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captain meh

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Everything posted by captain meh

  1. Just bought the Breaking Ground DLC, started up a new sandbox game for testing, but the robotic parts tab in the SPH is empty and is labeled strange probably just something stupid on my part idk.. https://imgur.com/9x8MYBG (also sorry about the link, for the life of me can't get the screenshot link to work right)
  2. Alright, I found out how to launch from Woomerang in sandbox, but it seems like the option isn't there for career. Do you need to buy the pad or something? Thanks
  3. Thanks! I never thought of that ! Maybe I should try harder before giving up and blaming my failure on bad game design by T2!
  4. are there any visible differences between the kv-1 kv-2 and kv-3 (sorry if this has already been addressed)? Too me they all look identical. Also is anybody else having a problem in the play stock missions page where the images on the right side above the mission summary, are low res and pixelated? Thanks
  5. I love it! I don't understand how people like you manage to build planes that look good AND fly.
  6. now somebody gotta do the felix baumgartner jump from 40k meters!
  7. I wish i was so good at designing planes! Loving the look of it!
  8. If you are still active, I might consider joining. Maybe after the company I'm currently in gets the Achilles helmet though.
  9. A few years back I started flying at a local airfield with an electric trainer (5ft wingspan). I haven't flown for a while and hope to get back into the hobby when life allows me to. The airfield is SCCMAS, if you're wondering.
  10. that's really cool! I'm still a ksp noob and it amazes me that people can make such crazy craft, while I struggle to even build simple SSTOs
  11. What advantages does a craft (drone or manned) which fires or releases weaponry have over just a bunch of missiles? I think missiles would be launched from planets or from space stations rather than being launched from a space fighter or warship.
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