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    Long Island Iced Kerbal
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    Leicester, UK
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    Cycling, Computer Games, Acting, Swing Dance ( Lindy Hop & Charleston ), All sorts of Music.

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  1. KSP seems to have hit it's final version 1.12.5 I have the DLCs I tried KSP2 and it's not working for me at the moment. I figured there's a lot of people still playing the original and new players coming in and I thought, why not do a beginners sereies? I am using the name Peppermint Barnstorm as she is my Elite Dangerous pilot. My new channel will feature KSP primarilly but will branch out into other space based games all played in Linux. I know my voice isn't great and neither is my presentation but it's something I will get better at ( along with editing skills ) Here's Episode 1
  2. My system is as follows: Core i7-7700 GTX1660Ti (nVidia 525 Driver ) 16gb Ram Kubuntu 22.04 I am playing KSP2 using Proton Experimental ( Steam Play ) and I want to share my adventures with you. I took many screenshots, a few of which didn't. I may well do this mission again in the same vessel for Youtube. TLDR I made it to minmus and back and I get the following frame rates: Kerbal Space Centre 10 to 15 fps Vehicle Assembly Building 15 to 20 fps Atmosphere 10 to 15 fps Low Kerbin Orbit 10 to 15fps Map up to 50fps Minmus Orbit 10 to 15fps Kerbal Space Centre at night 30-40 fps View the full Gallery with comments here: https://imgur.com/gallery/9V6AwsT On the Launch Pad. The "Unnamed Vessel" sat proudly. I got 15-20 FPS in the VAB and 10-15 on the launch pad. So I made it to minmus in the normal way. Sorry for the lack of screenshots. Some of them didn't. Suffice to say I got ~15fps in LKO. Up to 50fps on the map screen. 30fps in deep space and about 15fps again around Minmus. Here I am doing a stepped burn down to Minmus' surface. Framerate is getting towards 10fps. Last Little Nudges Did my exit burn from minmus with 170m/s to spare and a PE on Kerbin of 45km. However on SOI change I found that I was actually in an orbit around Kerbol ( ; _ ; )#! I had just enough dV to correct this and got an actual entry into Kerbins Atmosphere with 24m/s to spare ( used up later ) Finally on a final descent after aerobraking around Kerbin, I detach from the main part of the craft. Parachute! Deploy! It deployed. However! It Took a few attempts to realise that the deploy altitude of 1000m was sea level, not ground level as in KSP1. Finally down in Kerbin's deserts at, yes you guessed it! 10-15fps. The KSC at night gives me a good 35fps! These are the settings I played on. I didnt realise that one of them was on high. Turning terrain detail to minimum gave me another 5-10fps in the dark letting me get over 40fps at the KSC ( in the dark ). All in all I consider this a huge success. I feel that in time as performance improvements are made it might actually be playable on my machine. In patch 1 I was only getting 5fps across the board. So 10-15 fps across the board is a HUGE improvement. Personally I can, and will, play it on my system. Though I understand a lot of people would consider this utterly unplayable. I say fair enough. Eventually I will get a new graphics card and for the moment I am pleased that it works as well as it does.
  3. My personal solution to this is: Given that the best source of fuel to Kerbin is Minmus Greater Flats I just build a mining base on Minmus and a "Fuel shuttle" that is basically a large orange tank that can land on minmus and dock at the mining base. My last version used robotics to rotate terrier engines such that it could land flat on wheels and then scoot along the flats to the base. Then take of vertically. pitch up, rotate the terriers to flight mode and thrust away. I don't have that save any more though or I'd demonstrate. This time I have added a mod that gives me large Vernor engines to achieve the same thing via RCS controls.
  4. Off the top of my head: design your ISRU ground truck with whatever you want on it. put on the truck a servo to rotate in the ground plane. Then on that put a piston that can go up and down. Then on that put a piston that goes forward and back. That way the end of the second piston can describe a cylinder when moved through all it's possible positions. On the end of the piston put a docking port jr. Make sure ALL your craft to be refuelled have a similar docking port jr that can be reached by the one on your truck. Why a docking port Jr? because it allows fuel transfer and is small and light. It might even be possible to use an engineer to connect a fuel line from storage on the truck to a tank on the craft and save messing with robotics.
  5. Sorry for being slow here and thanks for answering guys. I have worked it out - Jimmy's answer gave me the correct clue. The dropped parts had changed vessel type when I moved focus from my engineer doing the building to the ship in order to move a kerbal. I think to rebuild ships in orbit you have to plan it very carefully.
  6. As the title says - How do I make use of the JSI External Radial-Mount Cameras? Is there a key binding I have missed ? I tried the group actions but there's nothing other than same vessel interaction to toggle. I I tried pressing V multiple times hoping it would add camera angles to cycle through. I tried pressing V while in cockpit view but it just took me out of cockpit view. I have discovered that it is not a stock part and was added by Raster Prop Monitor. I will figure it out - sorry this isn't in add-on discussions. I had no idea it came from an add-on. I thought it was a breaking ground addition.
  7. I am experimenting with constructing ships in orbit. I have no docking ports available yet so I was looking into the practicality of launching individual or groups of parts into space and then using an engineer to assemble a vessel in space. This was working for me until I dropped a fuel tank and was then unable to pick it up again in construction mode. I could move everything else on the rig. Just not the fuel tank floating in space. Is this because I switched Kerbals mid construction? I found out that I cannot move the root part of a craft. What are the other limitations of orbital construction?
  8. I still find this very useful. I have worked out that often the orbital period is more important than precise AP and PE when you want satellites to stay in roughly the same positions relative to each other. Resonant orbits are very handy if you have stack that you can place in one go to get the positions roughly correct ( it's NEVER perfect) after that it's Orbital Period that keeps them looking tidy. Also when deploying sats - have some engines on them to adjust the orbits and set your separator force to almost nothing.
  9. One thing that's not been mentions is the Ascending and Descending Nodes on your orbit. There are on the "mid point" of your orbital inclination and are the easiest ( least dV ) points at which to change your inclination. As you experiment in orbital dynamics you will get a feel for this.
  10. I have found a mod by @Smeagol Bigger Vernor RCS. It has the functionality I want.
  11. Hi Guys, I am kind of back again at the moment. Planning a new "lets play" in KSP to get my eye in again before KSP 2 comes out. One thing I've always wanted to do is use LF engines ( not Vernor - they are weak ) as more powerful RCS thrusters. Has anyone managed to do this with action groups? I did once write my own mod which took the engine parameters of the Terrier and made it into an RCS thruster but I couldn't use the terrier model. I had to use a scaled up Puff engine model for the mod to work, it did work very well and I had supreme control of one of the old orange fuel tanks ( it became my fuel barge from Minmus Surface to a station in LMO ) I'd like a more practical way of doing this. In my head canon tying in full LfOx engines into the RCS system is a very Kerbal thing to do so I have no issues in trying to remake my mod if it's not possible any other way. If people remember the Eagle ships from Space 1999 - that's basically what I want to recreate in KSP with their 6 degrees of control ( or if you prefer (or haven't seen Space 1999), think of it as an LfOx drone )
  12. It's been a while since I played so I figured I would start a new career game to learn some of the new stuff that I haven't really used. I have Kerbin's SOI all Networked up with 8xRA2 relays. They are upgradable via docking ports of course ( though I realise I can do limited builds in orbit now ). I've repaired a rover on the surface of Minmus. That was quite fun. They said put a Satellite in orbit of Minmus - so I did. Quite pleased with the minimalist nature. Though it was BONE dry by the time I made the correct orbit and I didn't think it was going to make it. They said build a new station around the Mun. This one I played with some of the new robotics parts. I didn't use a controller. But I did put Sparks on Servos so they can be simply rotated to get reverse thrust and I put solar panels on modular girders on hinges to pack them in the fairing and to make them look cooler. The transfer stage had an abundance of fuel left as well as full tanks in the station itself so rather than ditch the transfer stage onto the surface of the Mun I undocked it to break the struts and then docked the station back with it once I'd extended the solar panels.
  13. Just a post card so please don't move this to mission reports
  14. I have realised what happened. I had reloaded to a previous save to check something before exiting the game last time. I realised this because I noticed my Mun Lander had full fuel when it should have been bone dry. So now I have built the Sat Net and Drone rescue ship for a ship that technically doesn't need rescuing right now. Oh well. I guess I shall send the Kerbals down and up again now that they are pre-rescued.
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