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Everything posted by karolus10

  1. I think that there is one question that need to be answered: what You want to achieve by creating copy of your mind ? At best we are creating Artificial intelligence in our very own image with no direct benefits to ourselves, i.e. this way, we are going to die regardless we had alive copy or not.
  2. Why do you guys consider mars to stay as "suicidal" ? everyone of us who stay on earth will get old and die at some point as well, big deal... It's not like they get throw out thought the airlock after few years. From other hand it's very true that mars to stay missions require more resources and commitment as build infrastructure and hardware will have to last many years and You can't scrub the ongoing colonization as when first colonists will land You are committed to continue the program and sending stream of habitats, hardware and consumables into red planet for next decades to come (we don't want to play in this mars stuff anymore, goodbye guys). I think that fist generation of mars explorers will go back ASAP in first(and last) return window, but first mars base constructed will be meant to hold people for years and not be disposed after one mission. From other hand disposable 2-way trip mother-ship will cost more and will not contribute in building mars infrastructure on orbit or on the ground, building heavier and more expensive space habitat modules would be more profitable if they could stay on mars orbit or Phobos (better radiation and micrometeorite protection, also mission to Phobos might happen before turnaround mission with manned mars landing) as building blocks of orbital infrastructure.
  3. I had great, very cheap, Yet extremly simple suggestion: SUDOKU ! There is few simple steps to enjoy Your own : + find a pen or pencil (it has undo feature) + turn on a printer or get regular graph notebook (more hand-work in this case) + go to this page to easily generate Sudoku page to print, Many sudoku software had build-in printing function too. + print sheet of sudoku on desired difficulty level + turn OFF computer + find any flat surface to put the sheet + enjoy the game This let You rest not only from work/school but also from computer. TIP: Hot beverage can improve game-play.
  4. Yeah, I would say that original model engine bell look far greater as 1.25m vacuum engine (heavier landers, service module) , maybe fatter and stronger competitor of LV-909... think about it .
  5. I think that keeping default mouse pointer is best idea, it's a tool and It should rather blend in and be unnoticeable when used, adding too much "glitter" is the worst thing that can be done to user interface. Anyway, from UI design point of view, less is more . KSP is now using same mouse pointer like you set in your operating system, so You can had any mouse pointer You like by changing default mouse !
  6. Welcome danilo, This is answer to Your first question: You can set game resolution and switch between full screen and windowed mode in Video settings. Video settings are accessible from main menu by selecting SETTINGS, then go to Graphics card (one 4 buttons on top of the screen) and select your screen resolution and disable window mode in section Video. I hope this will help You enjoying the game . Have a nice day !
  7. All Apollo LM Descent stages had metal plate attached to ladder before being left behind, unlike cheap and lightweight US flag, Plates has been made to last. Also Richard Nixon was only head of state that had object with own name sitting of the moon .
  8. Files shouldn't be hosted/attached on forum, so Yes... You can share craft file on spaceport too, but using 3rd Party site to share your files/images are preferable . For me it worked just fine, every time I used it, but I don't recommend using universal ports everywhere. Use it only in places you would like to dock with both types equally, like space stations docking port for incoming spacecrafts or interplanetary transfer stages (like nuclear shuttle) where You could dock both with smaller spacecrafts using medium port, as well like larger payloads or additional fuel tanks by using larger one. Spacecraft on picture has only medium port on it, but I hope You get the idea. In general is better to use regular port in most cases + universal in place where is needed
  9. Docking port will stay, and look like it never had tower on it. After opening docking port, small ring (tiny decoupler) is barely visible on hatch inside docking collar . Craft file > HERE <
  10. Another "clipping" design, now escape tower . It uses 10 sepatrons, enough to escape from top of most rockets with engines firing, ~ 2g ship acceleration (or bit more) in low altitude. Only last 2 are used for tower jettison, so it had slim chances to reach orbit if jettisoned late in the flight. Tower base is attached to small stack decoupler and it share the same node with docking port on top of the pod. Example of tower performance (older version, with more SRB's for 7G seperation): Skip to +0:35s
  11. Interesting parachutes, but I prefer radial chutes for simplicity . Here, my solution for having lighter and more streamlined radial parachutes: This design require using "part clipping" from debug menu, You can acess it by pressing [ALT]+[F12]. We attaching strut cubes in symmetry and then flip the cubes (by rotating it) so they end on inner side of attached surface (strut cubes also allow putting attachment nodes on any surface You like), leaving only free node to use... in this case we use second node on strut cube, deeper inside pod. After rotating MK1 parachutes on side 90* (+/- face the node on pod surface, otherwise node will not attach) we must push them inside to attach to deeper node on cube, so only small part of the cone will be visible. Also please mind that You CAN'T move or delete the strut cube when already put inside part wall.
  12. Reaction wheels torque can be bit OP-ish, but this is still first iteration of the system .
  13. Well, You need to log-in into your account at kerbalspaceprogram.com and then access to your game copy from Your account page - orange "Your Account" button in upper right corner of the page. Also You can transfer your game into steam account if You prefer to keep KSP on steam instead downloading it.
  14. Mabe it's old-ish now ,but there is 5 simple hacks I use myself . Tip no.0 : Hiding struts inside Jumbo 64 (orange) tanks You can hide struts (in double symmetry) inside Grey boxes on the ends of fuel lines - no part clipping needed ! Tip no.1 : Using large docking port as Pod decoupler Docking port Sr. compared to 2.5m decoupler Is much lighter, thinner and can save you from accidental separation. Tip no.2 : Using small structural panel between Mainsail and jumbo 64 fuel tank This fix can let you use mainsail with orange tanks without exploding or need of putting smaller tanks in between... fuel line required. Tip no.3 : Universal docking port (part clipping required) You can stack 2 docking ports to same attachment node to get docking port being able to dock with both types... If you dock 2 universal ports together they stay connected permanently. Tip no.4 : Twinsail ! One of my favorite clusters (just 2 structural cubes placed vertically in 2x symmetry), powerful enough to push larger single core rockets, and looks cool . You can made it look better by adding nosecones (and put fuel lines under first fuel tank) ,but it will require part clipping.
  15. I believe that many people misunderstood what "early access" actually mean and what are you paid for . Early access meant that you will get product in actual state of development and every following update for free, before final version. Developers has NO OBLIGATION to deliver you anything more and every next update can be called the final one if they will want to (so as long they developing the game it's more profit for You). SQUAD has clearly stated what he deliver when You buy Kerbal Space Program in KSP terms of service document, available HERE. Also Early access games concept are clearly explained on steam web page. EDIT_1: BTW, I spend much more money on other games that not get me even half of fun I had with KSP or was just terrible mistake... so It was beast game deal I ever made and don't regretting any penny spend on it !
  16. Other auto-leveling suggestion: telescopic support legs that will lock it's position when collide with ground - this would be useful if you grab and dock (with rover for example) it to rest of the complex, deploy support legs and let it go ! Adding more friction for legs would be very valuable addition, they often slide too much, what can end badly for larger structures. Flexible ducts (something like elastic sections of airport jet bridges) part could also be used with docking ports or other rigid sections and be able to bend in some limited way... like ~20-30 degrees.
  17. Challenge can't be done... game not allow docking with high speed (no more than ~2m/s). Please read challenge submission rules, thank You ! Thread closed.
  18. Panem et circenses (bread and games), especially the bloody ones - that's all most people need.
  19. Well, I'm very happy that It's not about this: Water on REAL Mars... so exiting !
  20. Anyone who will put video with working kerbin-duna cycler will get box of cookies from me, I'm serious.
  21. Also good rule of thumb for starters are burning pro-grade from 80km orbit, when Mun start rising from Kerbin horizon and burn until you get encounter .
  22. All Kerbals are choosing "kerbal" in gender box... everyone knew that .
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