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Posts posted by DaveLChgo

  1. Good morning all!    Kinda bugs me that the portraits don't seem to follow logic.  Two issues here.  

    1. Crew portrait arrangement
    2. Stowaways

    When building an Apollo style craft in VAB. The crew manager shows the 5 seats.  CM 3 seats above the LM 2 seats.  Thats fine and is as expected.  But I'm always getting a stowaway Kerbal in the LM.  Come to think of it when I had a craft with a CM / LM / Rover the stowaway would always be in the Rover.  So maybe the stowaway gets inserted into the bottom most seat. 

    But back to this example.  In the VAB we have the Apollo style craft.



    The crew manager shows the stowaway, Shercas.
    Next we add crew to the CM (Mk1-3)  They are Herbree, Ludel and Doodoly.

    HL0Uzdt.png   48rnHXh.png


    When launching this Apollo style craft.  You will see 3 portraits... occupied (Shercas), empty, mechjeb.



    The next row is three portraits all mechjeb. 



    The last row is 3 portaits... occupied (Herbree, Ludel, Doodoly)



    Here are the asks...

    • Toggle the mech portraits off.
    • Group the portraits by part. 
    • Establish a hierarchy.  
    • The CM portraits shouldn't be at the bottom in the example above.

    Thanks for listening!

  2. The g meter is something that needs a tweak.  But I'm wondering about your example.  "in Flight"  is that on Kerbin or in space?  At rest on Kerbin will show 1G.  And that would be normal.  So in flight at 1.5G might also be normal depending... in space, zero throttle?  Or in atmosphere?

    Did a bug report previously on G meter as well.  But more so about the negative G not registering as negative.

  3. In this case I think it better to state you would like to know the front versus the back.  As there is also a top and bottom.  I believe it is marked by a yellow arrow.

    Mixing up the front and back?  Happened maybe once or twice way way back when a very long time ago.   Something that may help.  Pressing the space bar while the part is selected will reset the part back to its default orientation (front up if in VAB).

  4. Good morning all!   

    Staging ..... when undocking and then redocking....  the staging gets totally "F'd" up.  I think the staging is being merged instead of appended.   Everything from the 1st stage of each craft gets combined into the new 1st stage.   Everything from the 2nd stage from each craft gets combine into a new 2nd stage. And so on....   "Wrong - Wrong"   On so many levels Wrong.   It should be something similar to this, All stages of the.... target craft or lighter craft or smaller craft.... gets put above or below the stages of the docking craft.   Two sets of pics below illustrate the "merging" of stages currently.

    • Set one
    1. Before seperation
    2. CM after
    3. LM after
    4. After Dock  - a mess of staging now. 
      1. Oh lets also massively reduce the size of or simply toggle off the completion screens.....  "Please!!!"  Look at the big mostly empty  grey box that covers a third of my screen pop up and tell me that something happened.  "Yes I know... we just docked.  Now go back to your room."





    • Set Two.
    1.  Before Separation
    2.  CM after
    3.  LM after
    4.  After Dock  - a mess of staging now. 





    In the last pic I want to use the decoupler below the LM to separate from the booster.  But the staging has that merged with the decoupler in the CM.  Its coincidence that they happen to have the same stage number after sep so now that are mashed together after dock.  Now the manual task of select the correct decoupler and moving it to an empty stage.  I don't remember this behavior in KSP1.  Thanks for listening!

  5. Good morning all!    kinda bugs me that the portraits don't seem to follow logic.   When launching an Apollo style craft.  You will see 2 portraits of empty seats with one occupied seat.  Scroll down and then you will see 2 occupied seats.  When you have mech parts in there the mech portraits are inserted as well.  

    1. Toggle the mech portraits off.
    2. Group the portraits by part.  And establish a hierarchy.  The CM portraits shouldn't be at the bottom in the example above.

    Orbit lines are still hiding themselves in the map view. Have not found any correlation to what the cause might be.

    Staging ..... when undocking and then redocking....  the staging gets totally "F'd" up.  I think the staging is being merged instead of appended.   Everything from the 1st stage of each craft gets combined into the new 1st stage.   Everything from the 2nd stage from each craft gets combine into a new 2nd stage. And so on....   "Wrong - Wrong"   On so many levels Wrong.   It should be something similar to this, All stages of the.... target craft or lighter craft or smaller craft.... gets put above or below the stages of the docking craft.   Two sets of pics below illustrate the "merging" of stages currently.

    • Set one
    1. Before seperation
    2. CM after
    3. LM after
    4. After Dock  - a mess of staging now. 
      1. Oh lets also massively reduce the size of or simply toggle off the completion screens.....  "Please!!!"  Look at the big mostly empty  grey box that covers a third of my screen pop up and tell me that something happened.  "Yes I know... we just docked.  Now go back to your room."





    • Set Two.
    1.  Before Separation
    2.  CM after
    3.  LM after
    4.  After Dock  - a mess of staging now. 





    In the last pic I want to use the decoupler below the LM to separate from the booster.  But the staging has that merged with the decoupler in the CM.  Its coincidence that they happen to have the same stage number after sep so now that are mashed together after dock.  Now the manual task of select the correct decoupler and moving it to an empty stage.  I don't remember this behavior in KSP1.  Thanks for listening!

  6. Not had any new problem with fairings in 0.2.0. myself.   Creating the fairings with the arrows is fiddly but that is a over beaten dead horse.   They seem to open normally to me.  Not sure what you mean by 'shoot back'. 

    Protection from heating...  will try with a faster rocket and report back.......... 

     Had a rocket with 8.2 TWR, vertical g force was around 12 g's  Fairing covered payload on very top.  And the fairing did protect payload inside.   The same craft without fairing, the payloads uppermost part, a docking port, overheated and removed itself.  The part beneath also started to overheat as well, but fuel ran out and rocket acceleration ceased .

  7. WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER!!!  Awesome work on the adjustment. 
    Never really understood how that phrase came into being.... but anyway.  Docking Alignment Display (DAD) behavior is really as desired now.  Assembly in VAB can use the default positioning.  (rotating the dock in VAB no longer needed)   For those that have used DPAI from KSP1   this is the replacement for that instrument.  Great job!!  

    Trivial difference and very easy to adapt to either instrument.   It feels like DPAI yellow cross in middle is keyed on target alignment - whereas it feels like DAD yellow cross in middle is keyed on own ship alignment.  Personally I prefer the yellow cross behavior on DAD.  But again very easy to adapt to either instrument for those that still play KSP1.   (like me)

    KUDOS!!  Looking forward to future enhancements.  ( A larger movement arrow perhaps?  It gets a bit lost when near the middle......  oooh!   oooh!   How about have the arrow morph into a diamond when perfectly-ish centered.   Not sure how that would look... but request to start with a larger arrow and see where that leads. )

    Video showing behavior of DAD v0.4.3 shown below.   I had gotten used to the previous version of DAD so my fingers muscle memory did me in for this example video. Not as well piloted as I would have liked.


  8. Happy New Year!   Feedback time.   Been using the mod and getting used to the log scale.   Its a bit touchy but with practice and with very small inputs can control the craft on alignment very nicely.   The linear scale will not provide the feedback quick enough that you are going out of alignment.   So all in all I prefer the log scale.  OK scale topic is over.   Onto the mod in general.  

    Been using it a lot and I find that it still wasn't working as expected.  And it took me some time to figure out why.   (at least I think why anyway)   My hunch, 

    Rotation indicator should be "up on target port". 
    The green arrow (direction of motion) indicator should refer to craft your in.  Appears to be keyed to motion of target, which makes this feel opposite of expected.
    The green lines direction of port should be corrected / rotated 90 degrees.  (as if handle is on left)
    The yellow cross behaves as expected.

    Would fix the green lines first, as the other issues may be a result of this.   Awesome work!!!

  9. For me the rendezvous was not the issue it was the docking itself in KSP2 v0.2.0.  (Docking port connected to seperator or decoupler in VAB.)  Once I reconfigured the craft in the VAB to be docking port - docking port(flipped) - decoupler  then it started working as expected.  I will say that the mod "docking alignment display"  (I think that is the name)  is very helpful.  Mod is still being worked on...  I find that if I install the docking port rotated 90 degrees (handle on crafts left side) the mod works best.  With out the mod.  Chasing the target with the nav ball would make it tougher, especially if you are pointed at the target when off center from it.  Without the mod. I've had good luck with going pro or retro grade of orbit and then making lateral movements with RCS to align ports.   Never pointing at target until aligned on the same orbit as the target.   

    If your interested in seeing the mod is use.  (video I did for another user that wanted to see the apollo craft I made, go through its whole mission)  Goto the 10 min mark for the CM flip and dock.  Goto the 40 minute mark for the post mun landing - ascent module and CM dock.   



  10. Good day all and Happy New Year!!

    I too was having docking issues.  I did read in a KSP tech blog that certain docking / separator / decoupler issues.  (I have been trying to find the blog to pin as reference but cannot. )   But it did point me in the right direction.  

    Docking is problematic depending on how the craft is assembled.    My previous attempts at Apollo style launches were to have (bottom up) all the booster stuff - Lander - docking port - separator - engine bell to the CM.   1st pic.   rcvr5i7.png

    The above configuration would always result with a failure in the ability to dock.    After some experimenting and many trial and error Apollo 9 style missions, I have found the best configuration with the current game version. (KSP2 v0.2.0)  

    Try this arrangement in the VAB...   Lander - docking port - docking port (flipped) - decoupler - engine bell.   

    As shown below.  Also below that pic is a video showing the complete Kerbin to Mun mission.  Its long (40min) but if you skipped around to the docking scenes you can see that they will work.  Undocking can also be an issue but if one port doesn't undock try the other port.  I hope this helps everyone until the docking gets fully fixed.

    Working config in the VAB as shown below.   yyK5oAx.png





  11. Direct downloads on KSP2 site don't show any further update either.  Did a redownload of 0.2.0  to compare with my earlier download.  The zip files are exactly the same size.  The main executable is also the same size and has the same crc.  Not to say there is not a change elsewhere that was the extent of the looking I did.

    You got my hopes up that a patch was pushed.  :)

  12. On 12/25/2023 at 12:18 AM, Aeolica said:

    But Saturn 5 weights over 3000t:unsure:

    LOL    Yes but those are Imperial tons.   The weight was straight from VAB engineers report.   But I think because Kerbin is a smaller planet... comparatively speaking then weights and measures would also be smaller.   

    Yeah, let's go with that!

  13. Awesome Work!!  I cannot express enough how this mod adds to the game.  Its always good to learn and pilot the manual way.  But after a while its also fun let the flight computer do all the work. 


    • Can there be a  2/3 or 1/2 scale ? UI scaling is cool and I can see where it would come in handy for those with ultra high res monitors.  For me though it could be fine if shrunk to 2/3 or 1/2.
    • Im really looking forward to the return of docking.  Its a shame you couldnt have left docking enabled and the lines disabled until the issue was resolved.
    • AR lines -  Have portions be optional.  I like the ones you have around the craft itself but not so much the ones where the lines are traversing the whole sky.  Others may prefer the opposite.  But I do understand their purpose.  In either case I look forward to docking being added back in.

    Keep up the most excellent work.  The collaboration with other modders, your attention and work towards fine tuning the interface and its artistic style is appreciated.   That makes this mod not even seem like a mod but truly a part of the game.  Thanks again!

  14. Posted the completed craft / json file on KerbolX.  It is posted as a mission.   https://kerbalx.com/missions/180

    Apollo.zip contains 4 files.

    Apollo KerbolX.json
    Apollo KerbolX.meta
    Apollo KerbolX.png

    You will find 2 Saturn V launch vehicles and 2 landers. 

    The one without the USA is my earlier attempt is not as accurate a depiction and has fewer parts. It includes a barrel shaped lander. May run smoother on slower PCs.

    The one with the USA has more parts is visually more accurate a depiction but will be a bit more resource hungry on the PC. It includes an octogonal shaped lander.

    Of course the landers can be swapped if desired.

    Once downloaded and unzipped the mission file can be deleted. Place the other 3 into your 'Workspace' folder.   Enjoy!


  15. The LEM is looking more LEMMY now.  Think Im done fiddling.  Totally cheated on part placement and clipping  parts into each other.   Will update the 'mission' on kerbolx shortly.

    • Made the descent stage octagonal. 
    • Cleaned up the  ascent stage tank blisters. 
    • Added the visual target 'T' for docking. 
    • Placed the RCS thrusters onto stalks and covered them with panels.  

    First pic is the old one. Second is the new and improved one.


  16. Big thanks to the mod.  I have tried both scales....  it seems like a happy medium between the two would be desired.  ( when are users ever happy? )  Will try them both several times more and see which one will be best suited for my tastes.  Thanks again.     That said quick question.   Is the alignment indicator keyed on the front of the craft or the docking port.     And could you tell me where the front is.   While trying to dock it always seems like when I move left the horizontal line moves instead of the vertical.  So I figure during my build I would want to rotate the port so that it would make sense in relation to the craft. 

    Here are some photos of some craft docking to another.  The first pair of craft was created with no rotation of parts.  What ever the default position is thats how it was assembled.  In this case handle at the bottom.   


    (Please note - up down left right of docking port handle is as if you are seated in the craft.)  Example pic of handle on crafts right side.


    Lets dock the first pair.  - Indicator shows everything centered and rotation arrow is pointing down.  But you can see when the craft slides (steers) left.....the line on the indicator moves up. 

    The first pair was created by no rotation of any parts.  Handle on the bottom.


    The second pair was created by rotation the dock 180 degrees.  Handle on the top.


    Third pair was created by rotating the dock so the handle is on the crafts right side.


    Fourth pair was created by rotating the dock so the handle is on the crafts left side.


    From what I'm used to.  It looks like the option of having the handle on the craft's left is expected behavior.   This is the fourth pair again (created by rotating the dock so the handle is on the crafts left side) but with landing legs deployed to lift up the crafts rear end and test the vertical indicator.   


    Confirmed that rotating the docking ring so that it is on the crafts left side is required. for the indicator to function as expected.  And the red rotation arrow is now green and at the top.  I'm not sure what its being keyed on but it seems to work best in this configuration. 

     If I remember the author of DPAI of KSP1 had similar issues.  He eventually got it resolved somehow.  I think it evolved to where it didn't matter how the port was rotated when attached.   The alignment lines and rotation arrow were always correct.  But I know this mod for KSP2  is still growing and will get better over time.   Keep at it and thanks again.

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