restrictive if they wish.
  16. There is a licence include with KW Rocketry, and this is quoted below for convenience.
  17. I am not sure what is wrong with your code with actually running it, but as for Wolfram Alpha - The units for c^2 are (m^2 / s^ 2)
  18. The mantissa is correct, but the exponent is wrong. Are you sure you typed the correct number of zeros? You must specify the units of the mass so try: (2*(Gravitational Constant)*(mass of the sun))/(c^2) or (2*(Gravitational Constant)*(1.9891 x 10^30kg))/(c^2)
  19. From a quick eyeball I would say that c*c is the issue as the result will not fit into an integer. This is causing an overflow, and results in a negative answer. I would recommend precomputing c*c and storing it as a constant double.
  20. Put all of your saves and mods into Dropbox, then symlink the files into the game structure on both computers. This method works brilliantly and even allows for turn based multiplayer.
  21. Thanks for the suggestion; this has been incorporated into the code and will be in the next development build release.
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